
Chapter 9: and so it begins… 2

Damn you, Wallensomething…! Hestia clenched her teeth.

The boy's status had made a considerable jump, for some reason. Judging by Bell's reaction to Hestia's question, she had more than enough reason to believe that they had much more contact than just his head being in her lap.

That vixen! Jealousy reared its ugly head in Hestia's heart.

"A-ah, Goddess! Do you know if my status can go up without fighting monsters in combat? Like, through training?" he said desperately trying to change the subject.

Ran away, didn't you? Hestia thought, but didn't make any comment on the matter.

She was a goddess, after all. She had the ability to do that much.

Her needle hand slipped.

Bell could only whimper in pain. Hestia ignored it as she answered the question.

"Yes, it'll grow. Excelia can be gained through fighting monsters or training to do so. However, playing around will do nothing for you. Remember that only hard, honest work will leave an excelia imprint that I can use to make your abilities increase." she


"So what you're saying is…" Bell said happy to hear this.

"Whether you're taking your experience seriously or not. Your focus determines the excelia that is left behind. After that, all gods have to do is find them in a status update." she said.

This winding conversation was close to Hestia's way of explaining how to use his Skill, but she didn't come right out and say it. She thought that putting it this way would be easiest for Bell to understand.

Once Hestia finished updating Bell's status, she sat back for a moment to see what it said. Her lips started to quiver.

"Dah…! Goddess, look at the time. Sorry, I've got to get moving!"

Bell happened to look up at the clock and started to get up.

Shifting his weight to the side so that the goddess would fall lightly to the side, he jumped from the bed. Grabbing his backpack, Bell was out the door seconds later.

"B-Bell! Your status…!" she yelled holding the piece of paper on her hand.

"Sorry, tell me when I get home tonight! See you then!" he said as he rushed out.

Bell looked very rushed as Hestia watched him close the door.

Alone now, Hestia lowered her outstretched arm and let out a long sigh.

She glanced up at the broken mug on the table again, before sitting up to look at the spot where Bell had been just seconds earlier.

She thought about what see had seen written on his back.

Bell Cranell

Level One

Strength: S 982 Defense: S 900 Utility: S 988 Agility: SS 1051 Magic: B 751

"Just what is 'SS' supposed to mean…"

Hestia put her right hand on her cheek, as if holding her head as she spoke under her breath.

She then remembered.

"Damn it… Shirou… he also needs an update! He hasn't had one since nearly a month!" she said worried.


Bell's POV

Ping. A sudden pain in my neck.

"Mr. Bell?" Lilly asked concerned.

I rub the spot with my hand as I look around the area.

A wide room with a thick, grassy floor and yellow walls. We're on the ninth floor, but I can't hide my anxiety.

Lilly's staring up at me, but there's no way I can make an excuse.

"Is there something bothering you, Mr. Bell?" she asks.

"…It's probably nothing."

…Is something watching me?

I just can't shake the feeling that there's an eye on me right now.

It doesn't feel like it wants to hurt me, or anything like that…I just feel this strange weight on my shoulders.

Lilly, Shirou and I had decided that we'd prowl the tenth floor today, so I left early to get a head start. I think I saw a few adventurers a couple of floors up, but the Dungeon is still mostly empty.

"Lilly, could we swap equipment here?"

"Ah, yes, sure." Looking flustered, Lilly quickly takes my protector and the baselard off her back and hands them to me.

I get my light armor out of the backpack and equip everything, double-checking that every piece is strapped on tight.

I was hoping that the feeling of protection that this armor gives me would help alleviate some of this nervousness…but the weight in my neck and shoulders is still there.

It's putting pressure on my heart. My insides are screaming.

"Isn't this a little strange… ?" Shirou asked

"A little strange?"

"There aren't enough monsters."

I finally mention another thing that had been bothering me for a while. Even Lilly looks back over her should and whispers,

"Now that you mention it…" Lilly says.

The Dungeon has been eerily quiet ever since we arrived on the lower ninth. We've been here a while, too, the stairwell that leads to the lower tenth is just a room or two away, but we haven't encountered a single monster yet.

Well, there was a group of goblins running around, but they didn't attack us. It looked more like they were running away from something, actually.

Anxiety is sinking even deeper now; my guts are twisting into knots.

I've felt like this before, and it's bringing that back into my mind.


On that day, the Dungeon was this quiet, too.

I violently shake my head.

"M-Mr. Bell?"

"…Let's go. To the tenth floor."

My hand over my mouth to steady myself, I manage to get words out through my fingers.

I want to say, "Let's get out of here," but I just can't.

It's like my spirit is trying to push my body forward, away from here.

We enter the next room. It has two exits. One I remember leads to the stairwell—that's when it happens.

—Now then, show me.


A voice, suddenly in my head. Not my voice—it's like something is talking to me from inside. I'm on full alert.

A second later…


My legs freeze.


"W-what was that… ?"

Lilly is saying something. I don't hear her.

