
Jinn slayer

Joey has lived his whole life in the gutter. Nothing seems to make him happy. And in a world where curses rule it’s not safe to live an upsetting life. Joey can attract all kinds of jinn to him…now he just need to find out why evil spirits want him and him only

Jast_123 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
83 Chs

Broken Bonds

The two took a running step towards each other. They both stopped. Suddenly, their bodies started to fade away. Like sand in water.

Then, they ended up in the air and back on opposite buildings.

The two of them moved so fast, it looked like it looked like their bodies had become air itself.

They moved around the entire city.


"Lisa, would you sit down?"

Mark was the father of Lisa. His wife, Maria was across the table. They where at a restaurant in the city where Joey and Elizabeth are fighting.

"They're still trying to get into the town." Maria said.

Mark turned around to listen to the news.

"The whole world is watching! An unknown black fog has covered this unknown town, that seemingly…just appeared out of thin air! The world government is studying this unusual phenomenon! We advise eveyone to-"

The lights had went out. Mark turned around to see his wife and Lisa's heads sliced off. Mark fell back in horror, as Joey and Elizabeth flew through the building.


Joey kicked Elizabeth out of the building and continued to pursue her. Elizabeth snapped her fingers, causing a slash attack to form.

Joey flew in a circle to dodge the attack. The slash traveled and sliced through a building, killing civilians.

"You're hurting innocent people, Elizabeth!"

Elizabeth landed on a tower and slapped her hands together. "Spider web slashing."

A giant spider web of slashes formed over half of the city. The white lines dropped towards Joey.

(This isn't you. I would've never imagined this would've created such a monster! This whole city is getting leveled!) Joey thought, as he dodged Elizabeth's slashes.

The buildings around Joey were slashed and began to fall apart. Joey managed to escape the spider web and pursued Elizabeth in the air.

Elizabeth flew towards the city and through multiple buildings. While flying, she grabbed pieces from the building and threw them at Joey.

Joey clapped his hands, moving at high speed to get behind Elizabeth. Without turning around, she used her sword to block behind her. "Do better!" She laughed. As a giant cut appeared on Joey's head.

She spun and kicked Joey in his side.

Joey forced his body to stop in front of the tall building. He could see people hiding under their desk. "Elizabeth, stop this! Now!"

Elizabeth unleashed a slash that cut through the building. Joey flew towards the building and grabbed as many people as possible before it collapsed.

Joey managed to save eleven people. "Get out of here!" Joey yelled.

Everyone in the crowd had their heads sliced completely off. Other people in the street started runningn for their lives.

Elizabeth floated above Joey and everyone else. She clapped her hands together and smirked at Joey. "STOP IT!!!"

"Infinite slashing!" She laughed. Jade's infinite slashing ability had a 300 meter range. Anything within the radius would be cut to shreds. 95% of the city was beginning to be affected by her powers.

Joey immediately focused on his jinn energy. He used his energy to heal his body, while being cut at an alarming rate.

(I have to hurry!)

Joey allowed his energy to flow freely throughout his body. The slashing had a starting point before fully cutting the entire city.

At the starting point, where Elizabeth was, the slashing had completely erased everything and turned it to dust.

Joey used his energy and zoomed around the city, saving what was rest of people as fast as he possibly could.

(The slashes will cut anything. If I can save them…they'll lose an arm, leg, or parts of their head. It doesn't matter! As long as I can save them before the slashing spreads!)

Joey knew the slashing had already affected most of the city. He also knew that most of people had already been slashed in some part of their body. As long as he saved them, he was satisfied.

Joey managed to run around the entire city. He ran around grabbing two people, bringing them to the edge of the city and running back.

The slashes had begun to spread throughout the entire city. Joey ran and ran. In 7 seconds, Joey managed to save 172 people from their deaths.

Joey continued to run around the city while being slashed. He kept using his energy to recover immediately.

However, this came at a price. Out of the 2 million people who lived in the giant city, Joey managed to save 220 injuried civilians.

Joey stopped running and stood amongst the crowd of people. He breathed heavily, as he gasped for air and looked at the ground.

(I've used…all I've got. It'll take some time for me to heal now. Elizabeth is on the opposite side of the city. It'll give me a few seconds to-)

"Who…who's that?" A girl pointed out. Joey turned his head to see Elizabeth sprinting towards him.

(Her slashes are following her?! Damn it! U can't heal! If she gets close…the people will-)

Joey yelled and ran towards Elizabeth. Joey had entered Elizabeth's tecnique. He could feel his body starting to get cut. He continued on.

He used the small jinn energy he had left to slowly heal himself. All while taking the pain and injuries.

Joey was covered in his own blood. "Perfect!" Elizabeth laughed, as she landed a powerful punch that sent Joey across the street.

She quickly pursued him. Joey jumped up and ran toward the ruble of the city. (I'm losing too much blood! Every second feels like I'm in hell) Joey spun around and swung his sword, unleashing a powerful wave of energy.

Elizabeth sliced through the energy.

(How is she able to unleash her slashes without a hand sign?) Joey looked up in the air and noticed a creature holding the same hand sign Elizabeth did to cat her ability.

"You transfered your ability to that thing?!"

"You finally figured it out! Good for YOU!!"

