
Jayden King - Rise of The Reegan

A young charming yet mean student bullies a student to his death and suffers consequences he never imagined he would and triggers a curse now he has a destiny, the only path to redeem himself, and the only way to find peace is to follow the path.

Mayali1512 · Fantasia
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50 Chs

Dig It Out

Jayden tossed his head, he knew that it was time for him to face the consequences of all of his wrongdoings so he breathed deeply.

"I was a horrible person… There is no excuse for it, but even though I was like that… I wouldn't want you to die! I was mean I admit. But I would never like to watch someone die! And I am sorry about whatever you had to go through because of me!" Henry could see how ashamed Jayden was.

"What happened today was not because of you" Henry said.

"Then who was behind it?" Jayden eyes widened.

"I don't know her name! It was a girl! Very beautiful one! But she seemed mean" Henry got lost in thought for a second then he shook his head "Anyway she looked in my eyes and she told me to jump from the rooftop and I don't know why I did what she said"

Jayden knew who was he talking about, he couldn't believe how far she'd go in hatred.

His heart broke because even if he wasn't the one who ate her brother's dead body but he was still the reason behind her brother's death, and this was the reason why she got off the edge.

Jayden spent the rest of the day in distracting Henry, and somehow they both became friends, and he found out how funny Henry is.

There were round of laughter and cackles when he walked Henry to his home.

"I had no idea you were that smart! I would have been your friend earlier, maybe I had learned something good from you!" Jayden shook hand with him.

Henry could see he really was regretting his behavior with him, "Hey Jade!" He called out to him when Jayden stopped.

"That's fine!" He said.

"See you tomorrow!" Jayden as he headed back his way to his home.

He was happy he did something good that day and he felt a lot better after that.

While heading back Jayden realized what he had planned for and instead, he spent his day like this.

He stopped walking at first but then he turned his face toward the woods and, started running toward the woods to get to the outskirts, they were deep in the woods, Swan and Emric made him remember the directions.

After reaching, Emric got notified about his presence.

Jayden explained everything to him, about the dream he had.

"Why do you want to find it?" Emric asked but right after he realized why Jayden could have asked him to find his body "Because there might be some trace that could lead us to the other wolf! And we will know who the alpha is!" He said.

And as Jayden planned they both decided to find the spot where he buried Felix, deep down, Jayden wanted to make sure if his dream was true or was he just finding a way to feel a little better.

In the half way they felt someone is spying on them.

Emric stepped forward and called out loud "Is this a good thing to spy on your own brother?"

From behind a tree, Swan stepped out "I see you broke the trio already!"

"Why did you come if your ego is hurt that much?" Emric shrugged.

"You guys know you won't last a day out without me!" She folded her arms and smirked, there was no way they were going to leave without her now.

So they walked further and the argument between siblings continued for a while when Emric sensed the smell of a rotten corpse.

"What the hell is this?" Jayden sniffed and he sensed the strong smell too.

He realized he already reached the place where he saw himself digging.

When he got close he saw a pile of sand under a bush.

They dug that area as soon as they got closer.

But there was nothing in there "I don't understand?" Jayden scratched his head "I swear it was right here!"

"I know Jayden! I believe you, and besides… We sensed that smell of the rotten dead body." Emric patted Jayden on his shoulder.

"Wait!" Swan took out a hair from inside that pit.

It was thick, long, and black hair, Jayden could identify it anywhere, it was Rose's.

"She has every right to take his body with her," Jayden pursed his mouth.

Even though he believed he was turned by a curse, if there was a chance to know if he was turned by a wolf, he lost that only chance to get their hands on the alpha.

"What is it? Seems like there's something you are happy about after all?" Emric eased back.

Jayden smiled shaking the dirt off his hands and stood up "I made a new friend today" He smiled with satisfaction.

"I thought we were your friends!" Emric pouted, he was just teasing him.

"You are not just friends, you are family" He smiled at both of them.

"Aw..." Emric teased him again and all three of them started laughing.

Since he walked into his new life this was the first time he ever felt so relaxed, he slept like a baby that night, he felt as if a burden got lifted off his shoulders, if not entirely then slightly.

Next morning he realized he is just a teenager and yes he made mistakes but that can't stop his life, so he decided to move forward and start fresh.

He walked into the kitchen after taking a shower, he saw his mom preparing breakfast.

He grabbed her from behind, lifting her off the floor

"What are you doing Jade? Put me down!" She giggled.

He did put her down but when he got her out of the kitchen and prepared the rest of the breakfast.

"What's gotten into you?" She shrugged with a smile.

"I'm in good mood!" He winked.

While he was in the middle of the breakfast when someone rang the doorbell, as he peeked from the peephole he saw Henry waiting for Jayden.

Jayden opened the door and called him in.

"Hi!" Jayden's mom stood up and greeted him with a smile but questioning eyes.

"Oh he's Henry! My friend!" Jayden introduced them both to each other.

"I was leaving for School I thought we could go together!" Henry wiped his sweat from his forehead.

"Of course!" Jayden quickly picked up his jacket and left the house.

Jayden thought a lot about what happened to Henry the other day and he was convinced he can't leave Henry unprotected.

And when they were in the canteen Jayden felt as if someone is watching him, as he turned around he saw Benjamin, Monty, and Ivy sitting at another table and looking at him probably talking about them.

"Give me a second!" Jayden whispered and went to the table where all three of his friends were sitting.

"Hey!" Ivy smiled.

"I see you got a new date!" Benjamin frowned with sarcasm.

"What? No!" Jayden couldn't understand what was the reason behind his anger.

"Hey! Leave him be! You saw he was about to jump the other day! He needs a friend!" Ivy whispered.

"So you are on his side now? Great then go sit with them!" Benjamin punched the table.

'What is wrong with you!" Jayden hit the table with both of his hands.

"Leave it Jade! We will talk to him when he catches his senses back" Ivy placed her hand on Jayden's shoulder and they both walked back to the table where Henry was sitting, and they both sat with him.