

The rich Ceo named JACKSON, who's the king of the Mafia world with the name " PHOENIX " .....No one knows his real identity.... He has a dark past and he want Revenge from everyone who made his life miserable...On the other hand MIRANDA , Personal assistant of Jackson with clumsy and bright behaviour... but something is wrong with her..... What happens when both of their different world collides with each other..... Their journey starts here!! .

Broken_Soul07 · Ação
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1 Chs

CHAPTER 1 Introduction...

Gun shots was filled in the room . Many were lieing on the floor. Some dead,some badly injured and some struggling to get free from the gaurds and there he is.... the main culprit captured by the MAFIA KING.....who is known as " PHOENIX " to the outside world.... No one knows the real identity of him....

" Well well well , look who is here , Once again good to see you Mr Joe!!! " .

With the evil smile he took a seat infront of the bloody pale man....

" H-huh , do you think i-im afraid of you?! NO!!! if you are a man, show your face to me... you know what * spits the blood * you are just a coward! JUST A COWARD!!!! HAHAHAHA " .

Laughs loudly while suddenly a knife prieced right into his middle of the chest while the man came infront of Joe where as his eyes widened....

" J-jack-son "

Shock was clearly written on his face. As he didn't expect to see his ex friend to be the mafia king who kills the people for their bad deeds.... he smiled with the victory moved his face forward to his ....

" See you in the hell my traitor " .

He took the knife harshly from his chest where the blood spatered everywhere...

" Clear everything , Nothing should be left here... and venice !! " . " yes sir " .

Venice his bodyguard and righthand man who is trusted most.....

" I want all the details and background check about that wang and.... any information about black dragon?! " .

" Yes sir, the information will be submitted tomorrow and no sir we couldn't track anything or get any information as their security is being so high... don't worry sir our boys are working hard on it....we will find soon!! " .

" I believe you venice... and I need it as soon as possible... because I can't wait to take my revenge on him!!! " .

Venice nodded in agreement and followed him to the car.

" Make sure everything is settled " .

" sure darling * giggles * " .

" Yahhh don't tease me * pouts * " .

smiles and drove to the home. He got home and gone straight to his room , took a shower and gone to dining room and sat on the table where he can hear his nani , the one who took care of him from his childhood is now rumbling because her kid is late to home.....AGAIN!!! . She kept the food infront of him and sat beside him. He knows what's coming next.....

" nani~~ Iam sorry, you know I had a lot of work to finish that's why.... will you forgive me please * puppy eyes * "

" This won't work on me kid, besides how much time I should say you should be at home before 9:00 cause I know you won't take care of yourself and invite problems...and this is the 4958th time you are telling this!!! "

Chokes on the food....

" WHAT!!! MORE THAN 4000 TIMES?! it's okay nani....add my excuse one more time my excuse so it would be 4959th time!!. "

Stuffs his food and smile where she smiles and ruffles his hair.

" Whatever, I can't change you.... I hope you will always smile like this son " .

He nodded with a smile and she gone to kitchen. After Finishing the dinner , telling goodnight to everyone he hopped to his room.

At the right time she is calling who can always make him smile, His first love , His PA " MIRANDA " . He smiled and took her call.

* On Call *

" Good evening sir! sorry if I disturbed you... but tomorrow morning please come a little bit early as you have a meeting with mr . Warner "

" mm okay...I will and....errr !! "

" Yes sir anything else?! "

" Well , did you..... mm.... ate??! "

* silence for a minute *

" HAHAHAHA....it took so long for you to ask sir!! . You know always my first priority is food sir and if I get hungry my mind will go blank for instant!!! "

While she is proud he whispered

" I know , You love food more than me .... "

" Did you say something sir?! "

" N-no , Nothing . Well good night and don't be late again tomorrow !! "

" Sir~ See tomorrow I will be the one who will come to the office before you !!! Good night sir and take care!!. "

" mmm.. let's see , take care.. "

After ending the call he whispers....

" I wish you would know my love for you.... I LOVE YOU!!! "


She came to the office with a proud smile but it dropped once she saw.....

