
Jinn slayer

Joey has lived his whole life in the gutter. Nothing seems to make him happy. And in a world where curses rule it’s not safe to live an upsetting life. Joey can attract all kinds of jinn to him…now he just need to find out why evil spirits want him and him only

Jast_123 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
83 Chs

The Unique Story

Kebushie sat in the chair and heard the door swing open. "Who is it?" He asked.

"Me". Flu said in a soft voice as he entered the room. "Flu…it's not too late to turn back, now. You can still be with everyone else…unlike me…they'd forgive you". Kebushie sighed.

"I'm with you till the end, sir. You save my life." Flu said with a smile.

"Sir? Saved your life? No…you save mine, Flu". Kebushie said as he went through memoir his head.


"Today is the day that we all look back at the terrorist attack at the city of Pearl. The event happens last year and left thousands injured and killed". The news lady said.

"Hey, kid aren't you underage?" A man asked.

"I'm 16…so yes, yes I am". Kebushie said as he looked out the window.

"We need you to get out of here…we can't have kids in a bar! Your-"

Kebushie had already gotten out of his chair and left the building. Kebushie walked down the street. "Where are you going, Kebushie? We had a meeting and you weren't there." A younger Ahana said as she stepped out in the street.

"Ahana….been months since we-"

"Shut up and answer my question".

"….I didn't think you guys…would associate with me anymore". Kebushie said.

"Really? Why's that?"

"Don't act stupid, Ahana."

Ahana scuffed. "I came to ask you a more serious question. But….was it you?"

"Yes…it was".

"Why would you kill all of those innocent-"

"Innocent? I know you've been doing everything in your power to hide our little secret but…I had a reason for killing those apes in that village."

Ahana put her hand slowly on her eye-patch. "Kebushie…I can't allow that!"

"You…don't know a damn thing. You don't have the guts to kill your friend…and that's what makes you weak, Ahana".

Ahana made a gun sign and pointed at Kebushie's head. "Do as you please". He said as he turned his head and walked away.

Ahana clutched her fist and released. "Kebushie….you….ever since we fought Nebula…you've changed-"

"I was left behind. The jinn slayers only care about you! Only you! People like me…they don't matter in this world. I killed those people in that village because they were going to execute a boy our age who had jinn energy. Don't you get it, Ahana? You have the power to literally shape the world! Please…do something!" Kebushie yelled.

"What do you-"

"Innocent people die, lose their homes,homeless,ruled by evil people,racism,equality, and much more! You can make a perfect world…Ahana! Why haven't you done anything!?"

Ahana ignored Kebushie and walked away. "If you do anything rash again…I'll kill you".

Kebushie remembered himself walking into the village and having a look around. "One of the great insane-level slayers are here!" A boy yelled to his mom.

This village was on an island not known by any nation in the world. Only jinn slayers and people who knew of jinn slayers lived here.

"Hello Kebushie!" A young lady waved.

"Wassup". Kebushie said in a dry tone as he entered the giant company building. "He's finally entered?" A man asked who sat in his office.

"Yes. Does he know?" A agent asked.

"Nope…and we'll keep it that way. Carry on with our plan". The man said as Kebushie walked in a took a seat.

"Prime minister of the island…how have you been?" Kebushie asked.

"I've been good. I'd like to discuss something important with you".

"Another assignment?"

"No. Leave us".

The agent walked out and slammed the door shut.

"Are you aware of the attack that happened last year? Do you think it…had something to do with slayers?" The minister asked.

"Due to the damage and the unexplained markings…yes, I believe that slayers had a fight".

"I see. Your people had nothing to do with it?"

Kebushie hesitated. "No…we had no idea it was going on".

"Not even with the Allah eye user? The twins?"

"No. They where away on a secret mission".

"I see. What if I told you…that were starting an organization to put an end to disasters like this and purify the world of evil?"


"Well…it might sound crazy but…I know the kind of young man you are, Kebushie. I'm sick and tired of all of the pain in the world. There are two options to put an end to true evil! 1: since other slayers won't allow you to go with our plan…kill all of them and manipulate the angels. 2: work with the opposite side…by that I mean work with the jinns and friend them. 3: Take the eyes away from that creature". The minister said.

"Creature? You mean Ahana? She's a human. She died a year ago….but right now she's a spirit…a jinn slayer".

"You think she's human? I don't believe that a second! I really think you should look deeper into who's the bad guy here". The minister said.

"Hmm…you say it as if jinn slayers are bad people-"

"Have they done anything to stop disasters from accruing?"

"No…they didn't".

"Pisses you off? Because it pisses me off! The jinn slayers should fight to protect the people who can't fight for themselves!" The minister said.

Kebushie heard commotion outside and looked out of the window. "What's going on!?"

"That's a kid who we found a year ago at the scene of Pearl city! He fought…not caring about others!"

"What if the people were just rich assholes?" Kebushie asked as he watched the kid thrown to the ground and people cheering.

"The rich are the most important people. We fight to protect them…and to purify all evil".

"No. Your wrong. You said one thing correct…and that was to take Ahana's eye. But I don't fight to protect people who can't use jinn-energy. I fight…for people in the shadows. People without opportunities in their lives and being in the dark. The rich have all that money, but kids and adults starve on the streets, have no homes, and are forced to live in hard environments. Why have a house with fifteen beds? When you don't even sleep in them?" Kebushie asked the minister. "Let the kid go. He had nothing to do with the Pearl city incident". Kebushie said in a calm voice.

"How do you know? And what is this nonsense!? The rich make the world a better place! Sure it's selfish, but people who-"

"I don't agree with your logic. Let the kid go…right now". Kebushie said as his eyes grew big.

"I hired a group of talented jinn slayers who'll form in a few years…the organization will be called the galaxy! Created to kill jinn slayers!"

The kid was thrown to the ground and a tall man raised a hatched over his head.

"Screw this". Kebushie said as he snapped his fingers summoned his ice and flame dragon jinn beasts.

The minister hung out of the window of the tall building. "Let the kid go…and I'll let your minister live!" Kebushie announced to the public.


"Not true! I was the one who started the attack! Those damn…creatures didn't care about anything but themselves! They walked past hundreds of homeless people and-"

Kebushie noticed the man still swinging his hatchet. Kebushie dropped the minister and watched as the kid had his head sliced clean off.

Kebushie held the kid's body in his arms. The people of the village clapped and applauded. Kebushie saw the minister still safe and unscathed.

Images of rich people of the world flooded Kebushie's mind. Everyone around him turned into monkeys….at least, that's how he saw them. "You…aren't even human anymore". Kebushie whispered as he slammed his hand into the ground. "Eat them all…Jinn Worm!"


Kebushie walked over the dead bodies of people and took deep breaths. "Damn monkeys". He said as he kicked the ministers body.

"E-S-sorry, but why did they hurt me?" A boy asked.

"You look thirteen. How could they do that?" Kebushie asked as he took a knee. "What's your name?" He asked the body.


"I see. Nice to meet you, Flu! These people killed you. You….finished your trail very quickly".

"What trail? All I did was wake up!" Flu said.

He doesn't know he died!? I see…I'll keep it from him then". Kebushie said s he held out his hand.

"Come with me if you want to taste real freedom".


Kebushie snapped out of it and rolled around in his chair. "I don't think Ahana would let me join". Flu said.

"No…your wrong. Ahana has a beautiful heart. When it comes to forgiving…at least".

Kebushie said as he walked past Flu with his head down. "What was she? When you guys were younger?" Flu asked.

Kebushie put his hand on the door handle and turned his head with a pure smile. "She was my best friend. My one and only…best…friend…"