
Jinn slayer

Joey has lived his whole life in the gutter. Nothing seems to make him happy. And in a world where curses rule it’s not safe to live an upsetting life. Joey can attract all kinds of jinn to him…now he just need to find out why evil spirits want him and him only

Jast_123 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
83 Chs

Broken Bonds

Ellowyn and Ellowys appeared on top of two small houses. They looked at Joey and felt sick to their stomach. "Oh…who is that, sister?" Ellowyn asked as she moved toward the edge of the building.

Ellowys noticed Rock and the others near the plane. "There's that guy who escaped too! Shall we kill them?"

"Yes, but something is off about that boy. He's keeping his energy reserved. But…it feels like I'm looking at death-" in that moment, Ellowyn blinked and Joey was gone from her view.

"I'll give the both of you a little time to explain before I kill you." Joey whispered in their ears, as he held two blades to their throats from behind.

When did he get there?! I couldn't even since him or his energy! Ellowys thought.

Ellowyn gulped and put her hands up. "There's no need to threaten us. We are on your side-" Joey grabbed Ellowyn by the throat and lifted her in the air while holding the blade towards Ellowys's throat. "Jinns? I don't trust you. Probably one of Kebushie's little experiments. You aren't even supposed to be here." Joey said in anger.

"Joey, don't kill them! Leave them to me!" Rock yelled, as he ran towards the decent sized building. "They killed Hercules! Let me be the one to take them down!" Rock yelled.

Joey stared at Rock and back at the two jinns. "Rock…you aren't strong enough. I'll just take them out." Joey said in a calm tone.

"Joey, trust me! I'll be the one to take them down! Please!" Rock begged. Joey's energy grew in size. "I said…I'll take them out."

Rock balled up his fist. "Joey, I know you don't trust me or anyone else right now. But, I need you…to help the others. Amber will go with you! Me and Natalia are save. Lots of people have died, Joey. We…we aren't winning this fight. There's another enemy out there!" Rock yelled, as Joey put the swords closer to the two jinn's necks. "THERE IS ANOTHER ENEMY AND THEY ARE VERY POWERFUL!! Let me fight! I must! I can take them, Joey! Let me make things right and avenge my best friend!" Rock cried.

Joey slowly moved the blades from the two. He threw the blades off the side of the building. Joey threw a small device to Rock. "If things go south…press that button and you'll teleport to wherever Ahana is. She gave me that before I went to the island. Use it well, Rock. I managed to fix it." Joey disappeared.


Jodi ran towards the school. He noticed Jackson and Bakemono, the giant jinn, fighting off a horde of low-levels and medium-levels. "This energy…is greater than Ahana's! How the hell can something like this even exist!?" Jodi was still fused with his jinn. He was getting closer and closer to the school.

Suddenly, the pressure built and Jodi struggled to move his body. Jodi looked up and noticed a man standing on the side of the school in a black suit. "Ritual: Gravity Control." The man whispered.

Jodi noticed the man. "Flip!? What the hell are you-" Jodi was pushed away with an invisible force. "That gravity bullshit! Damn it! Why did he of all people have to switch!" Jodi argued. Jodi flew into a house and could hear the sounds of jinns.

He lifted his head to see thousands of jinns floating in the air.

Flip levitated off of the school building and raised his hands. "Revive the warrior of the seven princes…complete. Step two: stop the enemies around the school from entering until transformation is complete…in process." Flip sighed.

"Who the hell is that?" Jackson asked as he helped Jodi up. "When did you-"

"Don't talk about it. We have to hurry up and take this guy out. I put Bakemono away…my energy is somewhat back, but I'm barley at medium-level right now." Jackson said as he noticed his sword was gone.


"What's wrong?"

"My sword…I forgot…Xenon…Xenon took the sword!" Jackson punched the ground in frustration. "I keep screwing up!"

The wind blew as Jodi and Jackson both slowly walked outside of the house to see Flip and thousands of jinns in the air.

