
JJK: Cursed Chains

Being a Sorcerer is a shit job and considering we don't get paid for risking our lives every day, why the hell did I go to school for this nonsense. And that white-haired ho can go choke on a dry biscuit.

Otaku_Paradox · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 3

On the training field. Atsuya couldn't help but sigh, as small explosions popped off in the background. It was just supposed to be a spar. A small activity for him to get an idea of what level the new year two students were at. But these two, these two weren't students no they were human... they were monsters. Craters littered the field from the clashes. 

Parts of the main building were damaged as the fight left the field and entered the building. They both had exemplary control of their cursed energy. They control the flow of cursed energy through their body and steadily increase their strength with each blow until....well until things get out of control.

What exactly did Gojo teach these two? He was wondering how he would go about restoring order. A figure crashed into the field causing another much wider crater to form.

"Oya they're going at on their first day"

Atsuya was annoyed but also happy to hear that voice.

"Gojo" he paused as she saw three individuals behind him. A slim young man with light skin, brown eyes, and mid-length straight platinum blonde hair. His Jujutsu High uniform was tailored with this in mind, fitted with a high collar with a zipper that covers his mouth.

The second is a young woman with a tall athletic build. She has small golden eyes and long dark green hair tied into a short ponytail. She had fringes of hair over her forehead with smaller strands framing her cheeks and sported a pair of glasses. She wore thick, long tan socks and black shoes with a standard female uniform.

And the last was...was a bloody panda. Atsuya massaged his forehead. A fully-grown giant panda. He stands much taller than his classmates with his bear-shaped frame and is wearing armbands, scarves, and a jacket.

"Gojo who they"

"My new students. The new leaves of Jujutsu High. First, you are about to get a look at your predecessors, my old students."

As the dust in the crater settles. Kinji stood up with a few purple bruises on his now half-naked body. And a second figure jumped from the hole in the Jujutsu High building and landed in front of him. Juzo walked towards Kinji slowly while dusting his uniform off. He had a bruise on his cheek and a few tears on his clothes but looked otherwise unharmed. 

Hikari spat out some blood.

"You burn fierce under that cold demeanor as always Juzo. Come let's finish this"

He got into a stance. Juzo stopped a few meters in front of him. He turned as he noticed people approaching. He saw Gojo who who waved at him as well as what looked like new students based on the uniforms. 

He suddenly ducked under a straight punch and blocked a rising knee. He counted with a knife hand thrust into Hikari's stomach that pierced through his potent cursed energy and bent his body in the shape of a V.

While the fight continued Gojo was...educating his students.

"Some people curse energy has a nature to it. Hikari's cursed energy had a rough nature to it which gave his attacks a certain edge, giving his blunt attacks a sharp cutting effect. Regardless of how much or how little force Hakari puts behind a blow, his opponent will be struck with sharp pain."

The girl put her hand up. Gojo's smile widened.

"Yes Maki-chan"

His eyebrows twitched at the way she was addressed but he ignored it.

"If that is true ho is the other one taking his blows with flinching."

"Ahh Juzo is Shinji's worst opponent. Look closely. He redirects his attack away from his body, the one time he was actually hit was on the cheek and seeing as how the bruise it light he most likely angled himself in a way that mitigated the damage. Juzo has a restrictive cursed energy. Meaning getting hit by him chips away at you in a way that blocks or reduces the amount of cursed energy you have access to. To maximize the nature of his cursed energy he made many fighting styles focus of on speed, counters, and redirecting the opponent's energy.

He is Hikari's worst opponent. Hikari would shine better against someone who goes at him more directly. The match should come to an end soon."

Just as he said that. Juzo weaves through Hikari's attacks like water around rocks and hits him with a flurry of attach using his middle and index fingers that keep him elevated before sending him towards Gojo with a finishing palm to the chest. 

The student moved out of the way but Gojo casually caught Hikari who had his eyes rolled back. Gojo laid him on the ground. Kirara rushed over, sat on the floor, and rested Hikari's head on his legs.

Juzo walked over with his hands in his pockets.

" Hmm went kinda hard on his Juzo-kun," said Gojo

Juzo clicked his tongue."He asked for it and you know it could have been worse."

"Hmm true. Well he'd prefer this than you not taking it somewhat seriously"

Kirara nodded at this statement. Maki had his eyes trained on the Juzo since he walked over. She thought her hand-to-hand skills were good but what she just witnessed. She clenched her fist in frustration she had a long way to go. Gojo observed her reaction and smiled. Good, he needs them all to see that they were a long way to go before they even say the tip of the iceberg much less what lies beyond. 

"So who are the new kids? Is anyone worth the effort in the mix?"

The kids in question had varying reactions. The blonde boy narrowed his eyes. The greenette clenched her fist while frowning. The Panda however had no outward reaction, but no one could tell what he was thinking.

"Ahh, your juniors. We Maki Zenin," said Gojo pointing to the girl. "Toge Inumaki." he continued pointing to the boy. "And-"

"Panda is a Panda," said the bear interrupting Gojo with an introduction of his own. One that earned a raised brow from Juzo and an awkward bead of sweat from Atsuya. 

"Hmmm there weak," said Juzo before walking away

Maki wanted to say something but held her tongue. She knew he was right. 

-Small Time Skip-

With classes done. Juzo returned to his room. Instead of showering or relaxing, he stripped down to his pants only. He began doing one-finger push-ups switching the finger with each count of ten. Being a sorcerer is a thankless job. That was the conclusion he came to. You die for those who don't know of your sacrifice—those who carry on their lives in ignorant bliss. 

And the price of that ignorance is weakness. So the choice for someone who can become a jujutsu sorcerer becomes. Stay weak and ignore the spirit around to live a life of semi-ignorant bliss, or-

Become a sorcerer and spend the rest of your life fighting, risking death each day cleaning the mess of the ignorant. So to Juuzo Senju being a true jujutsu sorcerer meant being one of the few strong that carry the burden of the many that are weak. 

Hours pass and the sun sets. Juzo kept doing push-ups. Then his phone buzzed. He used his right arm to get the phone from his pocket and his left supported only by his index finger continued the exercise. 


"A small horde of grade ones. Knowing you, you're exercising to cool off"

Gojo sighed on the other end.

"Why can't you see being strong as being cool like you awesome sensei"

Juzo paused his exercise.

"Lie to someone else. You bear the heaviest of burdens. I don't envy you...sensei."

There was silence on the other end for a few seconds. Then a sigh was heard.

"You too observant for your own good sometimes Ju-kun"

"Don't call me that"

Gojo nearly chuckled at Juzo's cold tone.

"So, you taking the job mister Grade 1, the pay is good?"

Juzo using only his fine pushed up into a flip and landed on his feet.

"Yeah, I need to blow off steam."

"Hm Hm, and then we can go for ramen later"

Juzo paused as he grabbed Jashin from the weapons rack. A small almost unnoticeable smile bloomed on his face.