Elizabeth kicked Joey in the face and knocking him into rubble. Joey let out a loud yell that pushed all of it away. He immediately flew towards the creature.

Joey was beginning to get dizzy. He was losing too much blood from the slashing.

The creature came into view. It had a serpent neck, An eagle face, a lion's mane, and an lion's body.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and waited. (Step 1: get him to have little or no jinn energy! This will make him useless when it comes to healing. Even make him weaker. Now, it's on to step 2: Kill him! The jinn was right. This is all you need to kill Joey Castle!)

Elizabeth laughed, as Joey fell back to the ground. The slashes began to cut faster than his regenerating. "You're dead!" Elizabeth jumped in the air and raised her sword above her head.

Joey could see himself running in a bright green field. Nothing but grass. A smooth breeze made the thick grass wave in the air, the fresh air.

Joey, Lily, Jodi, Jackson, and Elizabeth where all laying in he field. Joey stared at the bright sun. He could feel the warmth and heat from it. "Life…wasn't so bad, huh?" Lily laughed.

"You say that as if we're dead." Joey chuckled.

"We aren't dead…but we aren't the same kids anymore." Jackson sighed.

"Agreed." Jodi said with a smirk.

Joey looked at Elizabeth. Her clear skin, it shined bright in the sun. Long black hair that dropped to her waist, perfect pink lips, and a bright smile.

Across the field was Ahana, who waved at the four kids. The five of them continued to walk towards Ahana. Suddenly, the grass become a dark, dead ground. Lava spilled from underneath the ground. Joey looked around to see the difference in everyone.

Jodi walked. Beaten up and bruised. His hair was white and spikey, glowing bright, with his reptilian arm.

Jackson walked beside him. Jackson's dirty blond hair had red dyed tips, he was dirty and bruised, wore a long red cape with black on the outside, and walked with his head down.

Lily walked beside him. Her beautiful blue eyes, long blond hair, smooth skin, perfect white teeth, but had a large shadow hovering around her.

Elizabeth was walking next to her and Joey. She had big scars around her body, short hair that stopped a little abover her neck, more muscular, killer eyes, and walked slowly.

Joey looked at himself. Ripped jeans, no shirt, showing his bruised body, eyes of anger,sadness, and tiredness, a muscular body, and his blond hair that seemed to be brown due to dirt.

They all followed Ahana and everyone else. Ahana and other fellow slayers where in front of them.

"We're different now. We aren't the same…not at all. Everyone is different and so much has happened. We chose this path. We're to blame as well. Just just Ahana and the others." Jodi sighed.

Joey and everyone followed Ahana into a fiery room….everything went black.


Joey looked up at the sky. He held out his arm and reached for the stars. "I…no…we didn't choose this life. It was placed upon us. This is our curse." Joey whimpered as tears fell from his eyes.

Elizabeth walked away. Joey's legs where on the opposite side of the street. His body has been sliced in half.

"This is goodbye…Joey Castle. I'll free everyone after Ahana is dead. Along with Lily." Elizabeth said.

Joey's eyes widened. "L-Lily? She's…the only left from my family. We have no one else. Don't hurt her, please."

Elizabeth kept on walking and pulled her creature back.

"I won't let anything happen to them."

Joey could hear everyone laughing at him. He began to have little mind images of people laughing at him and Lily for being who they were.

"You won't lay a hand on her!"

Elizabeth felt a tingle in her back. Her eyes grew large and she spun around. "He's still alive?!"

Joey thought about eveyhe had lost. "YOU…WON'T TALE ANYONE ELSE FROM ME!!!" Joey lifted his head. Elizabeth stared in amazement, as Joey's other half began to connect to each other.

"What…are you?! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU, JOEY?!" Elizabeth pulled out her sword once again and took a fighting stance.

(Is this real?! The jinn never told me Joey was capable of this! This isn't human! I thought I knew…but I don't!)

Joey's energy shaked the entire city. His body had came back together. He jumped to his feet. His aura caused most of everything to get blown away. It was like a powerful thunderstorm had hit the area.

Elizabeth used her hand to stop her hair from moving in her face. Lighting struck beside her, as Joey slowly walked towards his sword.

"I don't care anymore. This is it. I'm tired of failing." Joey whispered.

Elizabeth…for the first time…felt fear. "What is this power? This isn't jinn energy…it's-"

Joey laughed uncontrollably. His saliva fell from his mouth. "Hahahaha….AHAHAHA!!!" Joey stared at Elizabeth and leaned backwards.

"Oh, man! This is great! This is so great! Hell, I think it's time!"

Elizabeth snapped her fingers. Making her creature appeare above her. (I have to go on the offensive! I'll use my slashing to gain control of the fight. I'll finish him with that technique!)

"It's my…DEMON TIME!" Joey's energy was a red,black, and purple energy. It wasn't jinn energy no, this was something more powerful.

"It's DEMON TIME!!!" Joey yelled, as he shot a beam of energy from his mouth into the air.

(I get what makes you so special, Joey. I get it now! You and Lily…your father isn't human, I already learned that. However, this proves her theory further! Why the angels fear him, why the slayers fear him, and why the jinns trust and fear him! Yes, it's so clear, now. Joey…has demon energy flowing around him! Joey's father…is the evil, wicked, and most disgusting creature of hell! The son of the king of hell!)

Next chapter: Lost Faith