
Demon Lord vs Heroes

The best record for beating a demon lord in our company was set by Hero No.003 Lisa Bravestorm. It was a peculiar case because she was summoned by none other than the Demon Lord who she was tasked to subjugate.

That one Demon Lord got himself pretty cocky after he has succeeded conquering his world. Got bored, he said and attempted to summon a Hero to kill his boredom. He thought he was the strongest in the universe. Sure, he was the strongest being in his world with a total whopping Level of 6000. He got cocky and probably did not bother to check Lisa's level.

He asked Lisa to entertain him and she did not take his word very well. She was very offended and pissed. She activated her unique skill and punched him so hard that his entire body became the space dust that orbited around his world while that pitiful Demon Lord was conducting his Demon Lord's monologue. The fateful battle between a Demon Lord and the Hero did not even last a minute.

That was a record that nobody thought they could beat. Though, I could only hope that this Demon Lord Subjugation case I'm taking on would be as smooth as that one.

I have confirmed the coordinates of the Demon Lord's Fortress from the documents I collected. Z set up his warping spell and as soon as all of the Heroes stood on the magic circle Z erected, he activated his spell. My sighted warped as the magic circle that Z drew lit up like neon lights.

"Phuuccck,"Z cursed aloud while I was doing that internally.

I would like to say that the coordinates of the Demon Lord's Fortress that these people gave me was too precise.

This is literally a speed-run. God damn it! I immediately knew that I was inside the throne room of the Demon Lord from the experience. God damn it! I need some time to prepare myself first…

For a moment, I was in awe at the sheer scale and the gargantuan larger than life feeling that this throne room projected. A predominant golden hall was so big and large that it must be an architectural wonder of this world, created by the most ingenious dwarves no less. The pillars that supported the hall must be at least 60 meters height or something.

This could not be pure gold, could it? I asked myself internally, gulping. They must be gilded, I deluded myself. How many tons of gold is required to construct this hall? I had no idea.

The massive ceiling of this golden hall was even more impressive. A semi-transparent hemisphere created from the glistering of millions of diamonds.

"I knew that this day would come. That puny rat has finally done it. Heroes, I have been waiting for you," Fiery voices boomed and shook the throne room, reverberating through my bones and ear canals. Suddenly the entire throne room was lit by thousands of braziers and torches.

Three serpentine necks rose from the stretching shadows of the tall pillars, framing the golden hall with their shiny black scales. What a massive beast, I thought. A towering three head dragon covered in jet black obsidian scales stood, spreading its massive wings. Red eyes peered down at me from above, filled with both contempt and amusement.

"My name is Nafla Summer, a professional Hero. You must be the Demon Lord Salodonel Highdragon if I'm not wrong." I stepped out of the fray and introduce myself.

The three headed dragon scoffed and puffed out its chest. "Feast your eyes upon my mighty form, Heroes. Tis' I Salodonel the Destroyer, the Devourer, the Flame of Flame, the…"

"Sorry, I don't have time for that. Quick question, have you had any thought of surrendering or revoking your seed of destruction and co-exist peacefully in this world?" I interjected, skipping the entire self-introduction cut-in of the Demon Lord. I did not have time to wait until he's done with his introduction.

The dragon did not appreciate the fact that I have just cut its monologue short. It gnashed its teeth and hissed, "Puny creatures, do you think you and your puny group can…"

<Light bolt,> I shouted, conjuring an orb of light to smash into one of the dragon head, dazzling the behemoth for a moment. "He said no. Stick with the plan and beat the crap out of him," I shouted and my companions bellowed their thunderous war cry.

I have expected that the dragon would not surrender peacefully without a fight. I wished it did, would save me a lot of time.

Flame spewed out of the dragons' snout and his eyes flared up with fury. "There should be a limit to how rude…"

<Silence>, <Cripple>, <Strength Down>, <Curse>

It seemed the Demon Lord was trying to say something, however, team B was already on their job, casting debuffs on him according to the plan. The dragon choked on its words due to the effect of <Silence>. Now, it could not cast any spell until it manages to do something about those guys on team B.

