
Its not what we think

The world we all dream of is not as beautiful as we dream when its come to reality it make us think nothing is perfect everything has its secrets that we not allow to learn

Theory_of_amna · Fantasia
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2 Chs


the white big sword swing in the air and blood splash everywhere on the white marble floor and some drops of blood fell on her white elegant hanfu and the drops of blood fell from her ruthless sword tip to the floor which makes a every irritated sound






buzzz ....

buzzzzzzz ...

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh again this whyyyy

she just move ger hand on bed while her eyes are closing she move towards the sound and yeah she find a phone and unlock it yeah its 8:34 am


the bigger sound frim the alarm clock she make even the neighbors gonna wake up




i have a meeting today shit why this all happen with me

she jump from her bed towards the bathroom she didn't think for a second and make a decision that she is not going to take shower she hase a meeting on 9:00 am and its already late she take teeth brush in one hand and hair brush on other while moving in the apartment and from the eyes finding her keys , laptop , and stuff yeah everything is here thanks to god she prepared dress in the night she cleaned mouth and take cloths and put them then come out and grab her stuff and then she look at her noddles and then the clock


one more frustrated sound but a little low its already 8:45 my boss gonna kill me she just look at herself while in the mirror while opening a apartment door she wore a plane jeans with the pink top ,with the little darkest pink long blazer , her favorite pair of heels and her lucky pendent that she hide under her top

ahhh i am late i am late

she is heading towards the bus luckily the bus is there she jump on it one more time thanks to god she has 15 minutes

she come to the building on time but she has to be in meeting room on time

what i done in my past life so god this to me

ahhhhhh ok she look in her bag to find a card for enter in the room



ahhhh who the helllllllll

word fall from his mouth when he see the person in front of her

ohhhhhhh Mr.Qinnnnn i am really sorry sir its my mistake i am sorry

Mr.Qin i never said its my mistake

ahhh yeah

Mr Qin miss XING ??

yesh sir ..

you are late for the meeting did you know this ??

sir i am on time in the building i just go to the room

yeah sure lets go

she shockingly look at him

he is mr perfect always on time never late but today he is also late like her and didn't scold her like he always did he is are company ceo but he is here when two months ago his dad died and my life in his hands and he is sooo weird i got a really weird vibe from him like a cool dark and old he looks so fine and young but sometimes feel more old then his dad


the lift come and we enter in the lift to go to the 10 floor for the meeting the meeting is end well because the boss and i both are late so no one is said anything i am just now in my desk arranging files for the next meeting and making points now i got a time for myself

i am An ( peacefull ) hui (wise ) i am secretary of mr dragon i mean mr qin he born under the dragon zodiac so yeah mr dragon who throw fore from his mouth while speaking anyways i am done with files now i have to give this to the boss ahhh but after a fresh juice because I can't handle him without it or its lunch time i dind't even have breakfast uhhhhhhhhhhhhh can i put little attention to myself anyways a pineapple juice and a bowl on noddle i want this but ahh i have 15 minutes I can't eat noddles i have to go back i am heading to thw office with the juice and


i know from the voice ahh its my best friend the only person i have for relax

hii sweet girl

hiii xiuying what are you doing here ??

i am just passing by so thought to meet you what are you doing what happen to you face why its so pale

ahhhh dot ask

did you have that dream again ???

ahh yesh but thats not a reason now ir didn't bother me

xiuying yeah i remember when first time you see that dream you feel so terrified

yeah i know but now its so usual like i see this dream 2 months ago first time and i really terrified but now its a routine so

xiuying never mind where were you heading ??

to my boss office i have to give him the files .

you boss is cruel

i know silly dragon

anyways do you have breakfast or lunch ???


yeah shit i have a call from him i have to go

ohhh waitt

i talk to you later


i have pineapple juice in one hand and the files on other

knock knock ...

mr qin

come in sir your files put that on the table he is talking on phone while his face is on the window


i feel a little dizziness

ahhh what is this

the world around me start sipping i just want to put the file on the table but the file touch something and fell down and my juice from the other hand drop i am on my foot but the world is still sipping mr qin look at me when he see this files in on floor and the juice is all over it i see his face glowing red but ge is sipping continuesly

mr qin what is this miss xing


author POV

she fainted but mr qin at the right moment hold her the expression of horror and fear is on his face for a moment and go he hold her in a bridal way on his hand and go to the exit he take her to his home and call a doctor for check up th doctor come and tell him she fainted because she didn't eat so he give her a injection while she lying on bed peacefully on bed who is not her on but rn she is fainted and have rest who she didn't got from the two months because after mr qin dad died the company go through ups and downs the shareholders give really hard time but mr qin manage to take charge and settle everything

time pass..

