
Isekaied with Truck-Kun

Bonus Chapter Goals 1. For every five reviews a bonus chapter will be released. Dodo works as a part-time truck driver, one day when he was on his way to make a delivery he accidentally ends up hitting a high school boy when he was freaking out because of this incident, he failed to notice another truck approaching him and ends up dying. The Goddess Megami meets him and says that he is one of the chosen heroes of Fantasium and his job is to defeat the Demon King Mao and offer to grant him a unique skill. Dodo ends up thinking that this is some kind of prank and asks for his truck, only after the goddess grants him the wish and he is transported to Fantasium, he realizes everything is true. This marks the beginning of DoDo's Bizarro adventure.

PuppetsMaster · Fantasia
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49 Chs

Skills! Part 1

"This is the beginning of DoDo's Bizarro adventure."

*Ka Ka Ka*

Ahem… well, that was embarrassing. Hope no one saw that. Anyway, don't they usually have some kind of status window in this kind of situation? The weird lady even said something about a Unique Skill. Okay, let's try it out.

"Status window."

*Ka Ka Ka*

Nothing happened. Why isn't it working? Usually, the key phrase to open these kinds of things. Why is it not working? Did the weird lady forget to say something? Let's try it again.

"Status screen."

Suddenly, a light blue screen appeared before me.

"Ohh… it worked this time. Let's see what we've got here."

Name: Dokuta Doyama

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Job: Hero Candidate

Unique Skill: SumMon(X)

SumMons: Truck(S)

Level: 1

Health: 5000

Energy: 5000

Physique: 5

Oratory: 5

Wisdom: 5

Escalate: 5

Resilience: 5

Skills: Pocket Sand(E), Skill Share(S)

P.O.W.E.R Points: 1000

Exp: 0%

I'm a hero candidate? Not a proper hero? And is my unique skill summon? Why does it look weird?

The only summon I have right now is the Truck. And below are my stats, instead of normal things like strength, intelligence, vitality, etc. Why are these weird things? Physique, Oratory, Wisdom, Escalate, and Resilience? Are these supposed to represent Strength, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Vitality?

All my status points are at 5. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? As for my skills, Pocket Sand? What the hell does that even mean?

Lastly, Skill Share. I can somewhat understand what this does, but who can I share the skills with? Is it my summons? And what's this on the last row, P.O.W.E.R Points? What does this mean? Is this something like the skill points and status points you usually get? How do I use this?

Didn't the weird lady say I'm the strongest hero in the history of Fantasium? Then why do I only have two skills?

"Wait a minute, did that weird lady make a mistake? Why do I only have two skills? Wait a minute, did that bitch scam me?"

"You bitch, send me back to Earth or fix this shit," I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Shut up and stop making a scene. You should be thankful that you got a second chance at life. Instead of being thankful, you are throwing a temper tantrum."

I heard a robotic voice.

"Who are you? Show yourself. Wait, are you one of those assistants you get when you get transmigrated into another world? What's your name? Raphael, Uriel? For some reason, assistants like you are always named after an Angel. It's kind of weird, but who am I to judge?"

"What the hell are you talking about? Turn back. I am standing right here."

I did as the voice said, but all I saw was the truck. Wait a minute, could it be?

"Wait, are you the truck?"

"Indeed I am. What did you think? I would still be the same unintelligent thing with no self-awareness. Please don't compare me with yourself.", he continued.

"Didn't you wish for me as your unique skill? What kind of unique skill will give you an ordinary truck? I got a very big upgrade."

"Hold on, what do you mean by not comparing us? How do you know all this information, and why do you sound so knowledgeable all of a sudden?"

"Just like you, I have also got some skills, and it's the result of one of my skills."

The truck has skills as well? What did he mean by he got a very big upgrade?

"Can I see your status screen?"

"You don't have to ask me, all you had to do was go back to your status screen and click on the SumMon."

"Alright, let's do that. Status screen."

I did as the truck said and opened the status screen. I selected the SumMons: Truck(S).

