
Japan's Only Male Hero (MHA Fanfic).


The_Eldritch_Troll · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


The next day


"Alright, class, my name is Sekijiro Kan; hopefully we can know each other well," Kan said.


The bell rings.


"Well, that's it for homeroom," Kan said.


At lunch 

"Hmm! I can't believe that the lunch here is so good!" Uraraka said, "I know, right? It's all thanks to the lunch rush," Izuku said. "But not as good as Inko's cooking," Momo said. Izuku pointed his chopsticks at Momo. "You got that right," Izuku said. "Who's Inko?" Iida said, "Oh, my mother, her cooking is so good." Izuku said.


"Yeah, and plus, she's really tall," Momo said. "What Yaoyorozu-San said is right; Auntie Inko is tall, but Izuku's sister is taller than her; she's like 10 feet tall if I'm right," Katsumi said.


"Is your family naturally taller than most people?" Uraraka said, "I don't know, actually, but I'm taller than most boys out there," Izuku said.


Izuku felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see a girl with blue hair with red highlights on her hair "u-um, I'm Nagaoka Ayumi, c-can I sit with you?" Nagaoka said "sure" Izuku said moving closer to Momo so she could sit with them "I'm Izuku Midoriya nice to meet you Ayumi-San" Izuku said, and Nagaoka shook his hand. 


"So, what brings you here to our table, Ayumi-San?" Momo said, and Nagaoka played with her long hair. "Um, to be honest with you, I don't have any friends, so I thought I could start some conversations with you guys," Nagaoka said.


"Don't worry, Ayumi-San, you are already friends with me starting now," Izuku said, smiling at her, and that made her blush a little.


"What Izuku said is true, Ayumi-San. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here," Momo said. "T-thank you," Nagaoka said.


"I'm Momo Yaoyorozu," Momo said. "I'm Uraraka Ochako." Uraraka said, "I'm Katsumi Bakugo," and Katsumi said, "I'm Kirishima Eijiro." Kirishima said. 


"Nice to meet you all," Nagaoka said.


They all heard a bell.


"It was nice meeting you, Nagaoka! For now, see you tomorrow," Izuku said.




"Who could be our basic hero training teacher?" Momo said, "I don't know Momo," Izuku said.


They were all here running, and someone was treating with the door handle, and all might came in, slamming the door open as she marched to the stand. "I am here! To teach you all!" all might said.


"No way, it All Might!" Denki said, "She's wearing her sliver age costume," Asui said.


"Heh, that's our class for you," Monama said. "Shut up," Itsuka said.


"Alright class! Today we will be doing combat training." All Might said, Katsumi grinned, "Combat," "Training?" Izuku said, finishing the Katsumi sentence.


All Might pushed a button, and suitcases came out "based on your costumes that you registered for with your quirk in mind! Hopefully your costumes will be great!" All Might said, "Now gather in the ground beta!"




We see All Might looking at the exit door as the students begin walking out of "they say that clothes make the ladies, young ladies, and one man!" All Might said.


Most of the class showed up in their hero costumes; however, one has yet to show, All Might looked behind them.

"Does anyone know where young Midoriya is?" All Might say before they heard, "I'm coming!" Izuku yelled, and he showed up wearing All Might's American Hero costume, and most of the girls were gawking at how he had that costume.


"Alright class! Are you ready to begin combat training? You bunch of newbies!" All Might said.


"Izuku, you look so cool!" Momo said, and Izuku turned around and got a nosebleed because of how her costume was. "Um, you too, Momo." Izuku said, "Midoriya-Kun, do I look good?" Uraraka said, "Mhm," and Izuku said, having another nosebleed. 'At this point, I'm going to faint,' he said in his mind.


"Ma'am!" Iida said, gaining all his attention, "Yes, young Iida?" All Might said, "Are we going to do what we did in the entrance exams?" Iida said. 


"No, on the contrary, we are going to do the opposite!" All Might say as she puts her finger up, "We will be doing a 2v2 or a 4v4, depending on how the author wants this chapter to be!" All Might said.


"So, you know about the author as well?" Tokoyami said. 


"What now?" Mina was confused.


"You won't get it," Momo said.


"So got the heroes, villains?" Pony said, and Izuku caught on immediately and turned towards Pony.

"Basically, Tsunotori-san, we will be doing a 2v2 or a 4v4, depending on what the situation is," Izuku said in English.


"*English*, you know English?! Thank God! But can you teach me some Japanese? I'm afraid I don't quite get it," Pony said.


Momo picked up on this and spoke in English, "Sure, we can teach you how to speak Japanese clearly if you want." Momo said, "Thank you guys; you are a lifesaver!" Pony said it in English.


Most of the class was confused because all they were hearing was gibberish until All Might chimed in, "You see, class, this is why you need to learn some languages so it can help you in a sticky situation with the person's natural language!" All Might said.


"Alright, enough stalling! Let's get this party started!" Tetsutetsu said. 


"*ahem*, as I was saying, let's head over to the main area!" All Might said.




After some explanation about how this exercise will work, the teams were randomly chosen (as in the anime).