"We…no, you led us well, Jackson. Your butler and everyone else you've lost…would be proud of the way you changed. People were going to die…we knew that risk from the moment we decided to fight back. Let's keep on fighting…for all that we've lost." Jodi threw Jackson a hatchet.

"We keep pushing forward…no matter what, Jackson. This ain't on you! It's on me too. If we…really are gonna die here…let's go out with a bang!" Jodi yelled.

Jackson and Jodi both raised their energy.

"These kids…are you suicidal!?" Flip yelled.

Jodi and Jackson looked at each other. "Nice to see your still strong. I bet I'll kill more jinns than you!" Jackson challenged. Jodi rolled his eyes. "Oh, please. I'll kill half of them within a couple of seconds!"

Jodi and Jackson leaped in the air and began attacking the jinns together.

A flash of red and blue energy zoomed around the sky. Getting closer to Flip every second. "I recognize Jodi…but this one seems like trouble. He was the one who summoned Bakemono earlier. I'll have to create separation! And keep them away from the school!" Flip clapped his hands and pushed the jinns towards the two.

"Jodi, let's match our timing better!"


Jackson grabbed Jodi. Jodi clapped his hands, making a lighting bolt strike past the jinns and right behind Flip. Jackson swung his hatchet.

Flip used his powers to reflect Jackson's attack. Jodi spun off of Jackson's body and swung his lighting blade.

"Lighting strike!"

Flip clapped his hands, causing a big jinn to jump in the way of his attack. "Damn it!"

My gravity ritual has no affect on them. They would be faster without it…but they still move at great speed. Flip thought as he used the jinns to jump higher in the sky.

"It's fine…everything is perfect. I finally won't be forgotten!" Flip laughed. Flip held out a hand, making a fist. This caused almost half of the jinns to come together and make a giant ball out of them.

"These two are a problem! I have to hurry up and-"

Flip turned around to see a flash of blue hair pass by. A deep cut formed from his stomach, to the side of his neck.

Flip managed to jump away. Ahana flew past him and quickly turned around to face him. "Ahana!? You…you aren't supposed to-"

"You seriously thought I wouldn't show up? Don't make me laugh. I should've known…you of all people…would be the one to switch." Ahana said. She slowly put her swords away and noticed the thousands of jinn floating.

"I see…trying to keep us from the school? Fine, I'll play a little rough now." Ahana laughed. Her energy surrounded her hands, as she clapped and pointed at the sky.

Flip quickly snapped his fingers, causing Ahana to spin uncontrollably. "Just die! All of you can die!" He yelled.

Jodi and Jackson were approaching. Flip threw the ball of jinns at the two. "Lighting strike!" Jodi struck through the jinns and past Flip.

Before Flip could turn around, Jackson landed a powerful kick.

Ahana stopped her body and was surprised to see Jackson and Jodi fighting. "You two…really have leveled up, huh?" She said with a smirk. "Th both of you are in the way. You two don't know what's about to go down. You need to get far away from here as much as possible-"

A flash of purple light crashed through the sky. Ahana could feel her jaw being broken with a powerful punch. The fist covered half of her face as she crashed in front of the school.

Jodi and Jackson stopped and turned around to see Joey.

Flip noticed the attack and stopped his movements. Jodi and Jackson both rushed over.

"That was some punch, Joey boy." Ahana scoffed. She slowly got up,dusted herself off, and looked Joey in the eyes.

"What…are you doing?" She said in a demanding tone.

"YOU…YOU KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN!!" Joey yelled as he drew his sword and pointed it towards her.


Jackson and Jodi landed softly behind Joey. Jackson was stunned by Joeys sudden change in body,tone,power, and looks. "J-Joey…we are here. There's no need to-"

"Jodi…for the sake of all the humanity that I have left in me…please, shut up." Joey said as he balled his fist.

"You've been gone for a little, yeah? You don't know what's really going on. Joey boy…you-"

"Ahana…tell me,please. Did…did you know all of this was going to happen?"

