
Jinn slayer

Joey has lived his whole life in the gutter. Nothing seems to make him happy. And in a world where curses rule it’s not safe to live an upsetting life. Joey can attract all kinds of jinn to him…now he just need to find out why evil spirits want him and him only

Jast_123 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
83 Chs

The Devil Has Arrived

The four angels stared at Ahana, slowly circling around her. Ahana closed her eyes and started thinking.

"This is a pain in the ass. My energy is low,these four are on my level in strength, and I need Elizabeth to hurry up and kill Xenon." Ahana pulled out her two swords.

Azazel and Azza made eye contact with each other and spreader their magnificent wings. The whole town seemed to be at peace. Ahana felt a since of joy from just being around the four of them.

"What a pain in the ass." Ahana sighed.

Uzza laughed and flew towards Ahana. Ahana flew backwards Dumah clapped his hands and teleported behind Ahana while Uzza shot a powerful of energy from his mouth.

Ahana noticed Dumah behind her. Dumah pulled out a golden sword and held it, ready for Ahana. Ahana clapped her hands and swapped places with Azza. Azza was penetrated by the sword and shot with the beam.

Ahana quickly grabbed Azazel and threw him at the street. Azazel plummeted from the sky as he tried to gain control.

"Still have that super strength,huh?" He scoffed. Azazel managed to gain control and quickly grab Ahana by the neck while flying higher in the sky.

Ahana managed to break free from his grasp and spun around to see Dumah flying behind her.

Ahana made a hand sign and pointed at Dumah. "Bang," she said, as a giant hole was formed in the wings of Dumah.

Uzza and Azazel both flew at Ahana from both her sides. She laughed as she quickly put away her swords and blocked each of their attacks with her bare hands.

The whole town was shaking, as the five powerful beings were going at it.

Jackson and everyone else couldn't help but look up at the flashes of light moving across the night sky.

"We are on a different dimension level! These people are nothing more than 3D beings! They can't even se what's going on!" Azza laughed as she joined the barrage of punches.

In one motion, Ahana managed to fly past the three of them and took off her eye-patch to reveal the eye of Allah.

The light blinded the three angels. When they opened their eyes, Ahana was gone.

Azazel felt a distortion in energy. "Uzza, behind you-"

Ahana pointed at Uzza and watched as his body twisted and turnt until a loud snap was heard across the sky.

Azazel and Azza were stunned. "This doesn't make any sense! Why…why isn't Uzza getting up? Did she actually-"

"You didn't really believe me when I said I'm running low, did you? It was just a bluff, nothing more. You see…physical attacks don't hurt me…the pain automatically goes to someone evil in this world or to a random jinn in hell. I feel nothing." Ahana admitted as all of her wounds completely healed. "See, I feel like new!" Ahana laughed.

"No, no, no! This isn't right! We…should have an advantage! We are angels! We should be able to kill you!" Azazel said with anger.

"You? Kill me? That's so funny!" Ahana laughed as she looked up to the sky with a crazy look in her eyes.

"Ahana…a jinn slayer, owner of the eye of Allah,strongest jinn slayer of this era. Angels should have the advantage. But, being that she has the Allah eye, I can see why. But…she just killed Uzza like it was nothing. This…isn't normal." Azza explained.

Ahana reached behind her back and pulled out both of her swords. She floated above the angels and smiled. "What…the hell is this!?"

Ahana rolled her eyes. "Since these will be your last moments talking, I'll tell you. I have three rituals. This whole time, I've just been going along with everything. You guys…aren't even on the same level yet." Ahana said with a smile.

Uzza and Azazel were filled with anger. Dumah managed to rise up. The three angels looked at each other and nodded their heads.

The three of them surrounded Ahana and began to pray. "Is this what I think it is? You don't seriously think I'll just-"

"Ritual!" Azazel yelled. A bright star formed in the middle of the three. Ahana looked up in amazement as the jinn-energy coming from the star was enormous.

Ahana pointed at the star. "Amazing." She whispered.

"Light of perfection!"

The Star let shined bright. Ahana quickly clapped her hands. "You plan on taking out the whole state?! This attack is greater than a damn nuke!" Ahana yelled as she quickly created a dome to surrounded herself and trap the angels with her.

