
Isekai in Harry Potter (AU)

Random guy gets reincarnated by the voice of the world into harry potter in the tensura multiverse with tensura skills. Credit to J.K Rowling for Harry Potter, Fuse, Taiki Kawakami, Mitz Vah for Tensura, and credit to Ichiei Ishibumi for DxD

imperial_demon · Filmes
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20 Chs

You've got my body, flesh and bone, yeah

Grimspear" Mr.Stewart, we collectively have decided I will be your account manager for Ravencalw, Black, Solomon, and Slytherin, so today we are here to discuss your lordships and assets"

Following the goblins words, the rest of the goblins give a reluctant glance at Jack before leaving the walking gold mine to Grimspear

Jack"It will be a pleasure working with you Grimspear, I would assume I only have heirship for the time being as I am not 18?"

Grimspear" Usually that would be the case, however, you are heir to not just 1 but 4 ancient and dead or dying houses"

Jack"So what does that mean for me?"

Grimspear"Well there is a old law that any heir to a otherwise dead or dying house will be emancipated, normally this would be a long and annoying process, however, considering you have 4 houses and all of them can be considered dead, you have been granted emancipation meaning you can claim lordship over all of your houses"

Jack"What about the other members of House Black and Solomon?"

Grimspear"Family Magic has deemed the previous Lord Solomon Incapable of continuing to lead the house. As for House Black, Sirius is imprisoned and is not a viable lord, Narcissa is married to Lucius Malfoy and no longer has a real claim on house black, Andromeda was disinherited and therefore neither her nor Nymphadora can gain lordship, with Bellatrix also being imprisoned and now a member of House Lestrange she can't inherit either, leaving Victoria Potter and Dracona Malfoy being the only other people with close enough relations to House Black to possibly inherit the house."

Jack"Alright, So why me and not Victoria or Dracona?"

Grimspear" Your Grandmother was the previous Lady of house black before she married Charles Slytherin, she left lordship over the house to her younger brother Arcturus Black, meaning you have a higher direct connection than Dracona and Victoria, however, this is just my speculation as inheritance like this is usually decided from Family Magic"

Jack"Well I guess that's good for me then I suppose, what do you need me to do?"

Grimspear"It will unfortunately be a long process, you already have Emancipation so now we need to get you your lord rings then go over all your houses estates and finances"

Jack"This feels like it will be incredibly boring, but lets get it over with"

Grimspear"Very Well"

Grimspear turns around and opens a cabinet revealing a small vault holding 20 different ring boxes, grabbing 4 different boxes he sets them on the table and opens them up revealing 4 rings, the first on the left has a ring with a gold band engraved with chains on the band and the face of the ring with 2 wolves on their hind legs surrounding a black banner with a downward facing sword with Tojous Pur written underneath the banner, ring next to it has a silver band inlaid with a flat black gem with a eagle inlaid into the gem, next to that is a similar silver ring with a green flat gem and a snake inlaid into the gem, and the final ring is made of a iridescent material with a staff and wand inlaid on either side of the band with the head of the ring being flat and inlaid with multiple blue diamonds in a spiral pattern at the center of the spiral is a star of david with a eye in the center.

(Sorry, I cant find any reference pics to show what they look like, so I will leave it to your imagination)

Jack"Ho, so those are the lord rings?"

Grimspear"Yes, please put them on slowly as when they accept you, they grant you access to the family magic and some other things that can be overwhelming"

Jack taking heed of Grimspears words carefully puts on the Black family ring on his left index finger, not feeling anything different, he puts the Ravenclaw ring on his left middle finger, still not finding any difference he puts the Slytherin ring on his right index finger and the Solomon ring on his right middle finger, however as soon as the Solomon ring is fully put on all 4 rings suddenly release a bright glow of black, green, and blue with some iridescent hints which quickly cover Jacks whole body before seemingly solidifying and becoming a cocoon leaving a worried Grimspear as Jack feels his consciousness leave him

Jack'eurgh Great Sage what happened?'

*You are currently in your mindscape

?1"Ho so I have a inheritor?"

?2"Your inheritor? He's mine"

?3"What a pain"

?4"How odd"

Jack looking around sees 3 middle aged men and a Wise Woman

?1"So he has inherited 4 houses then"

Says one of the men with a defined jaw and short dirty blonde hair wearing a white robe

?4"This will be slightly troublesome"

Says the Wise Woman wearing a blue robe open showing a blue dress with long flowing black hair and diadem on her head

?3"Why did it have to be Solomon and Rowena, the most annoying people I know and I still can't escape them"

Says one of the men with a gandalf beard and no hair

?2"It will be interesting to see what our inheritor does"

Says the last man with no hair at all wearing a long billowing black robe

Solomon"Indeed it will Licorus"

Rowena"So how shall we do this?"

