everytime people get full of rage in their heart they dont seem to think and go straight to the point....they lose theirselfs..
in a world full of rage....you are sometimes..scared...so you act like what you are doing is meaningful to the person
kou sato a highschooler....he has brown hair and black eyes he usually likes to stay inside because of how much an otaku he is.....he usually lives alone...sometimes he visits hes grandma but parents....he dislikes being in family problems....hes sensetive...
too sensetive.
it was a cold night in osaka...kou walks to a nearby shop to buy some noodles...he likes to overwork himself and eat alot of junk food its not healthy but he earns money from making game assets in hes room it usually pays fine enough for him to live normally at least.
"is that all?" the cashier girl puts on a fake smile
kou stays silent as he grabs the money from hes pocket and looks up at her
"yeah thats all"
the store door opens as he leaves
he sighs as he looks down at hes bag
"maybe thats enough ramen...i dont know how to cook so eh what the hell...maybe id just order some food...how much money did i spent again?"
he checks to see how much money he spent its usually alot because he spents alot of it on games such as.....h*ntai games
as hes checking and walking dangerously a girl bumps to him its the same cashier girl
the cashier girl says on the ground
"watch where your going jackass!"
kou snaps back as he looks down to see her
he grabs her arm pulling her up
"sorry about that"..
the girl sighs
"whatever get lost" she walks past him
kou blushes a bit
"damn that girls cute" he stares a bit on her face as shes leaving
he snaps back.
"tch...who am i kidding she probably has a boyfriend"
he sighs as he walks to hes apartment opening the door and getting inside
"ill make the ramen later.."
he lays down on the couch tired as he stares at the ceiling hes eyes half closed he whispers quietly
"damn...that girl was cute..."
he looks at the tv playing a comedy show he grabs the remote and turn it off spacing out
"she works in that store huh.."
he remembers its very close to hes apartment as he smiles a little
"maybe ill talk to her tomorrow.."
hes eyes close fully as he falls in deep sleep snoring quietly..
the sun started rising birds were chirping and it was another normal day tho it was kinda hot outside kou wakes up sweaty as hell tired
he sighs
"mm...i dont wanna wake up tomorrow...i was supposed to go ask that girl...but im too tired...wait..no"
he snaps back and gets up brushing hes teeth and puts on hes normal fit its a duck shirt and some baggy black pants
he gets out of hes apartment and grabs hes keys
"hmm..." he walks down to the nearby store he was a bit scared if he just woke up over nothing and see a different cashier but he sees her smiling as he walks grabbing some chips and puts it on the counter
the girl remembers who he is and stopped faking her smile as she talks to him
"oh you again.."
kou is suprised smiles
the girl looks at him bored
she asks not interested in what he has to say
kou nods
she puts it in a bag and hands it to him
kou smiles and asks
"hey uhm whats your name.."
the girl sighs
kou gets nervous a bit but still smiles
"just wanna get to know you.."
the girl suddenly blushes from how much he dosent give up and looks at him
"cant you tell aint intereste- i mean...tch"
the girl looks down
"my name is aiko"
kou is suprised but looks away
"oh thats cool...my name is kou.."
he stops smiling and grabs hes bag
"well uhm cya.." he leaves the store
aiko face started turning a bit red as her eyes widen she puts on a break sign and walks outside at the back of the store
"damn it damn it why did i get so mad at him!"
she looks down on the ground but looks up to see him eating hes chips hes face messy with the crumbs aiko sighs and stays quiet for a bit....
kou is suprised but talks back
aiko eyes is purge of rage and embarrassment same goes for kou..
kou breaks the silent
"tch your ugly anyways"
aiko looks up at him her anger reached max
she sends out barrages of slaps at him
kou screams in pain
kou sighs as he looks down hes chips finished as he threw it in the trash..
he looks a bit uneased...as he gets out of the spacing zone and talk
"to be honest.." he says quietly....
"i never.....had....much interaction with people...when i saw you...you were kinda cute...so i assumed....maybe i have a chance...tho i realised...i was only judging you based off the looks...it was a bit idiotic of me...i deserve this honestly....pushing people away...im not that grea-"
before he could speak more aiko stops him from talking aiko speaks her voice softening a bit
"...but you are talking to me now....quit thinking about what you did wrong or about yourself....your judging by emotions and acts too quickly you just push people away...are you that sensetive..."
she says as she looks at him with serious eyes a mix of discomfort in it too
kou eyes widens as he looks at her a bit suprised but also says quietly
".....im sorry....i cant help...but be this way.."
aiko grabs kou arm as she pulls him up
"from now on....WERE CONNECTED GOT IT!"
kou looks at her with a mix of confusion in hes eyes
aiko sighs
"....yeah.....listen i dont like to see someone pathetic like you give in to girls scent this quickly...youll just keep getting hurt over and over.."
she looks at him a bit shy
"lets walk."
kou is still suprised but smiles softly he never imagined someone...will actually take him
they both walk as the sun was setting down the grass is green and the wind is normal as usual....they were at a more quiet place without much people as they walk they see a park...
kou suggests as he looks at the park
"wanna go there?"
aiko chuckles
kou looks at her uniform as he laughs
aiko is confused for a momment before remembering she put a on break sign her eyes widen in embarrassment as she looks down
kou smiles as he hold her hand
"come on...lets go.."
aiko looks at him blushing out of embarrassment...
"y-yeah...lets go" she says quietly
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