Name: Truck

Age: Null

Gender: Null (Male Voice)

Race: Otherworldly SumMon, Legendary SumMon

Job: SumMon

Level: 1

Health: 10000

Energy: 7000

Physique: 8

Oratory: 7

Wisdom: 7

Escalate: 8

Resilience: 8

Skills: Search Engine(S), Acceleration(S), Alloy Body(S), Telepathy(S), Mana Sense(S), Grey Magic(C)

P.O.W.E.R Points: 1000

Fuel: 100%

Exp: 0%

I'm left speechless. My health and energy are both around 5000, but his health is over 9000! And even his energy is higher than mine, it's at 7000. What's with his race? Why does he have two of them? Otherworldly SumMon and Legendary SumMon, what does it mean? And finally, his job is labeled as "SumMon?" Again, why is "summon" spelled weirdly?

Why are all his skills in S class except Grey Magic? As for his stats, why are his Physique, Escalate, and Resilience at eight? Even his other two stats, Oratory and Wisdom, are at seven. Why is he so strong, and this is just at level 1? How strong will he become? When he reaches something like level 100, will he become the strongest being in this world? It's possible.

As for his skills, why the hell does he have so many of them while I only have two? What is this "Search Engine" skill? Back on Earth, the search engine is something that allows us to search for things online. If it's the same here, can it be used to look up information? Is this the skill Truck used before? Does that mean this world has its own version of the internet?

Looking at his other skills, "Acceleration" and "Alloy Body" make sense because he is a truck that can accelerate, and his body is made up of different types of metals, so I guess you could call it an alloy.

Regarding Telepathy, is this what he used to communicate with me before? Now that I think about it, he doesn't even have a mouth, to begin with, so I guess telepathing is the only way for him to communicate with me. As for the Mana sense, I can kind of understand what it does, but I have no idea how it works. Lastly, "Grey Magic" – I have no idea what it is or what it does.

As for this P.O.W.E.R Points thing, it's the same as mine, but fuel? That's new. For now, it's at 100%, so does that mean I will have to refill his fuel when it gets low? Where do I find a gas station in this world? So many questions with very few answers.

"Truck, I don't understand some of these. Can you use your search engine to find out more?"

"Well, I can, but you should do that yourself by borrowing my skills. Unfortunately, you are my Master, and if you die, I will die as well. As such, you should learn how to make use of your skills. Use your Skill Share and select Search Engine."

What does he mean by saying I am unfortunately his master? This bastard is showing off just because he has a few more skills than me. For now, I should do as he said. I will deal with him later.

"Skill Share."

Once I said these words, a list appeared in my field of vision.

Select one of your SumMon's Skills

Search Engine(S)


Alloy Body(S)


Mana Sense(S)

Grey Magic(C)

"Search Engine."

Once again when I said these words, a search bar with a keyboard appeared in my field of vision.

"Now, what to ask? Hmm… I know."

I typed, "Why is Truck so powerful?"

"And search." I clicked the small magnifying glass icon near the search bar, and some words started to appear on the light blue screen.

Since you have wished to have a truck as a Unique skill, he was modified and has been bestowed with self-awareness and intelligence since it doesn't make sense to have a normal truck as a Unique skill.

Hmm… it's saying the same thing that Truck told me. Maybe I should ask something else. I typed, "What are those letters near my skills?"

In the world of Fantasium, different ranks are used to find the power and proficiency of skills.

The ranking goes from

λ Lambda

δ Delta

Γ Gamma

β Beta

α Alpha

Ω Omega

But since you and the truck are not original residents of this world, it has been modified so that you can understand these kinds of things better.

This is the modified version.

λ - E

δ - D

Γ - C

β - B

α - A

Ω - S

Going from weakest to strongest, E is the weakest and S is the strongest. The weakest two ranks, E and D Lambda, only have one level of proficiency.

The middle ranks C and B have two levels of proficiency, with the second level denoted by a + symbol. For example, C and C+.

The highest two ranks, A and S, have three levels of proficiency. For example, A, A+, and A++.

Hmm.. well now I can understand most of it. So my only other skill other than Skill Share is Pocket Sand. What does this even mean?

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