
Is It Wrong To Be A Black Mage In The Dungeon

Autor: Excerpt
Anime & Comics
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What is Is It Wrong To Be A Black Mage In The Dungeon

Leia o romance Is It Wrong To Be A Black Mage In The Dungeon escrito pelo autor Excerpt publicado no WebNovel. Our hero is thrust into the world of “Danmachi” with little help. He must find his way in the world no matter the cost. Authors Note:This is just a personal preference but I don’t really like when sto...


Our hero is thrust into the world of “Danmachi” with little help. He must find his way in the world no matter the cost. Authors Note: This is just a personal preference but I don’t really like when stories don’t follow laws of a world, so this one will. Our hero will not have cheating godlike abilities because why would he? He will of course get strong but only through his own merits, perseverance, and mistakes. (Currently I’m focused on my other Fan-Fic. MobuSeka: A Pilots Wish. I will come back to this when I get some good ideas.)

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There are very few fanfics for Danmachi, and the beginning of this one is quite promising. I'm eager to see how the novel unfolds.


Although the beginning promises, this has already been seen and always ends up overshadowed by Bell and his plot armor. Returning to the mc in a worthless extra. Google translator


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