"We get to be on the same team, Midoriya-San!" Uraraka said, totally excited. "Yeah," Izuku said, and he looked at Momo, who was teamed with Itsuka Kendou, shook his head, and focused on all his might.


"Alright, the teams are decided! It's these guys!" All Might said, holding a d and a ball, and Izuku and Katsumi looked at each other.




"Hero time may enter!" All Might said, through the coms, Izuku and Uraraka entered stealthy and continued to walk through the halls. "Stay close behind me," Izuku said. "Sure, but shouldn't you stay behind me?" Uraraka said, "I know you're worried about my abilities, but I have a quirk. I should properly let you know that my quirk is called counter; I could counter anything with a tip of my finger, and I have a high regeneration state as well. On top of that, I have a super-strength quirk mixed in." Izuku said quietly, "Wow, you are definitely strong." Uraraka said.


"Yeah, I trained like hell to get here; I'm aiming to be a hero." Izuku said quietly. Katsumi showed up in the air with her hands sparkling as Izuku pushed Uraraka away, and he yelled out, "Counter!" Izuku said as he stretched his hand out as the explosion was violently knocked back at Katsumi, who was caught in the blast and fell to the ground. "The hell?" Katsumi said.


"My counter is strong; your explosion was countered by my quirk, and it sent it back ten times more powerful than it already was," Izuku said.


"Uraraka go! Ill handle her!" Izuku said, "Right!" Uraraka said.

"You're not going to beat me, Izuku," Katsumi said. "Your wrong about that Kachan. Deadly wrong," Izuku said.


'One for all, full crawling! 30 percent!' "This is my limit, Kachan, so be prepared!" Izuku said, kicking Katsumi out of the window.


With Uraraka 


She felt shaking inside the building and looked outside to see Izuku and Katsumi fighting. "You got this," Uraraka said as she made her way upstairs and saw Iida. "I have to play my part in Villainy," Iida said to herself, laughing like a maniac. "I'll make sure those heroes get what they came for!" Iida said. 


'Too serious!' Uraraka screamed in her head.


With Izuku 


Izuku blitzed towards Katsumi and shot forward his leg, "St Louis smash!" Izuku screamed out as Katsumi leaned backwards a little to dodge the attack as she shot an explosion towards Izuku. He brought up his hands just in time to counter the explosion, and they both were sent back.


"Come on, give me all you have!" Izuku yelled at Katsumi and rushed in and did an axe kick into the ground, breaking it apart, while Katsumi was in the air and shot an explosion at Izuku, who countered it, and Katsumi dodged her explosion. "I already saw that!" Katsumi said, who grabbed Izuku's hand, tossed it away, and sent an explosion at him.


Izuku did an x, blocked the explosion, and ran towards Katsumi. "Is that all you got?" Izuku said and jumped into the air, and Katsumi did the same.


'I know I can't say this to you but screw it!' "Kachan! I want to beat you because you are the incarnation of victory." Izuku said as he shot forward with his fist towards Katsumi, and she dodged the hit but didn't see Izuku do another kick while in the air. "Manchester! Smash!" Izuku said, delivering a brutal axe kick on Katsumi's back and sending her to the ground.


"Katsumi Bakugou is unable to battle! Only Iida Tenya is remaining!" All Might said through the speakers.


Izuku picked up Katsumi's body, sat her aside on the building sides, and tied her up as he jumped to the top of the building and punched the ceiling.


With Uraraka 


She noticed that the roof was being punched, and Iida was distracted, so she rushed in there and touched her body as she was starting to float. "Uraraka-San?" Iida said surprised, "Sorry, Iida-San," Uraraka said, and touched the fake bomb.


"Hero team wins!" All Might said.




Izuku just got off the train with Momo. "I'm still surprised that you guys won that match," Izuku said to her. "Yeah, Kenou's strategy worked like a charm," Momo said. They passed by an alleyway as something bumped into Izuku's legs, and Izuku looked to see a 6-year-old girl wearing rags as clothes and bandages all over her arms and feet. Izuku looked at her as she clutched his chest. "P-please." She stopped talking once they heard a voice coming from the alleyway. "Eri, how many times do I have to tell you... oh?" A really tall female figure was standing in the alley. 'W-who is she?' Izuku thought as he felt the girl called Eri clutching on his chest even tighter.


"A boy? This is a surprise, Eri; you outdone yourself," the woman said.


"I don't know who you are, but take another step, and I'm calling the police and the heroes," Izuku said. "Get behind me," Momo said as she stepped forward in front of Izuku.


"No matter," the woman said as she touched the ground, and Izuku, widening his eyes, pushed Momo out of the way and got stabbed in the shoulder as he gritted his teeth. "Izuku!" Momo said as she was trying to reach out to him. "Don't... I'll be okay... Contact the heroes," Izuku said before he passed out due to the pain in his shoulder.


Momo couldn't take another step since the woman summoned even more spikes, and Momo couldn't use her quirk to help him. The spikes disappeared, and Izuku, Eri, and the woman were gone as Momo fell to the ground and screamed with tears in her eyes.