Daaaadadadada Iatula presents inoxication spam by Eka Chadua and Dato Abuladse. The story that began because of one little incident. And because of that fire wheel will bring death. And will of queen that will change fate and set a bird free.
On the wall there is photo of little smiling girl. She smiles every person that comes in room. Sandro smiled to her too. After that he turn on his computer and started working. Suddenly monitor shined unnaturally and in old house appeared in depths of the forest. Its below text printed: " Are you adventure lover? Do you want shelter yourselves to mystical, strange environment, have fun with souls that nested in forest, befriend ghosts, enrich monotonous life with adrenaline?... then visit us immediate..."
- Waaa, whats that?.. Spam squeezed in computer?- Murmured to himself.
Mobile phone start ringing.
-Sandrik, where are you, hey, you discarded us?
-Where are you?
-In bar, where else we will be!
-Yeah, everyone... I found really good cocktail, also have good weeds( there wasn't any other translations if you don't understood it's same as tobacco and cigarette).
-I was going to sleep already... thus, I want to see you, I found something intresting.
-So, come here... You know what I remembered? when I was a child, in village, I put my hand in buffalo's mouth... It was lying in mud and looked me dumbfounded, it didn't even think to chew my hand as grass. Can you imagine it?
-What?!.. Do you get crazy?.. How much did you smoke, what the hell are you saying... and why did you stick your hand in it's mouth?.. Did you think it was lion's ass?.. Weren't you hurt couse you didn't found gold?...
-f*ck off..
-Wait, still what do you think you would found?..
- That fucking beast was chewing my bubblegum...
- Waaa... You are out of mind aren't ya?.. Fine, I'm coming. you stay there, don't go anywhere..
He shut down computer and left room.
Mother, as always was busying herself. but, her steps where so light and quietly that Sandro barely notice her. She was always like that - quiet, unfazed and forever sad.
- Are you going out?- Asked almost with whisper .
-Ratty called me... I'm going at bar... Tika is sleeping?
- Yes, poor girl, she fallen asleep.
Sandro barely opened Tikas room door, watched his sleeping sister and told her mother:
-Maybe in this weekend we go out somewhere and I definitely take Tika with us.
He take his coat and he quickly run down stairs. At last step he paused and called out her mother:
- Don't enter in my room. Don't touch papers. Always something is lost.. Don't wait for me ,sleep... I will be late..
Women silently nodded head, but she still entered at her son's room. She took disorderly scattered objects and put them at their place, then she emptied ashtray and give sad smile at her granddaughter photo...