Salazar"Perhaps we put him through each of our trials?"

Licorus"Or we could just do mine"

Jack staring awkwardly at the 4 ancient wizards as they bicker like school children fighting over who lost in hide and seek, finally having enough of their bickering Jack sternly says

Jack"Alright, stop it, your all like a billion years old"

Solomon"Thats just rude"

Rowena"Only Solomon is that old, I forever will be 45"

Salazar"you were 45 about a century ago"

Solomon"Im not a billion years old, only slightly older than Jesus"

Licorus"Alright the kids right, stop with your foolishness"

Jack"So why am I here, and why are you all here too?"

Solomon"Normally we would put you through a trial to see if your worthy but seeing as your not from this world we arn't sure what to do"

Jack"WAIT you can see that?"

Rowena"It is rather apparent, your soul and mindscape are odd, and that girl hiding in the corner doesn't make it any less strange"


Says a short androgynous humanoid with long blue hair and red eyes

Jack"You have a body?

*Its your imagination

Says the girl before popping off to another corner of Jacks mindscape

Rowena"odd one that girl"

Solomon"Anyways, I will probably just give you a blessing and send you on your way, its not like any of us can be picky about our inheritors right now"

Licorus"Speak for yourself, I still have a couple heirs left"

Salazar"Right, its either the stuck up bigot or the potter scion, lots of good choices"

Rowena"All of this has left me tired, can we just get this over with?"

Solomon"Sure Sure, off you go kid, see you probably not anytime soon"

Salazar"Make sure to bring our Houses back"

Rowena"For once I agree with the old man, give us lots of heirs"

Licorus"Your both embarrassing him"

He says pointing at Jacks flushed cheeks

Following Licorus words Jack is suddenly ejected from his mindscape to find himself being surrounded by a pulsating cocoon that's quickly disappearing

Jack"Why didn't you warn me"

Grimspear" This is new to the both of us, but considering none of your rings cut a finger off and you're not dead then you have successfully become Lord of several houses"

Jack"I had a chance to loose a finger and die?!"

Grimspear"Just a small one, anyways lets get into your assets then we can visit your vaults"

Grimspear with a small smile on his face pulls out a book that looks like it could be about 4 dictionaries combined and hands it to Jack following it with another 2 books the same size"

Grimspear"This is the book containing all estates and businesses currently under your control, the second book contains all the incomplete contracts with your house, and the final book is the accounting ledger of your houses combined"

Jack opening the first book is met with a page full of different estates

Hogwarts Castle ¾

Slytherin Mansion

Slytherin Palace

Ravenclaw Manor

Ravenclaw Castle

13 Grimmauld Place

Black Manor


Diagon Alley 25%



Nimbus 20%

Hogwarts Investments 52%

Black Investments 100%

Solomon Investments 100%

The Apothecary 15%



Jack"This. Is. all. Mine?"


Jack blanky stares at the goblin before looking at his account ledger resulting in another hit to his heart

House Worth-


Liquid Money- 300,000 Galleons 25,000 Sickles

Net Worth- 3,581,348 Galleons


Liquid Money- 698,837 Galleons 182,000 Sickles

Net Worth- 15,828,828 Galleons


Liquid Money-701,827 Galleons 20 Sickles

Net Worth- 16,873,848 Galleons


Liquid Money- 158,838,837 Galleons 128,887 Sickles

Net Worth- 9,988,847,837 Galleons


Jack"So uh, does ehm liquid money mean thats what is sitting in the vault?"

Grimspear" No, all 4 houses have that amount of money, however the physical galleons were are being used as we don't have enough galleons to cover everyone, however, each vault should have around half of it sitting in the vault. Usually you will never need to get any physical money as you can just use your lord ring to pay for things, one of our recent inventions"

Jack"Well thats good"

Jack once more delving into the books looks at the final book to see a multitude of expired contracts

Jack"So do I need to do anything about this book?"

Grimspear"Yes, any contract that can be completed will need to be done, otherwise they don't really do much, for contracts you have that need to be completed, none of them require anything on your end, there are a few subservient contracts but they don't really affect you unless you want to try and claim some random houses"

Jack"No No No, 4 houses is already 4 too many to deal with"


Jack' Ugh, that was the most boring thing i've ever done and the second most exciting thing i've ever done outside of well dying and reincarnating'

Jack thinks will once more walking the hogwarts walls which apparently he now owns


(Thanks for reading, sorry the chapter is late, also no chapter next week, so between it being late and there being no chapter next week I made this one a little longer, hope you guys enjoy, its kinda filler since nothing really happens but still eh)