The three headed dragon cocked back, inhaled deeply and puffed its mouths.

"Incoming," I shouted, signaling my companions to get behind me. <Fire Ward> I casted a defensive spell and erected a golden barrier to protect my companions.

Three columns of fire scorched the enclosed throne room, turning up the heat by several thousand Celsius. Each one of those spewing flame column had a different color, one blue, one reddish yellow and one white. However, the moment those three fiery columns touched my glowing golden barrier, the fire went poof, leaving no trace.

Three pairs of giant ruby eyes turned round and widened, filled with shock, not for long.

A barrage of <Holy Smite> smashed against the gargantuan figure of the three headed behemoth with impunity and sent it falling backward, crushing its golden throne with its sheer size and weight. A tremor spread through the golden throne room and the diamantine ceiling seemed to shift.

"Team C, with me. A and B, keep your distance and keep spamming your spells. D stay alert," I shouted, leading the vanguard to move forward.

From within the cloud of dust, the dragon bounced back from the attack with an explosive display of agility that was physically impossible for something of its size. Its reddish toothy mouths opened wide, revealing razor teeth and fangs like a forest of spears.

I tapped into my mana core and conjured five layers of protective barriers with <Immovable Fortress> a unique skill of mine.

The dragon tore through the first three barriers easily with its massive strength, cracked down the fourth and was stopped short by the fifth. My team backed me up with their defensive skills

<Invisible Ward> and <Iron Shell> were casted, adding more defensive layers to stop the dragon's onslaught.

The dragon raked its massive claws against my final barrier twice and managed to tear it down after the third time. The dragon then turned its back and pirouetted, its morning star-like tail whipping, effortlessly smashed through dozen layers of <Invisible Ward> and <Iron Shell> that my team conjured as if they were nothing but glasses.

I instantly glimpsed through my inventory box and took out my beloved Gates of Heaven. The pair of great shields materialized in each hand of mine, "You shall not pass," I braced myself for the impact, teeth gnashing.

The bulk of the dragon carapace tail met my Gates of Heaven and a tremor spread through the throne room. I felt my bones rattled as I took that attack head on. Shit, I felt that attack. Even when it was inflicted with <Strength Down>, the dragon's attack still packed a ridiculous strength of a Level 9,000 Demon Lord.

We, I and the Gates of Heaven, are immovable objects when we are together. The three headed dragon, strong as it might be, is, however, not an unstoppable force. Thus, the tail bounced off and knocked onto a nearby pillar, bringing it down to the ground.

The dragon stared at me with increased bewilderment. The thought that something like a puny human have managed to repel its attack in a direct confrontation had never crossed its mind. The thought that it lost in a contest of strength must feel strange to it.

Nevertheless, this three head dragon is just a frog inside a well. There are things, creatures and people who possess a greater strength that that in the vast arrays of multiverses and multi-dimensions. My wife and our company Hero No.003 are the best examples of that.

When No.003 became serious, she could destroy a star with a single punch. My wife on the other hand, when she entered her rampage mode, she could dish out a barrage of attacks that could obliterate an entire Solar system within minutes.

Until this day, only those two women have managed to put a crack on my defense.

"As expected of the greatest masochist of our company," Z sent a telepathic message straight into my head, which I ignored and told him to watch out instead.

As the dragon was busy staring at me with disbelief in its eyes, <Holy Smite> and <Eclipse> rocked its body. The Demon Lord staggered but bounced up right away.

It lashed out a new onslaught, however, the cool down for my <Immovable Fortress> was up and I immediately conjured the five layers barrier. The dragon's attack was once again repelled. Furious, it launched another breathing attack again, spewing an infernal jet stream of three colors toward our direction. Again, my <Fire Ward> dispelled the dragon's fire completely.

The dragon angrily bellowed, or at least that was what it looked like. It was still afflicted with <Silence>.