The star was about to explode. "I told you…physical attacks don't-"

"Oh, don't worry, Ahana. This attack…harms you from your core! This is our world, now! The other angels have plans that you aren't ready for!" The angels all laughed.

Ahana ignored them and pointed at the giant star. "This is goodbye….Ahana the great!" Uzza laughed as the star was headed towards Ahana.

Ahana put on her eye-patch and kept pointing at the star. "Bang…cosmic bullet."

The sound of what seemed to be a jet powering up made the angel's ears almost pop. Ahana's energy was a beautiful red and purple combined.

"Dumah! Fly around quickly and-"

It was too late. Ahana had fired and managed to cause the star to explode. She used her jinn-energy to cover her body and shield her from the explosion.


Ahana floated in the sky and noticed Azazel crawling away. Ahana swooped down and sat down in front of him.

"You poor thing. Does it hurt? You own little attack?" Ahana asked.

Azazel rolled over and looked up at the sky. "Just do it." He said.

Ahana began to walk around him. "Not yet. Why Joey? I know you four needed him. You were supposed to wipe out a portion of mind kind, right? You needed me dead first, then you were gonna get Joey. Why?"

"We knew since the beginning…how perfect he would be." Azazel gasped for air. His body was burnt crisp. It was amazing he could still speak.

"Since the beginning?" Ahana grabbed him and shakes him violently. "You know what Kebushie is up to! So speak! Yes, Joey can start an apocalypse and other things. But, you need to realize something…he isn't on your side!"

Azazel laughed. He couldn't believe what Ahana was telling him. "I…switched sides and betrayed Allah…because there…there is a secret agenda. Allah is the universe…the angels…they work and serve him. Allah isn't aware of their agenda. War is coming…and you won't be able to stop it on your own. I know what you are…you aren't what you say. You are…one of the worst to have ever spawned into humanity. It might not be today,tomorrow,months, but one day…the angels will fall on this world…and war will come. All because…Joey exist. All because…you decided to write this story, Ahana….all because you lied."

Ahana snapped Azazel's neck. "Since the beginning…that means…I see. The orb! There are a total of seven princes of hell: Lucifer, Satan, Asmodues, Livyatan, Mammon, Beelzebub, and Belphegor. Then there's the three princesses…annoying as hell. If my vision was right…Astaroth, one of the high-level jinns was fighting Jodi. But, it wasn't Astaroth's actual body or power. He's still alive and probably on his way to one of the princes. Anyways, that orb is gonna cause trouble. It consist of all their devil energy. They'll be able to control whoever they put the orb inside. Nobody knows this but…I am the one who rested Adrienne's body underneath the school. That…was Kebushie's plan all along. They know we jinn slayers have the upper hand because I'm alive. If they find his body and put the orb in him…it'll change the power shift in the super natural world. It will be as though he's a soldier for the seven princes of hell. I have to hurry up and-"


Kebushie grabbed the orb tightly as the jinns managed to pull the body of an young man from underneath the ground.

"Welcome back….Adrienne." Kebushie said as he stared at the skeleton.

Lily and Martha were still tied up. "Listen, you don't have to do this! We can still-"

"Stop talking. You don't die…not yet. Your mother…is the one who needs to spill blood." Kebushie said as he pulled out a knife.

"No, no! Take me!" Lily screamed.

"Your little friend Jackson can't save you, Jodi, or Joey!" Kebushie grabbed Martha by her hair and held her over the orb.

"Lily, it's okay." Martha whispered.

Lily couldn't do anything but watch as Kebushie lowered her over the orb and put the blade to her throat.

"No matter where I go…I'll always be with you-"

Kebushie slid the blade across her neck.


Jodi and Sho stopped fighting when feeling a bone-crushing power surge through the area. "What…who is that? That…energy is out of this world!" Jodi said as he ran towards the school.


Jackson was outside fighting the jinns Kebushie had spawned. Bakemono jumped away from the school and began shaking. Jackson had shivers and bumps all over his body. All of the jinns kneeled and started chanting.