" Come on ~~ this is not fair sir * whines and pouts * "

Jackson laughed while flipping the files

" well.... someone challenged me that the will come earlier than me but now..... * stands and walks near miranda and stands closer * Now what happened?! I won.... "

" Arrgh.. fine you won * pouts * What shoul- "

Suddenly Jackson pulled her closer to him and locked his eyes with her's... it was like he was staring at a whole galaxy and for her it was a Euphoric moment as her longtime crush has been holding her like she used to dream.... His eyes then travelled all over her face admiring each and every part then lastly it landed on her lips...he leaned forward to her and she closed her eyes as he was about to kiss * BAAMM * The door opened by venice and team but got shocked by the scene....They both pulled away embarrassed and miranda left there to her cabin....

" Can I know what was going on here?! "

venice asked and nick other bodygaurd responded....

" what was going on ?! THEY WERE ABOUT TO KISS....CAN YOU GUYS BELIEVE THEY WERE ABOUT TO KISS!!!! IAM GOING NUTS FOR SURE....BRO * breaths heavily * Can you explain something and clarify it ..... "

* For Clarification : there is a group of 5 Bodyguard who are the main bodygaurds of Jackson and bestfriends of him since high school...they are Venice, Nick, Bravo, Mike and George.. *

Jackson started to whine....

" Come on guys~ When it's come to troubles and thirdweeling why it is always you Five?!! "

They all started to smile and scratches the back of their neck feeling embarrassed and mew told...

" Well... what to do?! you are the one who is doing everything in a wrong time!!! who told you to kiss her while the door is unlocked?! "

Everyone nodded in synk and jeno told...

"Yes!!..Tell us * goes and close the door *

What is going on between you two..mmhhh~~ * Wiggles his eyebrows * "

Jackson giggled shyly and sat on the couch following others...

" It's not like you guys don't know anything!! From the day I saw her there... I just want her to be with me, Just mine....Her clumsy behaviour makes me want to laugh at her always....Her smile makes my day....Like a dream I thought I will mark her as mine but * Rolls his eyes and looks annoyingly * You guys just barged in and spoiled everything...Now you guys are introgating me like a criminal... Don't forget I'm your boss!!.. "

Yibo laughed..

" YES SIR * Playfully saluted and laughed his ass off * That's true... but don't you think a mafia like you is really slow at this case?!... "

" Not only me... But every Mafia in this world is slow witted only in the case called LOVE...hahah "

They all nodded and talked some random stuffs till they heard the knock on the door...It was none other than his obsessive onsided love Alexa, Daughter of the wealthiest man and his rival Eason....

Jackson sighed and signed his friends to go out...as they gone she came in...

" Am I a ghost or something... That they need to be out?! Whatever... how are you babe??! It's been a long time since I saw you.... * She backhugged him * I missed you "

" Till now I had some peace now it has gone... * He broke the hug and turned to her * and for your kind information I didn't miss you... "

He left her and gone to his table and started to work on his laptop where she felt so heartbroken....She went near him and asked...

" Why Jackson?! Why do you have to hate me so much...am I that bad just because I loved a man like you?! tell me Jackson WHY!!! "

She controlled her tears and waited for the reply...He replied calmly

" See Alexa, I just see you as my friend nothing else... I haven't hated you but now you are making me to hate you with your obsessive behaviour....So, I think its clear "

" Is loving someone is a crime?! "

" Loving someone is not a crime but forcing someone to love you is more than a crime...So Miss Alexa if you leave I can work in peace..."

She felt humiliated, Anger, Sadness but most importantly he humiliated her love... Without saying anything she left the place...After a few minutes miranda came in...

" umm...Sir... * She took a deep breath and spoke * Mr.Warner is here to meet you..."

He sighed and turned his face to her...Her rosy cheeks, Unfocused eyes with a tint of blush made him sigh again but more relaxing...He nodded and she exited... Closing the door she leaned on the door and kept her hand on heart...

" If you beat like this then soon I will be in heaven.... Come on you should not have any feelings for your boss that's illegal...Drop it... "

She talked to herself to calm down while on the other side... Jackson leaned on his chair and closed his eyes....

" Aishh...I think my heart will fall out soon....No matter what I will make you mine BABY!!!. "