
Heinz Advertising

Badman and Raymond are still struggling with the two record companies, but Andrew is already sitting in Apollyon's Lion Advertising Agency, listening to Apollyon's music with Jimmy and Maroni latest news.

"We are very lucky!" Apollyon was lying on the sofa, letting his round belly lean on the armrest: "Guys, that tricky old man at Domino's is very satisfied with our advertisement. Now the advertisement proposed by Andrew has been placed all over the United States. " Creative billboard!"

"Thank God!" Maroni is the manager of this advertising company and a friend of Apollyon. He is usually responsible for some basic affairs and advertising creative proposals.

He was wearing a dark gray suit and a pink tie. His hair was light yellow instead of blond. He looked very coquettish in Andrew.

Jimmy clapped along in celebration.

Dudley was not among them, because since the last time he had a party, he had been haunted by the girl whose size he had measured on the set, and she would not let go. She even dragged him to meet his parents.

After hearing the sad news, both Apollyon and Jimmy expressed their condolences. Having entered the graveyard of marriage so early, they can only say not to attack women at will.

Therefore, the position of photographer is now taken by Andrew, while Jimmy is responsible for lighting and art, which is exactly what he wants.

After everyone was happy, Andrew asked: "So the sales should be very explosive now."

"Of course!" Apollyon widened his eyes and opened his hands: "I heard that Domino's takeout business has expanded to Glacier Bay, Alaska. I hope The store clerks should not get cold when delivering goods."

What Apollyon is talking about is Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska, which is full of vast ocean wilderness, dominated by tall coastal mountains, and is an inaccessible place.

"Maybe they can ride seals to deliver food! Hahaha." Maroney's hearty laughter echoed in the conference room, causing others to laugh too.

"So after the old man Monaghan's advertisement was successful, a new company immediately offered us an olive branch. Let's see what this is?" Apollyon said, picking up a red ketchup bottle made of glass from the table. .

"So familiar. Isn't this Heinz ketchup?" Jimmy pointed out: "My family often buys it."

"My family also." Apollyon nodded: "This is a national brand, well-known to every household."

"Then why do they do it? Find us? "Although Lion Advertising is emerging for Domino's, compared to Heinz Group's products, there should be no shortage of advertising companies.

Maroney explained for him: "That's right, it's not just us, but we need to bid. Our family and five or six other advertising companies all need to put forward their own plans and go to their company to make proposals. If passed... He snapped his fingers and raised his lips: "Then we can win this advertisement, and even the subsequent advertisements are not a problem!"

" Of course it's good!


Maro! When Jimmy talked about money, he immediately became excited: "If we can get it done, then the continuous advertising expenses will make us all able to eat as much as we want!"

"Wow!" Jimmy also became excited.

Andrew also raised his eyebrows. This was undoubtedly the best opportunity to get rid of poverty. Even if MV made more money, he would not have the chance to profit from it.

On the contrary, it is advertising. As the creative planner and photographer of the Lion advertising, he can definitely get more money.

Just when he thought of this, Apollyon also looked at Andrew and said, "Andrew, in fact, I hope you can provide creative ideas for this Heinz advertisement."

"What do you mean?" Andrew straightened his back.

Maroney added: "To put it simply, I hope you will be one of the planners for this advertising."

"One?" "Yes, I am also a planner." Maroney smiled and crossed his legs: "I was there before I'm busy communicating with customers, otherwise I should be in charge of this Domino's project."

"Okay, I understand, but how to calculate the salary?" Andrew heard his subtext. If he was here, this project would take turns. Less than yourself.

"In terms of salary, after the advertising fees and taxes for this project are paid, you can get 5%, and Jimmy can get 3% after the filming costs are settled. How about it?"

Maroney said the proposal he had prepared, but Andrew shook his head and said nothing.

"Too little!" Jimmy shouted: "Eight percent for the two of us. Hey, that's not what Domino's advertising calculates."

Apollyon also said with some embarrassment: "Don't be so harsh, Maroni, we are all Friends are brothers."

"Okay, okay." Maroni took a few steps back: "But Apollyon, the company can't just be friends and brothers. As a manager, I have to be responsible for the entire company, so no more. More, there are still a lot of expenses to run the company, you know."

Apollyon looked at the two people and comforted: "What Maroni said is right, Jimmy, this is the best condition."

"Okay. Well, then I wish us a happy cooperation!"

Jimmy originally wanted to argue, but Andrew directly agreed to the share and picked up the wine glass next to him.

"Wish us a happy cooperation!" Others also raised their glasses in celebration, except Jimmy who was a little sulky.

After walking out of the Lion Advertising Agency and sitting back in the car, Jimmy, who was driving, couldn't help but ask: "Brother, why do I feel something is wrong with you?"


"You didn't tell the truth! This doesn't look like you, brother. ! They are bullying people too much!" Jimmy noticed something hidden in Andrew's expression.

Andrew smiled and said: "You are right, it is indeed too much to bully others, but it does not affect our cooperation this time, right?"

"This time? What do you mean? Isn't there a next time?" Jimmy is indeed Andrew. A good brother, you can guess Andrew's thoughts just from his expressions and tone of voice.

"It's very simple, Jimmy. Listen to what they say, the company can't just have brothers, the best conditions. In fact, without me, the Domino's project would not be able to satisfy Monaghan, let alone the olive branch of Heinz." Andrew The tone gradually became heavier: "But they only position us as advertising planners and lighting masters. Ten percent, two people, what a joke!"

"Yes, that's it! So we have to strive for more!" Although Jimmy and Po Leon has a good relationship, but when it comes to money, he doesn't know why Andrew agreed so hastily.

"No, Jimmy, so why don't we go out and go it alone?" Andrew stretched out his hands: "You, and I, we open our own advertising company, and all the shares are in our own hands. Isn't it much better than working for others?"

Jimmy Looking at him in surprise: "Yeah, yes, that's what you think."

"Yes, that's why, so we need connections, Jimmy, we need a ladder. And the Heinz project is the best ladder. We have to hold it in our own hands."

"What about Apollyon?"

"Don't worry, I know what you are thinking..." Andrew tapped his fingers on his knees: "He is a good brother, I hope so. A decent ending."

(End of chapter)