My ears are busy with something else.

That sound…it sounds too much like that sound. Every nerve of my body is on fire as the noises are on replay in my mind.

Like a rusted door with no grease, my neck clicks ever so slightly until I can see behind me.

The sound is coming from the room we were just in. There's something in the exit.

I'm hyperventilating. My fingers are shaking. I can't make a fist.

My throat won't budge, but in my mind I'm thinking, It's not true. My mental voice sounds like a kid crying.

Lilly's eyes are shaking; she sees it, too. I'm praying to something like my life depends on it.



There it is.


I was right. Damn it.

Then again, there's no way I could forget that voice.

I don't know how many times I've heard it during nightmares. It's impossible to guess how many times I've heard similar howls from other monsters and flashed back to that day.

I can't count how many times I've been scared by it.



"W-why is there a Minotaur on the ninth floor… ?"

That's what I'd like to know.

But there's something I do know.

I know this feeling of helplessness.

This despair that words can't describe, I know it too well.

My body has felt this uncontrollable shiver before.

It's the same.

Exactly the same as before.

"Stand back… both of you go to the 10th floor while I take care of this" Shirou said as he brandished his twin swords.

"No… you will not" a voice said.

So fast that it went by as a blur a big 'thing' tackled Shirou down to the next floor while collapsing the entrance to it.

We are all alone now.

With Shirou even his precede would be comforting and he would have a plan to dispatch the monster… he killed one once, his swords cut trough it rather easily.

But now they were cut off… they only hopped Shirou could get to the alternate entrance.

"it should take him somewhere between 10 to 20 minutes.. well… I can do that.. I can buy us some time at least"

I wanted to sound tought but honestly I felt like I was hyperventilating.

Fear had a hold of my spine and my body shivered.


But it was no use… fear had me paralised.

It was then when the Minotaur charged.

"Mr. Bell MOVE!" Lilly shouted as she tackled me out of the way.

My eyes suddenly see the ceiling, and a soft cry hits my ears.

Even before I realize I'm still alive, I sense Lilly's warm body make contact with my stomach.

I look down and see her head, as well as a heck of a lot of blood.

"L-Lilly… ?"

I've been thrown to the ground. The beast didn't hit me; this has to be from the force of Lilly's tackle.

Thanks completely to her jumping into me from the side, I managed to get out of the path of the weapon. But in return, Lilly got hurt.

Did the sword hit her? No—but one of the rocks the Minotaur kicked up in its wake must have.

My body hits the ground at a shallow angle. Grass and chunks of the floor fly into the air behind me as I slide a good meder or two.

Lilly's head shifts, and a soft moan comes out of her mouth.

Gah…My whole body comes back to life, burning from the inside.

Energy floods into my cowardly muscles as I climb to my feet.

I'm scared. I'm absolutely frightened. Utterly terrified.

Seeing that Minotaur right in front of me is even scarier than when it was at the other end of the room. I can't control my fear.

But the thought of Lilly dying is far more terrifying!


SORRY! I silently yell to the girl in my arms as I throw her to the side with all my might.

I don't wait to see where her small body lands. Instead I turn to face the beast's heaving, gigantic frame head-on.

I brace my teeth against my quivering lips. Staring down the beast as it raises its sword for another killing strike, I raise my right arm and scream at the top of my lungs:



Dungeon 10th floor

Shirou landed on his feet… he immediately positioned himself to react to any attacks should any come.

There was a large tall beast like man in front of the entrance to the next area… he was looking at Shirou.

"Why did you do this?" Shirou asked as he stared at the man.

With his build he looked like he could pass for Berserker's younger brother.

"My mistress ordered for the adventurer Bell to be tested" he said.

Shirou moved slightly towards the exit only to find his way blocked.

"Move" Shirou said with irritation leaking into his voice.

"This is a test for Mr. Bell and him alone your presence is not required" he said.

"move… or I will move you" he said as he brandished his sword.

Ottar had to admit, his blade looked of fine craftsmanship, worthy of powerful adventurers… but he knew he was a level one.

How did he managed to get such a blade? Did he found it while crawling on the dungeon? Inherited?

The young man got into a stance.

Otter inwardly snorted, his stance was riddled with holes, he must be a complete novice.

Shirou disappeared from his sights.

With relative ease he put his sword up to block a rather speedy blow to the neck.

"fast… faster than I expected him to be" he tought as he pushed him away.

"I see… you don't see me as a threat so you are using the bare minimum to repell me and keep me here, not bad… but I will make you regret it" Shirou said.

"Boy… you will not pass, our levels are too vast in difference for you to even hope to overcome" he said.

" True… our levels are vastly different… but" Shirou's eyes hardened.

Ottar was changed back by the sudden change in the air.

"I will simply have to stop playing around" he said.

The pressure rose.

Ottar was sure he could win… but why… why was this man exerting such powerful aura?

"I am the bone of my sword, steel is my body and crystal my heart" Shirou chanted.