Just for a moment, I thought that the behemoth was looking up. I saw the same identical evil smirk spread on its three mouths. The dragon lashed its tail and tore through dozens of <Barrier> and <Iron Shell> that the junior Heroes in my team conjured before straying into a nearby pillar. The pillar broke into two and crumbled.

The dragon continued to spin around, violently smashing its tail at us. Again, I repelled its attack with the pair of great shields on my hand. Its massive carapace tail bounced and nailed another yet pillar.

<Naf, it's trying to collapse this entire place on us," Z was the first to realize the dragon's intention and shouted.

The dragon's expression looked like it was mocking us for realizing that too late. A concentrated barrage of <Holy Smite> and <Eclipse> did nothing to slow down the dragon from wrecking its own throne room.

Pillars and walls crumbled one by one. The entire place was coming down. That diamantine dome tilted over and came crashing down.

Z and his team casted an instant warping spell on all of us and got us out of the collapsing Demon Lord's Fortress.


As soon as we warped out of the collapsing Fortress, the dragon took the opportunity to conjure a level 9000 spell <Meteor Rain> as soon as nobody kept him checked with <Silence>.

My entire team had put all of our effort on the defensive end to keep the entire force alive. Even Z's team and team A had to stop what they were doing to conjure all sort of defensive spells within their arsenal, barely weathered through the rain of fire and destruction.

"Puny rats, do you think that I have done nothing while waiting for you? Behold, this is the Ever-rock, I used it to prevent myself from evolving." The dragon grandiosely crushed the item within its hand. "And this is Ambrosia. I will consume this and gain 1000 level. Then I will evolve into…guh"

It staggered and groaned. A boulder at the size of an elephant flew straight at the dragon's torso.

The dragon looked down at us with widened eyes. The thought that us Heroes would attack it while it was trying to level up and transform must have never crossed its mind.

It was like someone has casted <Silence> on all of us, the dragon and us Heroes. I turned and looked at the perpetrator of the awkward silence.

"Just to be sure. We can attack right?" Desgia sweated and gingery asked in a quiet voice while 29 pairs of eyes beamed at his figure. He was the person who launched that boulder.

"Actually, just let him evolve." Z shouted into the open telepathic channel shared among our raiding force.

His message confused the heck out of everybody.


"Are you sure?"

"Are you on weed or what?"

"Wait what? Are we supposed to wait and let him become even stronger?"

Everybody just typed whatever came to their mind. Those guys on the parallel Earth series worlds spammed the entire communication channel with the confused Nick Young meme. Before long, the entire channel was filled with spams and emoji.

"No, however, this time, it's different. Just let that stupid lizard evolve for god sake." Z scratched his head and ended all the discussion, typing his message in all capital letters.

Half of the raid force clutched their head, staring back and forth between Z and the three headed Demon Lord.

"Sorry for the etiquette. Please go on and evolve. We will wait," I told the Demon Lord, breaking the awkward silence.

"You promise that you would not attack me while I'm doing that?" The dragon inquired. Its face shrouded with doubts.

I don't blame the dragon for being doubtful. That's a natural reaction.

"You can have my word," I said, "Go on, have that Ambrosia and evolve. We will wait." I confirmed.

"You swear?" the dragon was still full of doubt.

"Just hurry the fuck up. I don't have time to stay here all day and chat with you. If you planned to chew on that Ambrosia or whatever and evolve, hurry up. If you don't, we will resume this fucking fight. My schedule is packed," I snapped, thudding the pair of great shields on my hand against the ground. A crater formed around me.

The dragon nodded its three heads, "I will trust your…"

"Hurry the fuck up and stop talking," I impatiently cut in.

The dragon tossed the Ambrosia into its mouth and it started to convulse. The semi- transparent level on its head started to soar. In an instance, the Demon Lord's level went up to five digits.

