
Ithaca Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • A Long Way Home Ithaca's Cruising Adventures

    The story of Ithaca cruising family! A family of four started their journey around the world on a sailboat. They planned everything, but not everything would go with their plan. The ocean can not be conquered, nature can not be conquered. Humans are only part of nature. Life-threatening moments and joys, dolphins and penguins, storms and rainbows, broken engines and sails...

    Ping_Ithaca · Realistic
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  • Origin Of My Family

    The war is over - Troy has fallen. After ten long years, you, the sovereign of the crown of Ithaca, cast your sails home. But Poseidon, god of the sea, cursed your journey, and now, many trials stand between you and the loving embrace of your wife and child: Polyphemus the Cyclops, Scylla and Charybdis, the mermaids, the Land of the Lotus Eaters.. .you and your companions will even travel to the land of the dead. And the memories that haunt you: the ghosts of those you killed on the battlefields? Do you even want to get back to your spouse and the burdens of government? What if you find love or peace somewhere along the way? Not all houses look the same. And what songs will the poets sing about you - will they hail you as a hero? ...or an assassin?

    Ovo_do_bonde · Action
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  • Best Astrology Remedies New York Bring Back Your ex Love +256760173386

    Best Astrology Remedies in USA | Bring Back Your ex Love +256760173386 Love spells In Andes, Saugerties, Ithaca, Skaneateles, Denmark, New Paltz, San Francisco, Anaheim, Bakersfield, Los Angeles, New York, London, Australia, Austria, Vienna, Sydney, Canada, Toronto, Montreal, Germany, Norway, Texas, Trinidad and Tobago, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent

    red537682 · Urban
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  • Codex Arcana : A Compendium of Monsters

    Welcome, dear reader, to a tome that's sure to add a bit of spice—and maybe a shiver or two—to your life. I am your humble narrator, known by many names: King of Ithaca, raider of cities, man of many wiles, and wanderer. But you can just call me "that guy who took forever to get home." This book isn't just about my own wild adventures, though there are plenty of those to go around. No, this is an encyclopedia of monsters—a compendium of the creepiest, crawliest, and most formidable foes I've had the pleasure (or misfortune) to encounter(Or learn about). From the labyrinthine depths of the sea to the highest peaks of Mount Olympus, these pages are filled with tales of creatures that will make you question every shadow and every rustle in the night. I've poured all my quests, journeys, hardships, and hard-earned knowledge into this collection. You'll meet the classics, like the Cyclops (still nursing that grudge, I'm sure) and the ever-charming sirens (note to self: invest in earplugs). But you'll also discover some lesser-known terrors that might just keep you up at night. So, whether you're a seasoned adventurer looking for tips on your next monster hunt or simply someone who enjoys a good fireside scare, this encyclopedia is for you. Grab a comfy seat, perhaps a nice glass of something strong, and dive into the monstrous marvels of our world. Just remember: sometimes, the things that go bump in the night are very, very real. Enjoy the chills!

    Runeless · Fantasy
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