
Chapter 1: The biggest day

.....Watching over the sleeping dragon he feels his chest bursting with pride. The purple horned mass with long black flowing hair and emerald-green eyes...a kind-hearted but sceptical dragon..his daughter. He has been watching over her for many years since his death - not that he minds. He is left to wonder, however, what this world is trying to tell him? Does the world want her to know what truly happened to him? People say it was an accident... Well, she will learn the truth in due time. For now, it is her big day, the time to follow the path of all those coming of age. Time for her to leave home and spread her wings. He will watch over Georgia...will take care of her, help her towards both of their goals. Hold her paw as he used to when she was just a hatchling, walking beside her. She's waking up now. He must make himself scarce! She can't know yet.....

I open my eyes slowly as a rooster crows weakly somewhere behind me. I look up at the silver starry sky and sigh; "Just another day". I pull a small pocketbook from my shorts and hold it up, looking at it with a warm and sad smile. It was a gift from my dad. All I have left of him now he has passed on. My eyes begin to water and I blink back tears shaking my head. I'm better than this! I think to myself as I start to flip through the pages. As I reach today's date, my eyes widen and I gasp with my heart leaping in my chest "oh my god it's today?!" I sit bolt upright, stretching my wings and arms, my spine crackling a little. "I have to get ready, I'm going to finally make mum proud!" Pausing, I look up sadly and whisper, "and you too dad. I know you're watching over me, don't think I've forgotten! I could...never forget.."

I snap myself out of it getting my last clean pair of spare clothes on. "ill need to find somewhere to wash some clothes.." I glance back at the tree that I have called home for as long as I remember giving it a sad wave goodbye as my mother once did, leaving me behind..alone..cold, and with nothing. I understood her reasons though, the only thing people wanted to do in this life..was to become the best, to catch everything there was, and to discover the unknown no matter who they stepped on to get there. Not me. I had no interest at all in becoming the best. Thus I became the family disappointment, my dad was the only one who shared my beliefs that pokemon were friends more than a thing to step on to get to the top, beings to be treasured, not tortured. sighing I head off towards the small but bustling Linel Town.

I start running through the forest trying my best to make good time when I begin to feel my stomach rumble, slowing to a light jog I search for bushes to get berries from as I had done for many years, finding a decent Chople berry bush I stop to pick some "hopefully these can help with my muscle fatigue, or maybe those really are just rumours" I laugh to myself practically inhaling the ones I picked. My face wrinkles up as the wave of bitter hits my tongue, but they were there only edible ones around so I have to push through it. Picking a few more berries to take with me I glance up at the sun, shading my eyes with my hand and curse. It was getting late. "fuck! how long have I been searching for food for?" Straightening myself up and brushing off little branches from my tattered clothing I start again my paws thumping on the ground. Cursed dragon feet, couldn't fit any shoes..not that I could afford any regardless.

Dodging low hanging and torn off branches I inch closer to the little town, suddenly tripping over a stick that is surprising resistant. Falling flat on my face I let out a sharp winded breath, groaning I look up towards the sky some dirt falling from my cheeks "Thanks for that dad" I sigh and laugh halfheartedly " You always were the jokester of the family". Standing up shakily I brush myself off again and look down towards my knee that was starting to ache and see a wide hole in my pants showing grazed skin underneath. "just great" I murmur "another hole to add to my pants hole collection". Sighing I collect the berries that fell out of my pockets and stuff them back in setting off at a slower pace not risking setting myself back any more than I already have.

I see the Linel town in the distance and have a small celebration in my mind, "I may make it in time!" I let out the breath I was holding as I reach the edge of town leaning on a tree doubled over to try to catch my breath. Looking up I see the small town, it is quaint, Little red roofs, lights dancing in windows and lawns kept relatively short to keep wild Pokémon from hiding in them. I regain my composure and look at the sky again, my natural watch, "Great" I mumble "I didn't make it in time and I look like crap".

Trying to hide my annoyance I walk through the town passing some kids laughing and running around with little planes and Pokémon toys "annoying little shits.." I grumble while looking around trying to find a place to walk where others would not see. Too late, I hear the giggling mass running up behind me screaming "dragon, dragon look! I shove my clenched fists in my hoodie trying to muster my best smile "yeah that's me I'm a dragon and what about it?" my tone unintentionally harsh. One of the kids blinked twice then ran off crying and pointing back towards me yelling to all the town elders as he passed them. His friends looked at me with a mix of shock and fear. " enjoy your day" I mumble walking away quickly before I can draw any more attention to myself.

I finally reach the damned lab where I'm meant to be getting my so-called 'starter Pokémon' I knew better, it was all an elaborate ruse to get people to start their power trip. It's simple really, give them a moderately powerful starter, introduces them to a rival with the opposing type so they win the first time and bada-bing, bada-boom, you have yourself power-hungry people clawing at one another to become the best.

Before I walk in I hear shouting in the distance and see two men fighting over what looks like a Dragonite tail "odd, I guess they both wanted to dress as Dragonite for some Halloween party thing" the tail looks oddly bloody and roughly sawn off, I shudder "realistic one at that". I'm still gazing at the men when I hear a throat clear behind me and turn to see a short stubby man with a large beard and tiny spectacles on. "and you are...?" I ask somewhat dryly. The man not deterred by my demeanor somehow smiles even wider and hold out a fat stubby hand for me to shake "that would be Professor Pine, my dear"

My eyes widen as I stumble over my words to apologise to him, he laughs his belly jiggling along with him "It's alright don't worry scepticism is not a bad thing, I once had a friend long ago who was like you, why don't you come inside to pick your starter with the rest hmm?" I nod looking down, embarrassed, good job Georgia, I think to myself, now you look like an idiot and an asshole. Interrupting my thoughts the professor invites me inside with a silly wave and I follow hesitantly arriving in a slightly run-down but clean-looking room. Pine gestures to a line of two others standing, waiting, somewhat patiently. For the chance to become the best I'm guessing, I think to myself as I enter the line with the others.

Today...is the biggest day of my life.

The first story I've ever written I hope yall enjoy!

Toryo_Brookescreators' thoughts
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