
It started with a hug

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What is It started with a hug

Leia o romance It started with a hug escrito pelo autor sleeping_karma publicado no WebNovel. ...


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Andres Mann was an Army Officer and a business executive. He graduated with degrees in Political Science and International Relations and published three management books and various business articles. Andy had the good fortune to meet remarkable people from all over the world, most of them good, others not so much. Some were extraordinarily talented, able to perform well in multiple endeavors. The novels are based on the actions of real people he observed dealing with challenging situations. He believes that it is interesting to understand multi-faceted personalities that are fascinating and sometimes evil, making it difficult to make quick judgments about right and wrong. Three remarkable people are caught in a web of obsession and deceit. Tess is a military helicopter pilot; beautiful, aggressive and relentless. She gradually awakens as a real woman due to the love of two men. Jake, a brilliant CIA operative and Amir, a wealthy, sophisticated but dissolute Iraqi general who initially captures Tess during a battle and becomes obsessed with her. Tess escapes but must fulfill a promise that involves taking something from Amir. Tess and Jake attempt to go after him in and the action progresses from Istanbul to Paris and London. Amir persuades Tess to spend time with him in France and England in exchange for what she is seeking. Here she meets Fadime, his alluring and decadent sister. In the end, Amir deceives Tess. She returns to Iraq, flying dangerous missions and rescuing wounded soldiers. An unforeseen event changes everything.

Andres Mann · Urbano
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379 Chs


Daniel Faust was a mildly talented, underachieving, slightly lecherous data analyst who wanted nothing more than to live a simple life with his darling wife, Anne. For him His life was perfect, or at least it looked that way to him. Until life threw a curve ball at him. They diagnosed him with cancer. The doctors were adamant that Dan wouldn't last long without surgery, so he would have to be on chemotherapy for six months at the very least, so Dan did exactly that. He went on chemo only to lose his hair, his job, his wife, and then finally his life. Dan wasn't really expecting a whole new gig in life after death because of cancer. He was hoping for peace at the very least, but the universe had something else entirely in stock for him. Dan was thrust into a body of a child thrown into a world he barely understood with powers that he needed to hide, with a name that was not his but was his, and a life that was not worth much to anybody but himself. Meet Our protagonist as he tries to survive in a hostile world of magic power cruelty and things unknown that in every right should be nothing but stories and myth. Join him on a journey as he encounters old gods, dark elves, blood elves, night elves, high elves, dwarves, goblins, orcs, and mythical beings not to mention humans of all kinds, He is cursed with a cruel fate, and to escape that fate he needs to figure out his mysterious powers and who he can trust and who is out to kill him...or worse. . Disclaimers: This story will contain eastern name settings as well as western setting names, so eastern names based on Chinese and Japanese Names in this setting will be presented with the family name before the given name (i.e., Last name first name). I would like to tell you, that I'm in no way, shape, or form a professional writer and that it will not be perfect. I will nonetheless strive to make it the most accurate and pertinent possible when it is due. I am, also, not a native speaker. My English skills are roughly 90% self-taught. You are welcome to correct my poor mastery of your tongue in the commentary section if you do it nicely, I'll correct my, multiple, blunders. Divine Warlock is my Second serious attempt at writing a story. It's heavily inspired by East Asia culture, folklore, and mythology, with the western magic element. I will try to write every day, with a goal of about 45,000 words per month (~1500 per day). Chapter lengths are random on average, I will be releasing chapters on the day they are ready.

JDSin97 · Fantasia
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  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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