
Creater's vision

In the beginning there was a energy that created everything in existence and because that it's creations were infinite it needed to protect its creations from complete destruction.

It created Gods called the Ancient Gods of creation and destruction which then created their own God's and territories.There were made up of four God's which were the God of Infinite and creation ,the God of destruction,the God of Omni and the God of Dragons .

After millenniums of peace everything changed when one God entered another territory which then caused war between the Ancient Gods and it took place in the temple of creation .

Four extremely handsome men were exuding godly aura while looking at each other inside a temple made out of gold while preparing for battle and one of then spoke with a calm but dissatisfied expression

'how dare you invade my territory I am going to kill you all 'after he spoke he formed a punch and straked at the nearest person to him with enough force to destroy the whole existence but before his punch could land they all died and a person with a body of stars appeared .he looked at the bodies of his creations with disgust and he never remember making them so arrogant and confident and he thought that since they died he should create a new God who is more powerful than him and obstruct from emotions .

He thought about something and them joined the bodies of his creations and merged himself with them but couldn't he just look after his creations no he choose the stupid way even though he is omniscient just for fun.A blinding light appeared inside the temple and a baby's appeared and it had golden hair on every part of his body that had hair and he eyes were completely golden.His hair was long reaching my butts and I had a infinite and omega symbol in each of his eyes and a Ying and yang symbol on his chest with a omega symbol on top and infinite symbol in the middle of the Ying and yang symbol .he had tatoos of a golden dragon ,white dragon ,black dragon and silver dragon on my stomach and infinite symbols on his left arm,right hand ,left leg and omega symbols on my forehead ,right arm ,left arm,right leg and he had ten balls circulating around him each with a different colour and he was extremely cute resembling a God of beauty but he did not know that But before the energy merged,he left a ring and necklace with a golden dragon tinted on it making a infinite symbol .He noticed he could speak and walk .

He was surprised and happy as he quickly stood up and as he was about to walk even before his feet could reach the ground he appeared quadrillions of universes away .He thought of the temple and it appeared before him and he went to the temple calmingly and a notification appeared in his head .

[System installing]

[Binding in 20%,35%,80% ,100%]

[System has been installed into host]

[would host want to know systems features]

'Yes 'he said in a curious manner

[System's name : God of all systems]

[features :status: a panel which shows hosts attributes ,system can create infinite systems and has infinite features]

'ok'he nodded and said in his mind status and a screen appeared in his mind

[Name :???]

[Race :Anceint Promidial Omninairch God of Infinity +Ω∞]

[Life span : ∞]



[Speed :∞]

[Luck :∞]

[Skills :∞]

[Wishes :∞]

'system could you create the hardest dungeon for me to train with God level threats 'He said with a confident attitude.

[Ding system created Evil Dragon God dungeon ]

a large black door appeared in the temple with a sigh on top(Evil Dragon God dungeon) was written in bold letters.He entered the dungeon and a roar was heard as a dragon attacked him and he swiftly dodged it without using even infinite zero percent of his power which is his weakest power .

He tried harder but the system would always say this is how far the host can weaken his power as he jumped and instinctly used his mind to erase the dragon as it was one of his infinite passive skills he learned.It was called (True OmniGod-mind:owns mind is omnipotent and can erase /destroy /creation anything ) but instead of destroying the dragon it destroyed the whole dungeon level .[Dragons killed :∞/∞]

[Dungeon level:∞]

[Host has earned the title dragon God slayer]

He was shocked that he had just finished the whole dungeon just like that and despite him not seeing his body of a baby and that the necklace and ring from before have been placed on his body .He continued creating and destroying God level dungeons with just a thought and he wanted to test his power. [Host has activated Creater's vision :to enjoy and live among the humans as a God for a century before being the Omniarch of existence and ruling all ]

A portal appeared and sucked in the baby and it appeared in a womb .