"Oooh this is power. I'm filled with power," the Demon Lord completed its first evolution, turning into a Super Demon Lord. The number of heads attached to its torso tripled. "I'm not done yet," it bellowed and convulsed again.

The nine heads dragon began to shine like a light bulb, evolving once again. It became a Supreme Demon Lord, growing in size. It was at the size of a 60 meters building before, now, it was the size of a mountain. Its wings darken the sky and casted a massive shadow on the ground.

The dragon cackled and convulsed again."Ooooh, I'm overflowing with power," It shed its scale this time, shrinking in size and attained a humanoid shape.

"Hurry the fuck up," I internally cursed the dragon, impatiently tapping my feet.

"What the fuck are you? Frieza?"

"How many forms does he have?"

The guys from the parallel Earth series flooded the telepathic channel again.

The Supreme Demon Lord has evolved into a Demon Demi God. Three pairs of leathery bat wings sprouted out of its back. It has shrunk to the size of a hill giant around three meters in height.

"This is not even my finally form yet," the Demon Lord laughed and once again convulsed, shrinking even further to the size of a human.

Its three pair of leathery wings shrunk to match its size. A dark armory exoskeleton appeared and covered its entire body. A pitch black halo appeared above its head and the Demon Lord has finally attained the title of a Draconic Demon God.

"Feast your eyes upon my magnificent form, puny rats, for I am your Undoer," the creature laughed, flapping its three pairs of wings and spreading its muscular arms proudly. It released an oppressive invisible pressure, forcing every single person on my raiding force to buckle to their knees.

"All yours Naf," Z told me via the telepathic channel and I nodded my head, snapping my fingers.

The space around the newly evolved Demon God twisted and a multitude amount of red ropes appeared, chaining the creature.

"Do you think these puny ropes of yours could bind me? Watch this, rats." The Demon God bellowed and fought back. "What the fuck are these things? Why can't I tear them?"

Struggle all you can fool, I internally cursed the creature. Those Anti-Divinity cables of mine would not be broken by the strength of a mere Demon God.

The Draconic Demon God stared at me, struggling to break free of the binding ropes. It then switched its strategy, using its newly attained power instead "Thou shall fall before…"

"Oops," I snapped my fingers again, the space distorted and a total of thirteen swords of light appeared, impaling the bounded Demon God.

"…before me." The Demon God stared at me, confused. Its conceptual words of power did not activate. "Why can't I use my power?" It growled, "What are these things?"

It then tried to use a multitude of different words of power.

"Those who defy me, Die,"


The confused Demon God tried to weave all sort of words of power and none of them worked.

"Stop trying. Your power won't work," I stopped the creature from wasting its effort on a futile endeavor. My swords of sealing light are capable of negating the primary power of any god.

"Lies. What have you done to me? Why can't I use my power?" the creature bellowed, still struggling to break free of the ropes.

"This is your final chance. Revoke your seed of destruction and surrender or die." I gave the creature my final warning. I don't have to explain to the creature anything about my power.

"Stop kidding with me puny rats," The newborn Demon God bellowed, struggling even fiercer. It tried to conjure all manners of spells and conceptual words of power in a futile effort.

"Your choice," I sighed exasperatedly and manifested the anti-Divinity gun within my hand, "I'm firing muh lazer. Any last word?" I asked.

The Demon God helplessly struggled and then it looked at me with eyes full of hatred. "I hate you," it cursed.

I nodded and fired my gun, erasing the creature from its miserable existence. The battle ended in the most anti-climactic note, just the norm for me.

I stood and offered the creature a one minute of silence to honor it.

My companions on the other hand were high-fiving each other, rallying their victory cry. A few of them entered the praise-the-sun stance.

Z was boasting his seniority's knowledge, "See that? That's the power of a moron who invested all of his perks into anti-Divinity."

The moment the <24-hours no return> status disappeared, I quickly teleported back to the tropical island on Galaxyfarfaraway, leaving the all the unfinished businesses to Z.

Galaxyfarfaraway was just a minute away from being destroyed.

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