Silence fell among the group. Ahana bursted out into laughter. "Joey, I…can read your mind and sense your heart rate. You're scared…it's okay to be afraid. Your trying to act manly…but the truth is, you're the most afraid of all. You don't really think I knew all of this would happen…that's exactly why you wanted to talk. Deep down…you know your mentor could never do such a thing." Ahana whispered as she stepped closer towards the three boys.

"Ahana…what is Joey talking about?" Jackson asked.

"Joey is a little crazy, right now. He doesn't know a thing. It is true I can see into the future…but, I never would want something like this." Ahana admitted.

"No, you have a secret agenda. Start talking, now!" Joey demanded.

Ahana sighed and rolled her eye. "I can see into the future, yes. But, I didn't know it would get this bad. Calm your emotions, Joey. Right now, your mother is fighting for her life."

"Wait…we didn't even know Joey's mom was here." Jodi said.

Joey sped walked towards Ahana and stopped right in her face. Joey towered over the woman, as he breathed hard. "You hear that, Ahana?! You never knew-"

"Joey, trust me. I knew some things would happen, but I didn't see any of this coming. We have worse to worry about. Kebushie and-"

"NO! I want answers, and fast!" Joey argued.


Flip watched and looked at the four arguing amongst each other. Flip noticed a flash of light for a split second. He quickly moved his head, as his ear was shot off.

In the distance was Natalia laying inside of a small house. "Moved right in time." She said. Natalia rolled over and reloaded her sniper.

"Now or never…Amber." Natalia whispered.

Flip was surprised to see beautiful bright green jinn-energy headed towards him. "This pressure…it's…you?" Flip was pushed away with powerful wind.

Amber flew past the jinns and clapped her hands, causing their bodies to fill up with too much air and explode.

"I never took you as a fighter, Amber." Flip said with a little smirk in his face. Flip made the gravity in the area heavier, as Amber was starting to fall towards the ground.

"Not yet." She whispered as she used her wind to push herself towards Flip. "There's no way!" Flip flew higher in the sky as houses began to levitate. "You selfish…little bastard." Amber whispered.

Flip ignored her and tried to think. "I can't understand why she'd attack me like this. The girl gave away her position too! All I have to do is just destroy it." Flip pointed at the house in the distance and made it crumble.

"What?! She's not in there?" Flip yelled. Amber pushed Flip away with a powerful blast of wind.

Flip covered his face. "Why…why keep pushing me higher?" Flip laughed as Amber felt the pressure building up.

"Well…you gonna shoot or what?" Amber laughed with a smirk.

Natalia lined up her shot while high and behind Flip. "When did she- oh, I see. Natalia meant to miss that shot! It was all part of the plan. She wanted to be sighted and make me think she would stay in the building. Then Amber would use her wind to push her out of the building and flank around. Damn it! You've always have been…an excellent strategist, Amber!" Flip thought as he quickly turned around and clapped his hands as soon as Natalia shot her gun.

Natalia managed to hit Flip on the side of his neck. Flip held his neck as blood gushed.

Amber kept Natalia in the air with her wind. "We both know you can't keep her up here forever! She'll die from the fall-"

Natalia used her zip line pistol and shot Flip in the foot. Flip let out cry. "Not yet!" She yelled, as she was closing the distance with Flip.

Amber took this moment to attack Flip from behind. The two women were getting closer and closer; Flip started to freak out.

"This isn't happening! The transformation isn't complete yet! I still have to buy some time. Forgive me…K. I only used this move once in my life and it takes years away from it too. Oh, well." Flip took a deep breath.

Amber quickly pushed Natalia away. "Why did you-"

"Stay away from Flip! Flip, don't tell me you'll-"

Amber gasped as she noticed Flip's body lighting up with blue and purple energy. "In this world, there are positive and negative gravities. My ability allows me to make them…come to life if you'd say." Flip said with a wide grin. "I'll show you…I'll show all of you just why I'm so great! Gravity technique: Gravity Exploit!"

