
Ruby Earrings

"Gwyn, where did you get these ruby earrings? They're just so beautiful~" Maki asked as she put them on her ears. "HEY! Stop that you'll get them dirty." Gwyn snatched them, she put them into a small velvet box. "Aww come on, if you're not gonna wear them at least let me borrow them." Maki said, nudging at Gwyn. "NO! These are my precious ruby earrings." "Come on Gwyn, if you're not gonna let me borrow your ruby earrings, at least tell me where you got them?" Maki asked. "I can't..." "Why not?" The room was quiet. "Ugh, whatever, i'm just gonna go home." Maki stomped, slamming the door. "I can't believe I made friends with that hideous girl, just so she wouldn't give me those earrings." Maki mumbled. While Maki was walking to her favorite bakery in the next town over she saw a jewelry shop. "Jeweler's jewelry shop..." "That sounds familiar..." It was at that moment she had realized that those ruby earrings had "Jeweler's Jewelry" engraved in them. "Tsk, what good luck I have today." She thought, as she slowly opened up the door to the shop. "I demand to see your biggest most finest ruby!" She shouted. He stared at her for a few minutes until he said "Alright, wait right here." He said, walking away into a dark room. "Ugh, what is taking that guy so long, it's already been 20 minutes." She mumbled rolling her eyes. "Here you are miss." They were absolutely beautiful, the pairs of ruby earrings were symmetrical and looks exactly like each other, the color they made when light hit them made a bloodshot red. "Oh my, may I ask how they look so identical to each other?" She asked. "Oh it's pretty easy! Want me to tell you how?" She nodded her head, and looked at him. "Come here." He whispered curling his finger and looking around. She brought her ears closer and over the counter. "Identical twins" He whispered. "Huh, what?" She backed away from the counter and had the most terrifying look on her face. His skin was peeling off revealing ruby's behind his skin. "I ate identical twins so I could grow perfect rubies..." "Do you not want the ruby's anymore now that you've found out that I grow ruby's? HAHAHAHA" He said crawling over the counter and laughing maniacally. "HELP ME!" She cried, banging on the door. "Hehehe, no one lives here." He said spitting ruby's at her. "NO NO, THERE'S A MAN" "SIR, PLEASE HELP ME!!!" She yelled banging the door with her head. The man slowly approached the door, "PLEASE CALL 911 THIS MAN IS A CANNIBAL!!!" She screamed banging the door as hard as she could, but when she looked up at the man she saw that his skin was peeling too, "HAHAHA DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT ANYONE IN THIS TOWN IS ACTUALLY A HUMAN?" He screamed at her, throwing ruby's. The girl cried help wishing that someone would save her. "SHUT UP" He kicked the girl a few times in the stomach until' she passed out. "Phew, you were really loud and obnoxious anyways..." He said dragging her to the back room.

"Ugh, where am I?" She woke up in a room covered with red velvet, she finally remembered the chaotic events that happened before. She started running towards the door, but when she opened the door, the room in front of her was filled with ruby's. She sat on the floor and weeped. "Aw, no need to cry. Would you like to know how to get released?" He asked. She crawled up to him and begged him to let her go. "All you need to do is get those earrings that Gwyn stole from me back, does that sound okay with you?" He asked, "Fine, but you have to give me those ruby earrings that you showed me earlier." She demanded standing up. "You still want those ruby's though you know they grow from my skin?" He asked. She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Can you just let me go so I can get those ruby earring from Gwyn?" He nodded and whispered "But remember I know everything you do so don't try to get help." He said smiling. She nodded and fear and walked out the shop. "I should call Gwyn first..." She said calling Gwyn. "Hey, Gwyn i'm sorry how I reacted can I please come over?" "Ugh, fine, but remember i'm not gonna tell you where I bought my earrings." "Yes I know" "Anyways you don't usually call when you-" She hung up the phone and started walking bare footed to Gwyn's house. "Hi Gwyn." She waved with a smile on her face. Gwyn looked her up and down, "Why aren't you wearing any shoes?" She asked looking at her judgmentally. "Ah, I must've forgot them at home." "Okay...Well come in." Gwyn said patting Maki on the back. While Gwyn was pouring water for Maki, Maki realized that she was wearing the ruby earrings. "You're wearing the ruby earrings?" Maki said pointing at her ears. "Mhm, what you said made me think that I should at least wear them once y'know." She said giving Maki the cup of water. "Can I take another look at them?" Maki asked. "Eh, what no? I just put them on I'll take them off later." She said smiling. For the whole day she spent with Gwyn all she could think of were those ruby earrings. "Hey, Maki its getting dark you should probably sleep at my place. Maki nodded, Maki layed on the floor while Gwyn layed on her bed. "Gwyn are you asleep?" Maki asked waving, "I guess she's sleeping." Maki thought to herself. Maki slowly tried to get off the earrings but they were stuck on her ears like glue. "Ugh, why aren't these coming off." She wondered, she took a closer look, and it looked like the ruby earrings and her ears were one, she gasped. "Huh Maki what are you doing?" Gwyn said in a sleepy voice. "I'm sorry Gwyn." "Huh why-" Maki cut her off by ripping the earring off her ears, Gwyn screamed crying in pain and agony. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!" Gwyn screamed. Maki ran out the door as fast as she could to the jeweler's workshop. "I GOT THEM SO GIVE MY THE RUBY EARRINGS YOU SHOWED ME!!!" She screamed. The jeweler turned around and got out of his chair. "Can I see the ruby's?" He asked, she gave them to him with a smile on her face. "Wait, these aren't my ruby earrings." "Huh, what?" She looked at him then the earrings, him then the earrings. He grabbed her face then shoved the earrings down her throat...

End of the "Ruby Earrings"

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