
Jobless Knight

Reincarnated in a Fantasy world with swords and magic everyone dream right, But Even in this World there is Shortage of Job and my dream is to become Strongest Knight But Money and Power rules Everyworld So come with me to the Journey of jobless knight who will become the strongest.

hitesh_kumar_8387 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Magic Eater

Hello, how are you feeling

Are you feeling any pain or problem in moving your body

Oh everyone he is finally awake

where am I ?? said Zed

you are safe,

you are in 'National Institute of sword and magic'

Is my friend viyas okay?

he is okay

First of all Thank you and now...

Can I ask you, who are you and what happened and who saved us,

slow down I will tell you everything

first of all

Welcome to

'National Institute of sword and magic'

I am the Vice chancellor of this Institute,

Igneel also known as flame emperor

And the one who saved you is Ojas ,he is the professor of martial arts and people with him was his top students.

Now, before that can you tell ,how did you reach that place

ok said Zed I just just touched my marksheet and it just teleported to me to that place and it was dark and I couldn't find anyone and then I saw the magic eater and then I saw viyas he was also searching for me and then we got into a fight with magic eater and then Ojas sir came and then I just wake up here.

Ok Ok said Igneel

So, the thing is only 10 students including you teleported there and first two students were attacked by magic eater and he killed both the students but somehow you both bought yourself time and our staff took notice of this and through one prodigy student, we were able to find you and now do you anything about magic eater?

yes, I have read about them in books but they went nearly extinct 100 years ago by the Hero

you are half correct and wrong , I will tell you in short, the thing they nearly went extinct because before 100 years ago they treat humans as food and so to solve this problem king made one army to kill them but they couldn't kill because they have very regenerative power, so the magical research centers made one device to capture them and use them as magic source and with that they can use very high level magic so that's how our magical weapon industries advanced so much but we don't use them nowdays and also the one you guys fought it was just a Clone , someone is making them using golem magic or by other methods, we are not confirmed yet

So, what about those guys who died, who were they atleast I should know who died said Zed

No worries, we already resurrected them, we used the magic eater clone as a sacrifice to revive them both and if we were not able to capture the magic eater we wouldn't able to revive those guys because resurrection spell take too much magic and only some individuals can do it and they couldn't been able to reach in time.

Thank you again , Sir

I am very happy , Teachers think so much about students Said Zed

we have to say thanks to you Son, for still believing in us even after this life threating situation but don't worry we will find the one who did this and make sure nothing like this happens again.

So, now you take rest and sleep

tomorrow is your first day

After that Zed slept and in morning he met his friend viyas and they both talked, little tears also came but then they said let's move on now and focus on our studies and become strong

So, in future we will be able to win and save other people life also said Zed

and then both of them said together in a loud and strong, determined 'I will become the Strongest'

Now, It's finally time for morning ceremony and so many students and teachers were there to welcome the New students.

In Entry there was one magical board, it has some facial recognition system like whenever someone comes it will show the name, age and classroom Details of the student and also many small fairies were there to welcome the students , It was very Magical and then finally everyone reached the ceremony grounds.

and then Vice chancellor Igneel came on stage and used voice amplification magic to give the speech

Welcome Everyone

I am Your Vice chancellor 'Igneel'

congratulations everyone for reaching this far

and I feel very happy to see the students full of energy, dreams, determination

and to become the best just remember why did you join this Institute and always remember your dreams , and there is a thing about dreams if you see them it is very nice and if you can achieve it, it is marvelous , life will be heaven but if you couldn't achive them life can become hell also

So, that's why Dream but also do hardwork, smartwork and do everything you need to achieve but don't forget about your life ,you have to enjoy your life also

So, Make your own Dreams, usually people follow other people dreams and after some time it's become their dream and also they could not enjoy the journey to their dream also because it was not their dreams .

So that's why first realise your passion, dreams then do everything to achieve it

And that's where our Institute professors come in to teach you to learn everything you need to become best version of yourself.

So, "Best of Luck" to everyone for their upcoming Three Years Journey

The speech ends with a very huge applause from students and then everyone went to their designated classrooms and the details were given to them in the entry gate of the morning ceremony.