Amber and Natalia both could feel the air tightening around them. "The hell?!" Natalia said.

"I only have one damn leg…why try so hard?" She said as Amber jumped in front of her.

Flip laughed as he pointed at the two. "Blast!" A ball of jinn energy shot towards Amber. Amber glanced behind her to look at Natalia. "This is the part…that'll piss you off and I'm sorry, Natalia." Amber whispered. Amber used her wind to push Natalia away and higher in the sky. "This…wan not part of the plan!" Natalia screamed as her voice faded away in the distance.

"You'll die alone, Amber! No man! No friends! All alone!" Flip laughed. The hall made contact with Amber, pushing her across the town and crashing into buildings.

Meanwhile, Natalia was in the air and falling. "This…should be the spot, Amber. With my very last bullet…I'll do it!" Natalia remembered Amber going over the plan.


"Rock will handle those two jinns…we can trust him. Me and you need to fix the little Flip situation. He's fighting Jackson and Jodi as we speak."

Amber put Natalia on the ground. "I only have one leg,arm, and eye. Give me a damn break, Amber. I can't fight-"

"Ximena is gone! We don't have her abilities to let us beat the high-levels in battle! Everything is falling apart and I've done nothing! If we can take Flip down, we can let the others invade the school. It'll be a step closer to us winning! Please help me!" Amber said as she bowed her head.

"I have a plan…and if the plan goes right…I won't…I won't be able to see things happen." Amber sighed as she sat next to Natalia on the floor.

"My whole life…even before death I've always followed the rules and laws…scared to know the consequences if I ever wanted to be different."

"Amber…" Natalia stared at Amber with curiosity as she pulled Amber in for a hug.

"I…have nothing left to live for, Natalia. I've lost just about everyone tonight. Ahana…isn't In her right mind, Hercules is dead, And Astor…the love of my life is…gone. Let me do something with my life! I'm just asking you to help me this once."

"Okay…what's the plan?"


Natalia remembered and couldn't help but smile. "Damn it. Are all you spirit slayers the same?" Natalia said with a smirk as Amber was holding off the attack.

"Everyone…has a meaning in life, Amber. Even the evil pieces of shit that walk this Earth have meaning," Natalia took aim with her sniper while falling. Flip was in view. "No regrets. That's…how life should be lived! A LIFE WITH NO REGRETS, AMBER!" Natalia laughed. "Don't give up! I'm not taking the shot, because I'm not gonna watch you die! You have meaning, Amber!

Amber looked up and thought about a little girl. "Same little smile, huh? Amber remembered the girl's face clearly now. "Natalia is right. I can't give up, not yet! I still…still have to…free my little niece from that damn time curse. I'll keep fighting then…for you little girl." Amber held out her hand and snapped her fingers.

The wind from her spreader everywhere and made it hard for Flip to breath. "The hell is that?" Flip asked as he noticed Amber gone.

Flip tossed and turned, looking for Amber and Natalia. Flip caught Natalia looking through her scope. Natalia shot the gun, hitting Flip in his right eye.

She then used her zip line to swing on top of a nearby building.

Flip could hear Amber flying towards him.

Flip quickly pulled out a knife and swung it while his blood smeared his vision.

"I missed!" He said. Flip looked up and could see Amber clear as day. She held his attack at the tip on her pointer finger. "Jinn technique: Reversal!"


Ellowyn and Ellowys slowly walked towards Rock. Rock held eye contact and marched towards the two jinns.

I'll your win, Hercules! I refuse to lose here! Rock thought as he took a fighting stance. "I'm going to kill the two of you in the most brutal way known in existence! You two took my best friend!" Rock yelled in anger.

Ellowyn and Ellowys both looked at each other and laughed. "Another play thing, sis! I can't wait to rip him apart!" Ellowys screamed.

Rain poured as Rock and the two jinns faced off.

Next chapter: Reunion