
Nice Rexy?

Salty winds buffeted my long damp auburn hair as I stared at the dark and seemingly endless waves slap onto the brittle sands and pull back for another go. The sky growled, and its dark thunderous clouds loomed overhead steadily drifting closer. I shivered and glanced behind me at the giant never ending wall of trees. They groaned and swayed painfully in the wind as if they were warning me not to come close. I then proceeded to glance down at my completely soaked white sundress that was now partially see-through and clinging to my body. The black waves had eaten my shoes and ripped my jacket to shreds. I sighed and began to walk along the brittle sands hoping I'd find at least one of my shoes and began to collect my thoughts.

I didn't have the first clue where I was and how I got here. Last thing I remembered I was walking at a bone quarry and admiring Squalicorax otherwise known as crow shark teeth. It's a prehistoric shark that resembles the great white from the cretaceous period. A little kid had pushed me as he scrambled towards the toy section and with my petite frame it caused me to stumble. While I was falling forward my arm was sliced open on the edge of an unknown tooth that had been propped up and it embedded itself into my arm. My world had turned to black shortly after, I'd only had enough time to register that I was hurt but not to feel the pain. I woke up to hurtling through the sky at a speed that would surely kill me while heading straight toward a body of water. When I had hit the waves, I felt as if I'd broken every bone in my body, intense waves of agony washed over me and I couldn't comprehend how I was still alive nor did I have time too. The waves had brutally thrown me around and attempted to pull me under with its vice grip. I had fought it with my entire being, but the water had been winning. With my last burst of strength as my lungs started screaming for oxygen and my legs felt like heavy rocks I'd managed to uproot a huge tree branch from rocks on the ocean floor and cling to it as it surfaced rapidly through the water. The log had eventually drifted toward an ominous dark jungle which led to me to my current state of events.

Not seeing a single trace of my shoes, I huffed and gave up. I began looking for any signs of humanity like a road, or a sign but that was hard given all I could see in one direction was the dark threatening waves, and on the other was an ominous forest. Neither of those options seemed very pleasing to me. As I stumbled through the foliage on the ground I began swearing, I was a hundred percent sure my feet were currently bleeding. I really just wanted to go home, curl into a warm fluffy blanket, sleep and forget about all of this. Branches snagged on my dress, face, hair and arms making me come to the realization that I had wounded my arm earlier. Looking down at my right arm there was a long-scabbed gash from the inner elbow to the center of my palm. What concerned me is that there was an odd tattoo/ marking on my palm in the shape of a tooth, it was the color of blood with gold lining through here and there marking the details. I have a few tattoos already, but this was definitely not one of them. I shrugged my shoulders although it was weird I should just worry about it later, I need to focus on looking for a road, or a sign to lead me to a city.

I was in the middle of debating if I should climb one of the ginormous trees and attempt to spot something from the top when I heard a deep intake or air somewhere far behind me. It's didn't sound human and more like a big moose like a really big fucking moose. A million thoughts began racing through my head and shivers cascaded up my spine. There was something about that intake of air that brought out a pure primal fear. I turned my head and peaked around my shoulder too afraid to actually turn around and searched desperately through the trees to spot what made the noise.

Suddenly branches creaked like something big was coming through the trees and fast. 'FUCK THAT' was my first thought as I hastily swung my arms above my head and grabbed the nearest branch hauling myself up as fast as was humanly possible. Foot steps that sounded like Godzilla on steroids pounded through the trees in my direction. 'Don't pee, don't pee, just climb as fast as possible.' Having bladder issues right now was not on the agenda but you have to go when you have to go. After madly climbing I finally felt secure enough in the tree to stop climbing and look around to see what had charged towards me. That's when I made eye contact with it.

'You have got to be fucking kidding me, I'm going to die, or I've gone completely bat shit crazy.' The creature in the distance looked like a T. Rex ripped straight off of the Jurassic park movies. It stared at me with its emotionless eyes, and my dumb ass stared straight back at it to stunned to process what the actual fuck was happening. It made another huffing noise in my direction and I slammed back into reality. I instantly noticed the uncomfortable feeling of the nervous sweats under my armpits. I'm not entirely sure where I found the time and energy to worry about the nervous sweats when I am literally staring death itself in the face. I wanted to turn and climb higher up the tree but I felt moving would piss the Rex off. I was literally that one deer that would run into the road and freeze when headlights touched it, or as the saying goes " A deer in the headlights."

"Nice Rexy?" I said after me and the Rex stared at each-other awkwardly for another astoundingly long 5 minutes. The air around me suddenly turned suffocating and started to vibrate with a deep humming echoing in the background. The vibrations caused my chest to feel like it was being run over by a truck from every direction. Confusion washed over me as I looked around, is there like a super powered drill shaking away somewhere? I quickly snapped my eyes back to the Rex cursing myself for getting easily distracted and then was dumbstruck when I realized that the Rex was causing the vibrations and humming noise. Is this stupid dinosaur purring at me? What a scary ass purr.

I finally gathered enough courage to reach for the branch above me and was about to pull myself up when the Rex took 4 long strides and left 6 inches of space between me and it's very terrifying jaws. I must admit, Rex breath is probably the worst thing I've ever smelt in my life. I looked at the rotting flesh that hung from various places on it's teeth almost like they were very gory Christmas ornaments. Sweat poured down my back and I slowly lifted my eyes from it's jaws to its eyes. We stared at each-other like 2 lovers in a classroom with their seats on opposing sides of the room.

"Nice Rexy?!" I said again but this time my voice squeaking like a boy going through puberty. The Rex exhaled slowly in my face and I felt like I got thrown into a sudden tornado, my hair ripped away from my face and flew behind me like a flag. I'm pretty sure my cheeks even pulled back and I probably looked like a dog sticking its head out of a car window. I blinked my eyes a few times desperately trying to get much needed moisture back into them and glared at the Rex. I got the sudden urge to blow back in its face.

'I really am batshit crazy. You know though.... I'm probably going to die anyway so might as well blow in its face and possibly poke it's nose just so I can tell my family up in heaven I touched a Rex.' I firmly nodded my head, ' I might as well go out with a bang,' I slowly reached my arm up towards Mister Rexy's nose.

This is one of the first chapters I've ever written before so I apologize for any mistakes I might've made. Also if you spot and spelling or grammar errors please tell me! I'd also appreciate any critiques, or anything that could help me write better in the future.

Thank you for giving my novel a chance!

ALSO for people wanting to know what the t-rex humming sounds like check out this video by DangerVille!


Meganlikesfriescreators' thoughts
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