
Is it worth going to hell for someone that’s already dead ?

A story about a broke 17 year old boy from Neokyo called Saito Katsumi. A lot of strange things have been happening in this city, people are missing, corpses are found in almost every alley,.. rumors are saying this city is cursed, and that hell has come down to earth. After meeting a suspicious maid called Mikami Chizu, Katsumi’s story as an exorcist begins. Saito Katsumi fights against evil spirits inspired by beings like grim reapers, fallen angels, and even demons from Japanese folklore.

Jaimiez · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

- Katsumi’s Rage

MIKAMI CHIZU POV: My guns worked well against the goblins, killing them all with one, sometimes two shots. Which left me with just the hobgoblin. I fired 3 shots aimed at the heart of the hobgoblin, but my bullets couldn't penetrate the hobgoblin's hard, gray skin so I changed plans and charged forward, pulling out the knife attached to my belt. I jumped on top of the hobgoblin and stabbed it in the back of its head, it didn't cut deep, but there was the wound was just big enough for me to put the barrel from one of my pistols in, I fired all 8 bullets in the back of its head, literally. After I brutally murdered the hobgoblin, it turned to dust, leaving behind a slightly bigger crystal than the other goblins.

SAITO KATSUMI POV: These goblins are no match for my wakizashi, I sliced and stabbed every D-grade goblin with it, my techniques were good too, seeing how strong I have become, I got fired up. I finally faced the hobgoblin, at last. "I'm feeling pretty damn good right now, so I'm sorry, but I'm not going easy on you," I said, aware of the fact I was talking to a hobgoblin, knowing he didn't understand me. The hobgoblin had an ax in his right hand, making slow movements, the hobgoblin swung his ax and I smoothly parried it with my sword. When the hobgoblin tried to take a step back to create distance, I found an opening and quickly thrusted my sword in the hobgoblin's neck, killing my first C-class evil spirit.

After collecting all the crystals the goblins dropped, Mikami-san and I regrouped. We both bragged about our performances and techniques.

We started looking for the cave again, to find the missing bodies.

When we found the cave, we saw a hobgoblin guarding the entrance of the gate, we worked together and took the guarding hobgoblin out.

After taking it out, we collected its crystal and entered the dark cave.

When our eyes adjusted to the dark, Mikami-san put her hands on her mouth, gasping. She couldn't believe her eyes. She pointed her index finger to a bunch of dead bodies lying on top of each other. "HELLO? IS ANYBODY ALIVE? WE'RE HERE TO HELP" I shouted, with my voice echoing in the cave. "This is horrible, Katsumi, what do we do?" We can't leave the bodies here, but we also can't take them outside, We don't have our exorcist license yet so we're not allowed to get too involved in this case. Let's head back and let sensei know the situation, Okay? " I said, putting my hand on Mikami's head, attempting to calm her down "O-okay" She responded.

We walked towards the exit of the cave, but then, we heard a loud, menacing voice.

"So, you've seen it." The voice said.

When we turned around, we saw a giant figure, it looked like a goblin, but... Are they able to use human speech?

"W-who are you?" Mikami-san said while holding on to my sleeve.

"Isn't that obvious? I am the goblin king."

"How can you speak? I've never heard about evil spirits having the ability to speak."

"B-grade goblins, or higher. Are able to use human speech, I'm a goblin king, a B-grade goblin, and that's why we're able to have this conversa-"

"Are you the monster responsible for what happened to these people?" I said as I interrupted him with a calm, intimidating voice.

"How rude of you, interrupting a king, but yes, I am the one responsible. Are you calling me a monster, even though we're the same? "

"You? Me? The same? Are you retarded? Do I look like a monster to you? " I answered, losing my temper.

"Didn't you just murder my brethren with a smile on your face?" It told me, trying to make me even more infuriated.

"You... There's no point in talking to you, Mikami-San, I'm killing that monster," I said as I rushed towards the goblin king.

"NO, KATSUMI DON'T, YOU'RE NOT STRONG ENOUGH TO KILL A B-GRADE EVIL SPIRIT YET!" Mikami screamed, desperately trying to stop me. But I didn't listen, I was so enraged by the goblin king, all I could think about was * I must kill it, I must kill, kill it, kill, I'll kill*

"I'LL KILL YOU," I screamed, before going for my first attack. It created a first out of its huge hand, punching me, it's fist was big enough to hit my head and upper body at the same time. I flew back and became unconscious.


"KATSUMIII!!" I screamed from the top of my lungs.

I rushed towards Katsumi and picked him up, running out of the cave, away from the goblin king.

"This is my territory remember that, and don't ever come back again, I'll eat you alive if you do !" The goblin king said, as I ran away from him, I was lucky he didn't bother chasing us.

After running for a while Katsumi regained his consciousness. "W-what happened, " he said, as if he just woke up from a long night's sleep.

"You idiot, don't rush in without a strategy like that, you can't let your emotions take over."

"Ah, yes. The goblin king knocked me out, well, let's think of a strategy. And kill him for sure this time!" He said as if nothing he didn't just get knocked out.

"No, we're leaving, the goblin king is too much for us to handle, we have to let sensei know the situation we're in right now," I muttered, trying to convince Katsumi to come with me.

" I refuse," Katsumi answered with the same calm, intimidating voice he used in that cave.

"What do you mean, 'I refuse'? Do you even realize the situation we're in right now?" I talked back as I put him down.

"Sensei told us not to leave this forest until every

goblin is killed. Right now, not every goblin is killed, so I'm not leaving this forest. " Katsumi said as I looked at him with an admitting face, i felt the same way, i also want to kill that evil spirit, but right now, our lives are more important, and we're not guaranteed to keep our lives if we go back to that cave.

"What do you want to do then?" I said, conceding to him.

"I just told you, will you listen to my strategy?"

"I guess I have no choice." I pouted.

As He told me his strategy, I gave him an approving look, "that might work, let's give it a shot." I acknowledged.