Elizabeth and Xenon stopped their fighting and both turned their heads towards the school. The both of them looked down over the town. "Kebushie actually did it…I never doubted that guy." Xenon scoffed. "We've won! We have…the power of Allah on our side too!"


Amber,Rock, and Natalia slowly moved around the city. A powerful red aura covered the entire town and sky. Amber froze and was stunned. "This energy…is that…you Adrienne!?"

Amber jumped as a plane plummeted from the sky and landed in nearby rubble. Natalia,Rock, and Amber all turned around. Rock held Natalia tightly in his arms.

The plane sent shivers down Rock's spine as it was surrounded with a dark-evil like jinn energy. The door flew open,going right past Rock's head.

From the darkness of the plane emerged Jinx. Beaten,bruised, clothes were dirty, and she had an sympathetic, yet angry look in her eyes. She slowly walked out of the plane. Rock and Amber couldn't believe it. Amber slowly walked towards Jinx. The walk turned into a run of desperation, as she stumbled over herself. She ran to Jinx and hugged her tight in her arms.

"I thought…I thought you all died!" Amber cried. Jinx just looked ahead with a blank and dead look in her eyes.

"Where's everyone else!? Astor? Duce? The fairies? Did you guys manage to-"

"They are all dead."

Amber fell back. "What…did you just-?"

"Dead! Everyone…is dead! Duce, Astor, the people who lived on the island, and others! Astor called three warriors from Africa to come and help, but one of them tricked us! Duce fought the jinn but I wasn't there to help, I feel like I let him down! He's dead and it's because of me! Astro died because I had to get the plane ready! Joey defeated the jinns but it still wasn't enough because…everyone died! It's all…my fault." Jinx wailed and cried as she fell to her knees. Rock and Amber's eyes filled up with tears. "Then, I didn't want to, but…there…there was no choice! I had to kill somebody! Somebody so innocent and beautiful! I didn't want to, but I had to. The curse of the island was gonna bring the six jinns back and more! And-"

"Calm down, it's okay. It's okay." Amber said while rubbing Jinx's hair. "Where's Joey? Did he die too?" Rock asked.

Jinx slowly pointed towards the plane. Rock placed Natalia next to Amber and approached the plane.

Rock jumped on the plane. He immediately felt a powerful presence of power. He looked to the left and saw a man wearing a black cape around his body.

"You must be from the island. Isn't there supposed to be a boy-" Rock felt something enter his stomach. It felt as though someone had stabbed him.

"This…pressure is…it makes me…want to back away or kill myself." Rock thought, as the man sat still and looked down at the ground.

"Are you…Joey? You…sure have changed." Rock said.

Joey slowly lifted his head and looked at Rock in his eyes. Joey had no shirt, his built arms were very noticeable to Rock, his eyes were blood red, Joey had an evil-angry look in his eyes. He was bruised,covered in blood, dirty, and had multiple veins popping out all over his body.

"What happened to you? You aren't the same as before-"

Rock stopped when seeing two giant pairs of eye balls looking at him. "Is this…his energy?" Rock thought as he slowly backed away. Joey stood up. He towered over Rock and walked right past him. Each step Joey made shake the plane.

Rock imagined a giant…a giant bigger than Earth itself walking past him. Rock couldn't control his sweating either.

Joey walked outside. As soon as he did, Amber and everyone else in the entire area could sense Joey's power. His purple energy clashed with Adrienne's red energy.

Joeys hair covered his eyes while standing.

"This is all your fault. If only…you had just died!" Amber yelled.

Joey said nothing. He looked around as his anger grew even more. More veins formed at the top of his head. He was holding in his anger well.

"Where…is she?" Joey asked in his deep voice.

Amber stopped and suddenly felt fear. Joeys energy made her want to crawl away and hide from him. "Sh-she's at…near the school. I'm sorry." Amber said.

Joey looked at Jinx and spat near her.

"Joey…what do you want with Ahana?! You should stay here with us and fight! There's lots happening!" Rock yelled out.

"If you speak to me again without my permission…I'll kill you." Joey threatened as he slowly walked down the street.

"I'm coming…everyone."


Next chapter: Broken Bonds