
Interdimensional Mercenary (SAS 4 Zombie Assault Fanfic)

An untimely death. Something common in the business of Interdimensional Travels. Adam White, a normal human and an average man tore away from his normal life due to the childish wish he once made to the higher power that is finally granted to him. Facing a lottery to decide his power in the next life, his luck had unfortunately ran out. Of all power he could get, he get a System that grants futuristic military gears. However, perhaps it is for the best. With his wish to wield mystical magic power shattered and equipped with his System, Adam White embark into his next life as Soldier of Fortune, Gun for Hire or just a humble Mercenary trying to make a living in worlds tethering to destruction. After all, the muddy and turbulent water is the best place for fishing. ————— Cover not mine. I found it on Google. Update schedule is 3 CH/ week If I have extra chapters in stock, I will release one per 100 Power Stone. Main World 1. Rwby 2. Azur Lane Contract World 1. Girl Frontline 2. Black Bullet 3. FGO, Orleans Singularity 4. Muv Luv Alternative 5. Bleach (Before Canon Timeline) Support my fanfic with donations of join my sect at, https://ko-fi.com/lazy_kat_aoi or patreon.com/DaoistKittyKat

Daoist_KittyKat · Outros
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158 Chs

Chapter 16 - New Destination and Goal

(Will have some info dump here and there. I try not to put more than necessary. Only important ones are written down while those not important will be added to the Aux chapter.)

After more than a day of constant walking without rest, Adam once again returned to Reach.

"That's the fifth Bullhead I saw landed on Reach…" Adam stared at the sky while waiting for his turn to enter the town.

"Apparently the Council had become aware of the anomalies with the Grimms, Master. But they still aren't aware about the outbreak." Alice replied while accessing the CCT to scour for information.

"Hmn…" Adam wondered why Atlas still hadn't revealed the news yet.

Surely, Winter and the Specialists will report about it since they returned safely.

A few more minutes later, Adam and Alice were checked and entered the town without any issue. The first thing he did was go to the market.

"Yes, is there anything I can help?" The vendor immediately went to assist Adam when he entered the shop.

"Yes, I'm looking for a power generator. The one powerful enough for a house." Adam immediately told what he needed.

The vendor's eyes immediately turn into Lien symbol as he hastily leads Adam into the one he needed. A whole row of big power generators the size of a person.

"This is-"

"How much is it?" Adam cut off the vendor before he could start explaining the specs.

"Uh… Ah, it's 6,000 Lien. But I can give you a discount for 5,800 Lien." The vendor started grinning ear to ear after seeing how he didn't really haggle like others did. A straightforward customer with deep pockets.

"Is it the most powerful one? Also, can it handle higher grade Lightning Dust?"

The vendor immediately leads Adam to another one that looks more luxurious? Like the appearance alone can tell it's a high quality one compared to the previous.

"This is the best one I have. Most can only be powered by Grade 1 and 2 Dust. But this one can withstand the output of Grade 3 dust, the highest grade Dust money can buy. They are mostly used by Huntsman." The vendor can already guess Adam's identity as no one would walk in public with armor on unless they are professional Huntsmen.

"How much is it?"

"Its… 24,000 Lien, sir." The vendor said with a little hesitancy because the price is very high compared to what he can get in the main city like Vale for the same thing.

But much to the Vendor surprise, Adam just took out his card and gave it to the vendor.

"I-I'll be right back sir." The vendor left quickly to get the payment done.

"Alice, can you hack that CCTV over there for a moment?" Adam point at the corner of the ceiling.

Alice understood her assignment and immediately get it done to loop the footage for a few second while Adam store the power generator into his inventory.

"Thanks." Adam praised her for a job well done before both of them walk to the front of the shop.

"Sir, the payment is successfully. Where should I deliver it to, sir?" The excited vendor asked while trying to gve Adam hi best service in hope for a returning customer.

"No need. I already handle that." Adam take his card back and left into the crowd.

The vendor assume Adam would send someone to take it but when he went to pack the thing up, it's already gone.

With Adam, he went to a Dust shop next and clear out all Lightning Dust they have. He want to keep some stock ready in case anyone need some recharge.

Once he ia done, Adam went to a secluded area where he found an area hidded behind trees and tall grass outside of the town. The he take out the power generator and Agent.

Let just say Agent isn't happy just as Adam expected. She isn't happy to be think of as a burden. But she forgive Adam after he explained that he didn't think of her as burden at all and he did so because he care for her and didn't want her to get damaged while pushing herself.

Well, yes. Adam is using honeyed words to lessen her anger but he is sincere and honest with his words. But that give rise to another issue. Agent felt like Adam is prioritising their safety more than himself.

"But, Master. I am a T-Doll. I am a machine. As long as my head is intact, my body can be replaced." Agent insisted.

"Pray tell, where can we find the replacement part? Can you order it from Amazon or something?" Adam just poke a hole into her logic and take out the foods he bought from the market out from his inventory.

Agent fell silent as she really didn't think of that yet. Still not used to the fact she is in another world. For a while now, whenever she or Alice is damaged. The First Aid can help her fix some damage but what if the damage is too much like missing a limb? Can it fix a missing limb?

Agent isn't going to test it out for sure. But what Adam said is logical although simultaneously against the codes in her head that make the commander her priority. No way can she let him continue to risk himself like that but at the same time she is helpless against his order and also the storing in the Inventory which is very infuriating.

But to be held precious by her Master like this made her heart flutter even though she would never acknowledge it. She is made of machines after all. No matter how perfectly she imitates a human, she is an imitation at the end of the day.


Agent gaze at Adam, ravenously consuming food with a blank face.

