
Inside my favorite novel

(I then used ChatGPT to correct the chapters starting from Chapter 70) Everyone wants to be reborn like the main character The main character who gets all the cheating, all the benefits, saving beautiful women and kicking the young master's ass Well my dream came true but not as the main character and not the evil character, but just a secondary character [Ding Dong The conditions for awakening the system have then been met] . . . "Who is the real owner of this previous body?" . . . "What's wrong with these women?" . . . ""What do you mean I'm just a pawn?" . . . (The picture is not mine) (If the owner of the photo has a problem with the use of his photo, I can change it)

CAESAR20 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
81 Chs


From now on, I will refer to the Shadow Cheetah skill as SH-CH and the Shadow Traveler skill as SH-T

It's really tiring to translate some skills so my only solution is to come up with an abbreviation for these skills 

At the end of the chapter you will find some information about the devilish rabbit, so be sure to read

Excuse me for interrupting now with the novel


An hour had already passed, and Leon began to feel better in his muscles, making him able to stand, even if with difficulty 

He was feeling very hungry and after some searching he found some edible fruits, at least he satisfied his hunger with them until he found a solution for himself. 

Leon sat and leaned against a nearby tree and said, 'system extract the impurity purification potion.'

[ok host]

As soon as the system's words came to his mind, a small potion appeared. Leon Raise it and looked at it. Just watching, he was already feeling disgusted. 

The contents of the vial look like mucus, "I just hope its taste isn't as bad as it looks."

Leon opened the potion and poured it all at once into a ring and felt vomiting at how bad it tasted 

But swallow vomit, even if it is disgusting, the reward is still a reward 

Leon waited for what would happen and he didn't have to wait long 

After some time his body began to heat up and veins appeared around his neck and he felt like his bones were being drilled

He thought, 'Why, why, why should everything be so painful in this world? Damn it, I'll find a solution to this one day.' He clenched his teeth tightly and suppressed a scream. 

After ten minutes of feeling as if ants were digging his bones and his skin was burning, the pain finally subsided

Leon lifted himself from the ground, already staggering, and leaned back against the tree

"What is this smell?" Leon smelled a bad smell in the air, and after tracing the smell and its source, he found that it was coming from him

"Damn, this smells like me." Leon's clothes were soaked in sweat, acidity, and a black liquid sticking to all his clothes. 

"Damn, these are my only clothes. , . At least you could have warning me, System"

Leon cursed the system and received no response, which made him even angrier, but he calmed himself down

With his strength gathered, Leon went to the lake again to take a bath and wash off the dirt from him 

Leon was confused, and before he jumped in, he looked at his reflection in the water and what he found left him shocked 

Leon's hands rose to his face and rubbed it forcefully, "Is that it? Damn, I'm more handsome than I was. Hey, has my magic increased?"

'System show me status'


Name: Leon Max

Age: 16

Rank: +F

Charm: S

Talent: -F 


Strength: 10 (human limit 10)

Speed: 11 

Perception: 5 (human limit 10)

Stamina: 8 (human limit 10) 

Luck: A

[Skills(This shadow skill: a four-star skill, a speed skill that enables the host to move at high speeds and with great agility)/(Shadow Traveler skill: Skill with a rating of 6. The skill constitutes the appropriate material for assassination, as the owners of the skill move through the shadows)]


Leon couldn't believe what he saw in staus, 'My charm has increased greatly and has become first-class, and my rank, strength, speed, and endurance have also increased greatly.'

'Although my awareness increased by only a point, perhaps because it is not a physical thing, but rather depends on the sense and talent, this does not matter'

'By getting rid of my body's impurities, it made my body more perfect and more effective. This dose was very useful.'

'And with my stats rising, this means I can try both skills without side effects.'

As soon as Leon thought about this, his determination to continue was renewed and he jumped into the water to remove the bad smell and at the same time wash his clothes.

After taking enough time to shower and be exposed to sunlight to dry the clothes he was wearing 

Leon headed into the forest, determined to try out the two skills he had acquired 

After a long search, Leon found his target relaxing in one of the small bushes, so he used the SH-SH skill. Leon moved quickly near one of the trees. 

Using the SH-T skill, Leon entered the shadow of the tree. All that greeted Leon's gaze was absolute blackness, not something like the darkness of night, but absolute darkness.

Leon did not know how to navigate the shadow world, but without realizing it, he let his mind direct him to the place he wanted to get out of, which was the shadow of the demonic rabbit. 

As soon as Leon emerged from within the demonic rabbit's shadow, Leon pounced on his prey, lowered the sword with maximum force, and cut the small demonic creature's neck. 

As soon as Leon killed the rabbit, he stood there, flexing his muscles and hands and looking at them

'Even though my stats have risen slightly above the human limit, I still find it difficult to use the two skills.'

'They're putting my body under stress and because my My current strength are unlearned and I'm not used to these abilities.'

Leon shook his head and shook the negative thoughts from him, 'Okay, okay, even if that's the case, I think I'm starting to improve and I have some abilities that I can use to defend myself inside this forest.'

"Well, I think my next destination is to search for Ryoushi's art, as all I am missing is this art."

"But first I have to satisfy my hunger," Leon said as he looked at the headless rabbit near him 


Deviled rabbits are meat-eating creatures that may come in different sizes depending on the environment they live in. They are usually not classified into any order.

A minority of these demonic beings are in groups if they have a leader of a higher rank (this is if the demonic rabbit rises to rank F, which is the highest rank a demonic rabbit can reach).

Satanic rabbits are considered one of the lowest satanic creatures, since most of them are not classified as classification.

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