she wakes up with a freshness because she got the best sleep but this didn't last longer when she feel she is not on her room or she is in the office the softness of bed still tell her to sleep more but now she wanna know what happen her clothes is change she look around for a while when she smell something delicious she is hungry she didn't eat from the morning from the window in the room where the cotton is hungged but she can see street lights on and know its night she gas unknown fear of something her mind is racing what happen from the colour code she knows who's room she is its not like she never comes to his home she comes to his home whenever he has to work from home or anything they have ro work after the office time or something argent happen


what i am doing here who changes my cloths and continuesly coming delicious smell of meat vegetables and rice her mouth is watering and want to go out side but but her thoughts didn't let her go

ahhhhh god what happened plzzz give me my memory .....

suddenly the door open with smoothly without a notice and when she notice she wants to pretend that she is in sleep but its to late ...


she clear her voice

the man standing on the door in the casually dress not in her usually suit somehow its personality also give a very pleasant vibe not the bossy one but the caring one

miss. xing you are awake finally he said this in a very caring way or like he tense about it

yeah mr qin

not mr qin you are not on work right now you can call me wei ( great) chung (intelligent)

ahhhhh whatt...its give me another shock it's first time he talk and act like this and now he tells me to call him by his name i am die yeah i am dead and now its my after life yes


ahh yess my name didn't change ahh

yes mr qin

ahh i call you by your name thata mean we are not on work so you can also call me by my name

aahhhh really ..??

yeah i never said anything i am not sure about

admitted ..

so mr ...

i see anger now in his eyes so i change my sentence .

i mean chung .heheh

i want to put a laugh on the end cause its little akward

yeah come for the dinner

ah what

he go after saying this without any other word and i am again on the position like before

he again shouted

an come


i have to go outside and i forget ohh who change my clothes why i am here i have to ask

i put my courage together and go out side

he put the dishes on the table like he make them ohhh or he really make them noooo nooo stop this please

yeah come sit

there is alot of dishes on dinner table

i see Sichuan Chicken, rice ,dumplings and soup they all look yummy and smell yummy i sit on the chair because i am hungry and started to eat i want to ask questions but my hunger is greater so i eat first i have time to ask ...after food

i eat so fast ahmm ahmmm

take water ahmm

yeah thanks

eat slow you have time and food didn't go anywhere

ahhh yeah ...

time pass

so why i am here

you don't remember ...??

ahhh i mean no .he give me some kind of mysterious smile like he did something and i don't remember

why you didn't speak tell me what happen ???

now I can't controll it

tell me why i am here who change my clothes what happen ??? why you smiling like this tell me ???

its not my fault that you didn't remember what happen i couldn't do anything about it

what do you mean about that IT???

answer i really make terrible face he laughed at me and i cant control my anger i am going out of control and throw the cushion on him and then i remember oh he is my boss then i suddenly stand up

u am sorry mr qin i think you are not yourself today i want to leave

when i said mr qin he again come to cool era and with his emotionless face tell me everything that happened

you fainted so i take you here and call doctor the nurse come and change your clothes and this is receipt of the doctor if you don't believe me

hie sudden change and last words don't believe me like what

thanks for taking care of me but why you take me here not to the hospital yeah if i take you to the hospital it makes headlines next day and i know me and you we both dont want that so i take you here

i again said him thanks and curse my self to think that way

anyways mr qin thanks for today i want to go home now

don't need to thanks me just eat food at a time your life is important

ahh i didn't expect this ... he really want to give me heart attack today

i am silent ...

then he again said.

look at the time you didn't get any taxi this time and its also not safe so you ....

i just look at the clock and just wowwwww

its 11:00 at night

its this late how sleep that much

he suddenly silent on my shout now i look at him and he said

you stay here today the room for you is ready

i just follow him and go to the room its clean like he clean it just today and have everything

then he go and i am in the room and now i don't have any sleep because i sleep alot today i just lay down and text xiuying i text her that i am in the boss house today and she text ne and i tell her the full story and she also in shocked then she suddenly text me why he didn't drive you to the home .???? he has a car it shocked me to he has a car but he didn't ask for this then i tell her we talk after i cane home ...???? .what is happening why he is changed ahhhh i wanna knowwww. ....???????