
Chapter 1- A Family Gathering

The Joestar mansion knew better days. Days when there weren't any holes in the walls and chains marks on the ceiling. The two responsible for the destruction are now standing and staring menacingly at the newspaper, while the memories of the meeting at Cicero-Lipschitz Law Firm that occurred a week ago.

"Are you all Ready?" asked the lawyers, Andre Cicero and Noah Lipschitz, the skinny and old lawyers of the Joestar family that one could think were twin brothers when meeting them for the first time. Bald heads, Big noses and no-nonsense attitude are the best way to describe them. Lipschitz's round glasses are the only way to tell them apart.

"Yes, Let's just be over with it" said Julian Joestar, the eldest child of the Joestar family. The thirty-four years old man in the turquoise suit that always has his jet-black hair combed back. The young president of Joestar Industries.

"let's see what the old man left us" add his younger sister, Janis Joestar. The twenty-seven years old lady with the bleached long hair, giant sunglasses and dark red pantsuit. The deputy mayor of Houding City.

"Your brother is not going to be here today?" asked Lipschitz and adjust his glasses.

"If we knew where the idiot is for the past five years, we would've made sure he will be here" answered Janis," now start reading the damn will."

"Watch your manners, Janis" said Julian in his cold voice. "You are a Joestar, so act like one."

"Like you are one to talk" said Janis back to him.

"Kids, stop fighting!" said Cicero. "Lipschitz, give me the envelope and let's get this over."

"Right away" said Lipschitz as he handed Cicero a big yellow envelope that had the letter 'J' printed on it. Cicero opened the envelope and pulled out a single sheet of paper.

"I shall now start reading the will of the late James Joestar" announced Andre Cicero. "My time is limited. Nothing last forever, but I know I did far and beyond. My dear children: Julian, Janis and Jimi, you are the most important things I have in the world. I admit that I wasn't the greatest father in the world, and so I ask for your forgiveness from the grave. I.."

"Skip to the part that says who gets what" said Julian. " I listened to his bullshit when he was alive and I'm tired of it."

"Ungrateful children" mumbled Lipschitz quietly, but not enough to go unnoticed.

"Did you say something, Mr. Lipschitz?" asked Janis as she clenched her fist and the vase by the door shattered. This made old Lipschitz's eyes to open wide and body to sweat.

"No" answered Lipschitz.

"Good, now continue reading Mr. Cicero."

"Ok, so the inheritance" said Cicero and then clear his throat. "So therefore, I decided that all my fortune will be split equally between my four children. Joestar industries' stocks will also be shared, 25% each, but Julian will stay the president. None of you will get your part until Joel will get his."

"What?!!" yelled Julian and Janis. Something didn't make sense.

"Dose it's say four children? Because, the last time I checked we were just three" said Julian, feeling his skin heat up.

"Is this some kind of a joke?" added Janis, getting irritated herself.

"You know what? Just read it yourself" said cicero and handed the paper to Julian and Janis. The pair grabbed the paper and started reading the paper that tells everything. How much he loved them, how much he hated the elite society they always been part of. And of course, the secret love child of James Joestar and some maid that their father decide to give his money to. A child that even the late James Joestar doesn't know his whereabouts.

"What is this fucking crap?!!" shouted Julian and then grabbed Cicero and Lipschitz by the neck. "You are trying to tell us, that our father, want to give our money to some bastard child?!!!"

"Tell us how to change the will now!!" yelled Janis. "Let them go Julian. Chocked people can't talk."

"Fine!!!" said Julian and released the frightened lawyers. The lawyers fell back into their chairs, waiting for their breath to stable and the beat of their weak heart to calm down.

"You can't change the will, you psychopaths!" yelled Lipschitz as he robbed his neck and release his tie. "Everything is signed and kept! Twenty five percent of everything your father had is going to Joel! And you get nothing unless he gets!"

"No!!" yelled Julian and Janis together, and the big window behind the lawyers broke to pieces.

"What are you, people?" asked Lipschitz.

"Tell us how to keep the money or we will kill you" shouted Janis.

"The only this Joel won't get his part is if he doesn't want to" answered Cicero. "Just find him bring him in and let him sign the right documents. That's it!"

The office was quiet for a couple of minutes, before the Joestar siblings rose from their seats and walked toward the door.

"The fact that we have a secret brother doesn't leave this room" said Julian to the lawyers. " We will take care of finding him. Prepare the documents for us."


And all of that brings us to this moment: The Joestar Siblings holding the newspaper that tell the entire world their dark secret they didn't have time to hide. Their minds are boiling, and they feel the need to destroy. Destroy the pair of lawyers that probably were behind the article, and then Joel, the secret brother.

"Can't you wait for at least a month before you renovate the mansion? How about some respect for the dead?"

"Chains!!" Screamed Julian and Janis, and long steel chain shot out of their shoulders toward the voice.

"This is not a way to greet your younger brother" said the voice. Julian and Janis forgot their anger for a moment to look and the one who was talking. Their eyes open wide when they saw a young man holding the chains in his hands with no problem. The young man had a shaved head, small pointy nose, a short but thick dark beard and was wearing what appears to be light green eastern monk clothes.


"I missed you too" said Jimi with a smile as he let go of the chains, and the chains disappear into thin air. "And now that we said 'hello' to each other, I'm going to sleep and talk to you in the morning. But first, have you found our little brother yet?"

"I don't feel good" said Julian and fell on his knees. " What are you doing here? Come here after five years out of nowhere, in ridiculous clothes and you stopped Chains with your bare hands. If you came for the money, just know that we won't get any until we find the bastard. Our family's honor is ruined because of them."

"I couldn't care less about dad's money or honor" answered Jimi as he helped his brother to stand. "I came here to help you find him. We are in danger and we need him on our side."

"What are talking about?" asked Janis. " The last thing we need is some good for nothing bastard to enjoy something he didn't earn."

"Dad's personality really got to you" said Jimi. "Fuck the money, fuck the honor and fuck dad! The whole world is in danger, including us! Like it or not, Joel Jones, our little secret brother is our only hope. So, help me get to him first or I'm killing you both and go back to my wife and daughter!!"

And the life of a lone wolf is about to change.

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