
Invisible Crown

Jefadurk is a kingdom blessed by gods. However, the blessed royals who rule the prosperous kingdom are absent. The King and Crown Prince disappeared. No one knows where they are and how they live except that the kingdom is ruled by the Absent King. - Jarte doesn't care about the royals nor what happened to them. He lives comfortably among the common folk. One day, his world is turned upside down. What will he do when he has no choice but to leave his comfortable life behind and become strong? [Author's Note: This is my first novel, thank you for checking it out. I will continue to learn and grow from this experience. Thank you for your support!]

TheStarShine · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Weakening Effects

Jarte regretted not checking the punishment quest earlier. His natural curiosity was eating him away from the inside. He had no way of knowing what the previous quest might have been like.

[Effects of detachment has weakened]

There was no helping it. Jarte withdrew his sword and kept it by his side. The eyes which were filled with suspicion earlier had become more tolerant of his presence. But worry was written all over Zephyr's face. Even in common realm, the usually easy going Zephyr would sometimes worry over small things. So, it was not such a surprise.

Jarte commanded all to be comfortably seated. He turned and walked to the throne then took his seat. Startling Jarte, shimmering beads fell before him. The raised throne which exposed him to curious eyes now provided some privacy. With beads covering struggles of the beginning of Jarte's journey, the curtains closed on the coronation ceremony.

Jarte felt like he could breathe once more. Relief rained over him by the will of the righteous goddess. He'd done it— he made it through the night. Jarte felt eager to celebrate this small accomplishment.

He felt like his life had suddenly turned into a video game where he had to farm to unlock levels and build relationships to progress the storyline. And so, he felt grateful for this small progress. However, he knew he couldn't restart this video game, if he messed up. If he made a mistake, he would surely end up dead.

Jarte heard rustles and movement of those on the other side. He saw that one by one those who were seated till the beads fell, began to rise and leave their places.

After those seated on the fancy chairs began to leave, their attendants disappeared from their bowing positions and stood right behind their masters. Jarte didn't wonder long about this act. It was teleportation. He was astonished at how easy it was for those in the palace realm to teleport. It seemed to be a common practice.

His focused analysis of the departing figures was hindered by a sharp pain in his temple. His heart was beginning to thump so loud that he could hear it. His head ached unbelievably.

[Effects of rage has weakened]

[Detachment deactivated]

[Rage deactivated]

[Your strength has significantly decreased as effects of fatigue are above your endurance]

[Your pain tolerance has temporarily decreased]

'Goddamn you!'

[The system is displeased with your rudeness]

'Well, I'm displeased with how within a night my father was killed and my mother lay wounded and how I have suddenly become king of a realm I have only read about!'

[The system is displeased with your rudeness]

'Oh, whatever. Why am I even arguing with a system?'

Just then, a familiar voice resounded on the other side.

"Your Majesty, everyone has left. Are you in there? Of course, you are. Are you okay?"

"Can you not see me, Zeph?"


Jarte felt thankful for the castle's privacy system. It allowed him to see the other side while keeping him hidden away. At least those on the other side hadn't seen his pained expression because of the sudden headache.

Jarte got to his feet. As he approached the beads parted and revealed him.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty." Zephyr paused, "But the crown worries me." Zephyr's anxious eyes greeted him.

Jarte's lips parted before closing again. He mustered a weak smile, "I can't do much about it."

After a pause, he spoke again, "Omen of death. Perhaps I'm fated to die early. After all, I'm powerless." At these words, Zephyr flinched. However, Jarte continued while descending the steps,

"I will put up a good fight, even if that's the case. I can't die before I find out who is behind everything and why they harbour such hatred for the throne."

As Jarte and Zephyr approached the Queen's chamber, guards were seen. The security had doubled which provided little relief to Jarte. The door remained close as he approached.

"Mother has awakened."

'But how do I get in? Should I knock?'

[Requesting authorization from the Queen Mother to enter Queen's chamber]

[Request accepted]

'Ah, so that's how.'

And the huge door parted. Revealing the people inside. The room had been cleaned up as much as possible. At least the bodies of dead guards had been removed. The faint smell of blood lingered in the air. The expression of those inside the room was bright till their eyes fell upon the crown adorning his head. Their expressions grew solemn, more sorry than suspicious, quite a contrast compared to the crowd of the throne room.

Octavia was lying on the bed as Kyestra rose to curtsy properly before Jarte. The royal healer, Mehedarkha, Aereos and Avohld bowed deeply with hands over their heart. Octavia tried to sit up but laid back down when Jarte told her that wasn't necessary. He went to her bedside and sat down beside her while everyone else stood.

Octavia raised her hand to caress his cheek, "You've done well, Jarte." He could feel teardrops beginning to form in the corner of his eyes. He blinked them away. Octavia didn't shun him for the crown. He thought she would be disappointed or worse— push him away because of the unsightly crown. He spoke in a low voice,

"Rest well, mother. I shall leave you in the care of the healer so you may be nursed back to full health."

He stood up at once and turned to face those remaining in the queen's chamber,

"I ask that what you witnessed today remain within ourselves. Anyone who speaks of the events which occurred in this chamber tonight, will face severe punishments. The people must not know that mother and her guards were bested by an assassin. I was careful in revealing the affair to the people so as not to alarm them. They don't know that mother was defeated and it's best that they don't know the details. It will only cause needless uproar. Their next target will be me. They are not after the common folk or the nobles who remain uninvolved."

Kyestra frowned, "That is wise, Your Majesty. But I'm concerned for your safety."

Jarte smiled to reassure her, "Rest easy, my lady. I have full faith in my knights and those who protect the kingdom. Besides—" His smile faded slightly, "I don't need to be protected."

Kyestra understood what he meant. It was a warning. He reminded her subtly to not question his ability to protect himself.

"It is as you say, Your Majesty."

Octavia's screen appeared before her. She looked at it briefly before muttering,

"Of course he's here."

Her voice rose, "Your Majesty, someone wishes to enter the chamber."


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