
Invading Your World

I left everything on my own. I attended school and tried to live a normal life. I put a safe distance at people but... The most generous and adored gentleman in the class continues approaching me... The friendliest guy in school who smiles a lot, but why does his smile looks scary? Then the most distant student starts paying attention to me... Around me, the cold and arrogant young master was reduced into a fool... And the girl who is the target of envy keeps following me... 'Why are you doing this? I'm not someone you can handle.' They are the people who is always in the spotlight, whereas I'm someone who should quietly watch in the sidelines. The filler. The observer but irrelevant. But once they break in on my small, bordered world and shed a light in the darkness where I was... They saw the wrong person. I am not someone who they thought I was.

Mj_Ferret · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Chapter 25

I came out on the terrace. I wanted to take a deep breath of fresh air, but it was more hotter than usual, signaling the arrival of summer. As I leaned against the railing, wondering how quickly time had passed, a pale hand covered the back of my hand. The moment I felt the warmth, I had an idea of who it was. Then I finally turned around to look at him.

I couldn't distinguish his blue-black hair in the night sky. And with his blue eyes that were always staring at me silently with a clear radiance. As I looked at his face and the stillness he always had, his mouth curled up slightly to hint a smile. He then opened his mouth at last.


He didn't know. That first word of his echoed around me like something very special. 'Maybe I'm just thinking too much?'


I snapped back to reality when he called my name. I glanced up and unintentionally bumped into an intense and ambiguous gaze. I smiled back.

"You've become more popular..." In the future, I can see him becoming more popular. Millions of people would admire him, cheer him on, and support him throughout his career. I have no doubt that it will happen.

But my cautious nature is hard to suppress.

"You're my friend, and yet, it's hard to see your face. Where were you just now?"

As I tried to discern something from him, he offered his hand instead. "That's why I'm here now. May I dance with you?"

His words surprised me, but at the same time, I was expecting it. I'm trying to sound him out, yet he just want to ask me for a dance. It left a bitter taste in my mouth. I didn't know if he was pretending or he really didn't know anything. But seeing that he didn't act anything unusual, I stretched out my hand.

With the two of us standing too close, I lifted my eyes and looked at him. I couldn't take the distance. So, I took a step back and my eyes meet his again as I did so. That brief moment was like watching an ocean wave crash on the shore, and when it receded again, nothing was left behind except the undeniable tension. I hate how even his eyes are blunt. When I'm with him, it's hard to pretend I don't know anything.

When we went out, Dave's oldest brother, Knoxx, was leaning against the wall. They chatted for a moment and I didn't bother about it. We didn't say anything to each other. There is no need to. But I gave him a smile.

My smile became exaggerated, so it probably looked more like a smirk. However, I can't help it. I didn't know why but... I felt victorious. It felt like I won something against him. And even when I went home, it was still a good feeling.


In a quiet hallway, Eugene and Knoxx face each other. The music and other background noise have faded, signaling the conclusion of the spectacular event.

"Time usually change so fast, but I'm still very surprised after a long time. Everyone changed a lot than my expectations."

Knoxx then slowly scanned Eugene up and down. Speaking in a more relaxed tone, he adds, "You also changed a lot. More than everyone."

He saw Eugene lifting his chin and gazing at him directly. His raised back and neck and his confident posture came into view at last. "I'm flattered."

'Oh, look at this...' Knoxx smiled sarcastically and continued his remark. "You said you were coming after me, but I guess we drifted further apart since we couldn't see each other. How could you just give up?"

Eugene scowled at him. He grew up attaining splendid achievements but hidden behind those efforts, was just to surpass someone none other than Knoxx.

"You declared that you would surpass me one day and I'm really looking forward to it. So, how come on your graduation, you have become a number 2?" Knoxx used a forceful voice but the answer that came back to him was really outside of his expectations.

"Those things... I don't care about that anymore."

He can't believe it. The competitive, ambitious and driven boy since childhood who always wanted to be on top. He grew up in a strict environment and accomplished everything that was demanded without any complaints. Most people assumed that when you were born rich, life would have been easier. However, unlike what they think, it was full of work and obligations. So Eugene, except for his wealthy background and his appearance, is a hard worker who acquired everything with his own effort.

He always pushes himself. The expectations, discipline, education, and oppressive life he had to face every day.... He's just like him. However when he returned after a long time, the boy looked dramatically different from what he had been before. Especially his laugh. Do you want to know what his laughter is? A smirk. Simply just a smirk. So he was caught off guard earlier when he saw him bursting in laughter.

"Or, is it because she's the one who got the number one spot, so is it okay with you? I wonder, if it was another person, would it still be okay?"

Eugene glared at him. "Knoxx. I told you, I don't care about those things anymore. The world is wide, it's impossible to be on top all the time! And... honestly... isn't it tiring? I don't want to live like that anymore."

Eugene's words hit him like a bullet. That was because Knoxx never deviated from his designated route at all. He was never given a chance to change his path and he never really wished anything for himself. He is only doing what he had been groomed to do. He suppressed his feelings that were making chaos in his head. "Then, did you see what I had sent to you?"

Instead of answering him, Eugene asked him back. "Did you also tell that to David?"

That question made him laugh. "I didn't need to. He's a simple-minded man. Even if I had told him that, he wouldn't have cared."

"I'm the same," Eugene said to him directly and continued, "I don't care about who she was, where she came from, and what her past is... What matters is the Dani that we know."

Knoxx shook his head helplessly. "Eugene, remember... you used to be logical. That feeling... it will simply pass and will not last. In this situation, this is not how you are supposed to act."

"It's not your business."

It was when Knoxx saw something in Eugene's eyes. His eyes, his look, his unmoving stare. His intention is clear. Knoxx cannot say that he's not disappointed. To think that he hoped for something from him. It turns out she's really a formidable enemy.

'To think that I've really lost.

Is that why Eugene didn't continue his plan to study abroad? Someone influenced him, making him changed his plans.'

Knoxx uttered to himself in disbelief. Now he seemed to know who that person was. Eugene resembled him so much that he felt sympathy and compassion for him. But someone stopped him from desperately running along his path. That person was getting obvious in his head.