
INFINITY: The One Above All

Blade or better known as Izuma by his friends is a deity who is greatly feared by all life in the universe including the gods who dominate existing life. Blade created countless universes and created all life from beginning to end and then handed over the responsibility of maintaining security throughout the universe to the Supreme God created by Blade himself. But evil began to emerge after Blade handed over the responsibility to the Supreme God. Now Blade has to solve the matter on his own because if left unchecked then life in the entire universe will be extinguished.

Nakamura_Itsuki658 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
77 Chs

Humans vs. Demons. 5 Strongest Knights.

Death soldiers have emerged from every dimensional portal summoned by Dorramun. There were more than 10 thousand death soldiers preparing to attack. The numbers of death soldiers and human soldiers are very vastly different. The human soldiers began to lose their fighting spirit because the number of death soldiers summoned by Dorramun had just exceeded the number of them all. Zaraki, the leader of the fighters, advanced in front of them all.

"Everyone! Don't be afraid! No matter what happens, we have to fight for our country! No matter how many enemies come, we will keep fighting! We have to delay them all until the 5 people come" (Zaraki)

"That's right. Everyone! Get ready!" (Soldier Leader)

"Ahhhh !!!" (All Soldiers)

Then they all prepared to attack the soldiers of death. Zaraki then drew his sword and aimed his sword at the death soldier.

"All right! Everyone !!! Attack them !!! Ahhhh !!" (Zaraki)

"AHHHHHH !!!" (all soldiers)

They all kept running towards the death soldiers to attack. Dorramun then ordered the death soldiers to attack as well.

"You all. Kill them" (Dorramun)

The soldiers of death also ran towards the soldiers of the humans. Clashes have taken place between the soldiers of death and the soldiers of humanity. One by one the human soldiers were stabbed by the soldiers of death. Their numbers are dwindling as they have been killed by death soldiers. The fighters attack with the magic power they have. Some of the fighters help by using healing and protection magic against the fighters and their soldiers who fight using their weapons.

"Damn !! There are too many of them !!" (Zaraki)

"They haven't been here yet?" (Soldier Leader)

Then an explosion had occurred in the middle of the death soldiers and had killed a large number of them. Zaraki and the others saw the matter.

"That's them too" (Zaraki)

"5 Strongest Knights" (Soldier Leader)

Two figures were flying on the surface of their sky and three more figures were running towards them very fast. Edward the sword knight, Regalia the archer knight, Franky the shield knight, Krista the spear knight and Mandra the healing knight. They are the strongest knights that have ever existed in the country. With the presence of the 5 Knights, they all returned eager to fight.

"All right everyone! Let's defeat this damn Devil!" (Edward)

Edward then jumped high and drew his magic sword.

"The first technique! The lion's whip!" (Edward)

Edward's attack had killed more than a hundred demonic death soldiers in the blink of an eye. Then he continued to attack the soldiers of death relentlessly. Krista then summoned his spear using magic. Krista then jumps very high and continues towards the death soldier.

"Third technique! Spear shoot!" (Krista)

The speed of Krista's spear attack was very fast and very strong causing the death soldier who was hit by his attack to continue to die.

"YES !!! That's our hero! Everyone !! Let's step forward and kill all their soldiers !!" (Soldier Leader)

"AHHHHH !!!!" (All Soldiers)

From above Regalia and Mandra attack in the midst of death soldiers. Regalia released her magic archer and directed the archer towards her bottom.

"Second technique! Arrow Rain" (Regalia)

The arrow fired by Regalia rushed very fast towards the death soldier. Soon, the arrows began to split into more and more. Mandra then took out her magic wand and then attacked the death soldier with her magic.

"Fifth technique! Explosion!" (Mandra)

A huge explosion had occurred as a result of the attack from Mandra. The soldiers of the humans are fighting the soldiers of death with their swords along with the other warriors. Dorramun then saw many of his soldiers die as a result of attacks from the 5 strongest knights of the world.

"Stupid. All right. If they really want to fight. My Death Soldiers. Stop!" (Dorramun)

Dorramun then snapped his fingers and suddenly the death soldier did not move. The human soldiers began to be confused as the soldiers of death began to stop from attacking.

"What happened?" (Soldier)

"Why did they stop attacking?" (Fighter)

"Regalia. What happened?" (Edward)

"I don't know but someone is at the end there" (Regalia)

"What do you mean?" (Edward)

"Maybe this is all because of him" (Regalia)

A dimensional portal appears in front of them all and moves towards the soldiers of death. The soldiers of death began to be sucked into the portal of that dimension and soon the entire army of death had disappeared in front of them.

"They've all been sucked into it" (Edward)

"Actually, what are we up against right now?" (Mandra)

"I don't know either but I'm feeling more and more uneasy now" (Edward)

From a distance Dorramun began to appear before them.

"Yo hero of the human world" (Dorramun)

"Who is that?" (Mandra)

"don't know" (Krista)

"Look over that? !!" (Soldier)

They all looked up at the sky and began to fear. They all can't believe what they're seeing right now.

"The sky has turned red? !!" (Soldier Leader)

"No .. maybe .." (Zaraki)

They all then looked at Dorramun who was standing in front of them.

"Let's start the real fight. Haha" (Dorramun)

Dorramun then released his aura to them all. A large number of human soldiers began to fall to the ground due to the aura from Dorramun.

"Oii !! You all? !! Why is this? !!" (Soldier Leader)

The fallen soldiers did not answer their Leader's question. A number of fighters have also fallen to the ground. They all had no idea what was going on because suddenly a large number of them had all collapsed.

"What happened !!" (Zaraki)

"They're all dead" (Dorramun)

"What! Don't be silly!" (Soldier Leader)

"Now. Get ready" (Dorramun)

Dorramun was ready to attack them physically. 5 Knights began to prepare to fight Dorramun.