His body got a boost from reinforcement, his eyes, his nerves… everything got boosted.

He would need every single iota of power he could muster to pass this behemoth of a man.

Thankfully, due to being a demi-human, his sword effect would be increased… meaning he would be able to deal more damage.

Once more Shirou vanished.

Ottar had to hastily block the attack from the black blade. He had appeared underneath him and was ready to stab him in the chest.

His reaction time was beastly and managed to block and fend him off. This did not dissuade Shiri as he attacked once more from the side.

Ottar had to block again and attacked as well.

Shirou moved around the large sword and delivered a roundhouse kick to his face.

Ottar blocked with his shoulder, feeling a slight sting.

Shirou appeared this time from above.

With a mighty swing he brought down his sword with both hands.

"it seems I need to break you for you to undersrand" Ottar said.

He swung his blade upwards, meeting Shirou's blade.

The sound of metal grinding against metal filled the area as sparks flew from the pressure.

Shirou's blade broke into many fragments.

Ottar rushed with his hand curled into a fist.

Shirou smirked.

"Trace… on" he muttered.



Ottar found his arm diverted by the same white blade he had broken scant seconds ago and a slight pain on his arm and side.

It seems that the sword had managed to pierce his armor somewhat armored managed to cut into his skin somewhat, enought to make him bleed.

The attack to his side was deflected due to the inherent properties of his armor, thankfully it protected more on the sides, but it chipped off a few layers off it.

"Dual blade user… I see… that was dangerous… I did not even see your other blade" Ottar said.

He showed some respect, a Level 1 managed to injure him… a level 8.

He would show him respect by using more of his strength on him.

Shirou and Ottar went back and forth as they and tracked and defended and switched their roles very often, Ottar was impressed. Was this boy really a novice adventurer?

He was very observant of Ottar and went for any openings he showed with no hesitation.

Ottar however was having a difficult time actually managing to do anything but knick him, sure he managed to cut him in some places but those were not deep enough for it to count… at least to Ottar's mind.

No… rather it seems as all his attacks to the holes on his defence were parried and then exploited to counter attack.

This fool… he was using himself as a trap!

This boy was suicidal, any attack of his if connected would be his death, there was no uncertainty of it.

The young man looked at him not once had his eyes drifted elsewhere.

Shirou's attacks were an onslaught of continuous chains of attacks that showed precision that could only be found on machines.

Ottar silently thanked his goddess for this.

If he desired to fight with his life… then he would take it if necessary.

It had been 8 minutes since the start of their fight. Shirou was riddled with cuts on his body and Ottar had his armor broken in certain places.

"20… 20 times… that's how many times I have broken your blades, are they magic blades? Is that their ability?" Ottar asked.

"who knows?" Shirou said with a sarcastic smirk.

Shirou had had enought… he needed to end this quickly.

He threw his two blades at Ottar.

They spun around like buzzsaws as they flew at him.

"Trace on"

2 more joined in and then 2 more.

That's when Ottar noticed something… be was caged in.

He decided to break out of this cage and thus rushed forward, receiving numerous slashes.

But it was a trap.

Shirou was standing still with a black bow on his hands.


The arrow flew… it went so fast.

Ottar's reaction was faster.

Ottar used the flat of his blade to block the arrow.

He never expected this to happen.

It pierced his sword and lodged into his stomach sending him reeling back.

"What… what penetrating power…" he tought as he righted himself.

Shirou panted, he was tired. While he had received the least amount of damage possible his stamina was dwindling.

On the other hand, his opponent was on the other side of the spectrum… he had done a great deal of damage but he was walking about almost normally.

"I will found out who planned this… and I will make them pay for this should Bell die" Shirou said.

Ottar stood up straight

"You will cease you foolishness now" he said.

With a powerful shove that used all of his true strength, Ottar shoved Shirou painfully into the Dungeon's wall and then stabbed him with a large sword.

"Gah" Shirou yelled in pain. As blood poured out of his mouth.

"You should learn your place... don't ever threaten to harm my mistress ever again… I will take my leave, this amount of damage should prevent you from helping them should you even be able to reach them…" Ottar said.

He got curious… how was he able to match him? To fight him to this state.

He tore him off the wall and ripped the sword off him, making Shirou yell in agony.

He went to rip his shirt off to see his Falna. He needed to know… was he a possessor of a unique skill? He needed to know… his mistress had shown interest on the boy and he showed promise.

"My body… is made of… blades"

Stab stab stab stab stab

Ottar's hand was pierced by blades that erupted from Shirou's back, piercing his hand and his leg.

Ottar retreated… to go to such lengths.

The boy had literally swords sticking out of his own body.

He decided to let go of now.

Shirou crawled to the wall to help stand up… and slowly he trudged his way to the nearest exit to the floor above him.

"Bell and… Lilly… I got to… got to get back...up"

Slowly he made his way as he marred the walls with his blood as he stumbled by.

Unnoticed by all a golden glow permeated from his many wounds.