"What?" Adam paused for a moment, seeing a rare scene of Agent showing an expression.

"Nothing, Master." She replied offhandedly before looking back at the power generator.

More specifically, the Lightning Dust. According to what she looks up from the CCT, a Lightning Dust crystal the same size of her battery can last her a few times longer and is convenient to recharge as she simply needs to replace it and she is good to go instead of charging. Perfect for battle where she can replace them on the go. The supply of Dust also isn't a problem assuming her Master's Inventory has plenty of space.

Besides her own battery, she is also curious about upgrading her weaponry with Dust considering what potential Dust has on enhancing her firepower.

Agent wants to improve herself very badly so that she will not be a burden to her Master like she did last time which is a disgrace to herself.

(I forgot to mention this definitely. Both Agent and Alice are weak because they are basically the same fresh out of the production line. Only that they have some memories from their lore self.)

This endeavor of her is definitely not possible in Reach. But if she can reach a main city like Vale or even Atlas, she is confident to procure the necessary material for her upgrade.

"Master… What are you doing?" Agent about to ask if they are heading to Vale anytime soon, but she saw him stuffing his cheek like a chipmunk even after he is burping without stopping and stuffed to the point of vomiting.

"To repair my- *burp* my body." Adam paused and then looked at her before answering.

Adam's body was damaged from last time when escaping Ansel and his body requires a lot of resources to repair his body. He wished to get the concentrated form of nutrients like protein powder etc but he couldn't find any in the market and had to eat a lot of food instead. Which no doubt most will be removed later as waste with a 'bang'.

"Haah… Anyway, I want to ask what the Master's next move is?" To that question, Adam fell into a silence.

"Actually… I don't know. From what Alice learns, the Grimms and Zombie Grimms are fighting one another. They didn't seem interested in Reach yet." Adam admitted he was feeling lost without guidance guiding him in this world he knew little to none about.

"If that's the case. I suggest we go to Vale." Agent said firmly.

"Vale? Is there a reason why you suggest it?"

"Yes, Vale is the main city. If there's anything we want to get done. Vale should have it. Resource, manpower and connection. After all, if Master's ultimate goal is to resolve the outbreak, we will need more than just thr- four of us." Agent corrects herself at the end when the Dinergate narrowed its lense eye at her. To think a mere grunt of the lowest level would share the same standing as her…

Unaware of the battle of stares happening in front of him, Adam gave what Agent said, a thought. Indeed if he wants to stop the Outbreak, him alone and his companions isn't enough. He would need to rally help especially from the higher ups of this world.

But of course, politics being a pain in the ass. If he just went there as he is right now, he doubts he can even get an audience with those said political figures. Who knows if they will help or not. Politicians are selfish. One with the heart to help the people is rare.

To get their help, he would first need sufficient influence to, well… influence them to help.

After a lengthy consideration, what Agent proposed is indeed the best move he can make right now.

"Alright then, we are going to Vale as you suggested, Agent." Adam decided.

"But before I forgot." Adam uses the function and recruits both Agent and Alice as his allies? operators?

Both Agent and Alice saw a screen popped up in their vision.

Alice thought nothing of it and accepted. Adam saw a new tab popped up and at the right side of his HUD had Alice face as an icon surrounded by a green ring which indicates her HP. Although, if more things keep getting added to his HUD, sooner or later it will get crowded.

"Oh? What is this?" Alice curiously tapped on thin air in Adam's vision. But she is actually navigating a menu that appeared for her.

Agent accepted immediately after that and looked very curious as she also navigated the menu which is easy enough to understand since the instructions are added to her database.

"Let's try it out, shall we?" Adam said after seeing Agent had finished charging.

"Test out what?" Both Agent and Alice asked curiously.

Adam said nothing and immediately initiated a Normal Contract.


Five minutes later.

"So… did any of you level up?" Adam asked uncertainty.

He gets around 8k XP total from the Contract completion. That's just roughly 1-2% of the total XP he needs to reach the next level. As for the two, he isn't sure. In the game, the XP obtained is roughly the same if not accounting to the numbers of kills because the XP is decided by the difficulty level of the lobby, which is calculated based on the collective level of all participants. The higher the total level, the higher the difficulty of the lobby and the more XP obtained per kill.

"I reached Level 5, Master."

"Me too!" Alice chimed in cheerfully.

"I can feel myself getting stronger… It's illogical but it happens." Agent frowned while flexing her palm, trying to feel her strength.

"Just physical strengthening?" Adam wondered. He has no idea at all how leveling works for them which is different for himself.

"Yes. But in the future I can unlock some abilities." Agent clarifies.

"Me too. My skill is to raise my damage for ten seconds!" Alice said while excitedly waiting for the hand to rub her head.

"Hmn. We should definitely invest some time to get them unlocked then." Adam nods while keeping notes of the task he needs to get done.

After that, they store everything up from their camping site and board a Bullhead that is heading to Vale.


(The chapters will be less action for a bit as I seal all loose ends before we get into the next arc.

An Interdimensional Contract is coming soon but I still haven't decided on a world. Someone suggested Crysis to get the Crysis Suit. But to be honest, I know nothing of Crysis and if I write about it, it will be very short and basically just grab and leave kinda Arc.

Had my eyes on Fallout, Arknight, Muv-Luv, Youjo Senki, Black Bullet and funnily enough, Dark Soul just for fun and giggles bringing guns into sword fights. Although Black Bullet might be next. They have virus and shiz, an apocalyptic world and also Tina. Imma nab sum loli.)

If you readers feel generous or want to appreciate my work and effort, feel free to tip me here.
