
Indra's Rebirth

When the most talented warrior of the Middle Ages tragically dies and is reincarnated 5021 years after J.C., but this time as an 18 year old, handicapped, accused of treason against humanity and sentenced to death, what happens? (Temporary synopsis) Special dedication to : kaleb_payne and Dakota_James_Ruiz Without them, this story wouldn't have been translated into English for a very long time. Cover art borrowed from: https://www.instagram.com/stefan.celic/ If you like the story, don't hesitate to make a small donation of 2/3euros on my paypal. The student in me would be very grateful haha --> https://www.paypal.me/SoulKingSystem (Yeah, I know it's from my first story, this paypal)

Kasuma · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs


"So don't disappoint me Sören!" concluded Indra with a serious face but his eyes revealed his excitement.

Only one meter separated the two, in appearance the physical difference seemed to be like an impassable chasm.

But all the soldiers felt that Indra's figure seemed more imposing than the barbarian leader.

The barbarian leader suddenly laughed, throwing away all concern for his opponent.

"Well, you have my respect young warrior, however it seems that you forgot one detail."

Intrigued, Indra asked, "What?"

"You are undoubtedly strong, perhaps even stronger than me, but your age makes you too inexperienced, doesn't it?

Sören asked, "I'm sure Leon doesn't know about your actions, does he?"

Leon was the King of the Golden Griffin Kingdom and also Indra's father, and indeed he was, Indra had acted on a whim.

As a bad feeling began to take hold of him, then this was immediately confirmed when he heard a deafening noise in the distance.

"Cavalry, and by the sound they are at least 2000!" thought Indra and he backed up a few steps to a safe distance from Sören.

Everyone knew that cavalry had a huge advantage over infantry. But although Indra had 3,000 soldiers under his command, they were accompanied by only a few hundred horses that were mainly used for logistics, and all of them were left behind under the protection of a hundred soldiers because they still had to make the return trip.

"Soldier of the Kingdom of the Golden Griffin, the barbarians of the north are cowardly and devious warriors, Sören had never planned to challenge me! His despicable goal was to bury us all here by overwhelming us with numbers, so soldier let's show them how a true warrior should fight!" shouted Indra, but he himself knew that the situation had become extremely bad.

However, all the soldiers under Indra were elite soldiers who had been with him since he was at least 14 years old, so naturally their mental quality and fighting skills were top notch!



The soldiers began to roar and charge bravely towards the barbarians.

A gigantic chaotic melee ensued.

The sounds of iron clashing and slicing through human skin produced a symphony. The warriors were painting themselves with the blood of their victims.

Such a scene Indra had been used to for a long time.

After giving his order, one of his soldiers threw a sword at him, which he easily caught in the air and then switched to his now one-armed opponent.

Without suspense, Sören having lost an arm, and with blood flowing for a little while, his fighting power was considerably weakened.

It took only a few moves for Indra to unbalance him and put him down, unfortunately he could not take him hostage because Sören was far too strong and tall.

So Indra had no choice but to execute him immediately.

He took his head and shouted loudly, "I have killed your King, give up your weapons now and you can keep your life!"

Unfortunately this was only worth a glance from the barbarians but without much reaction.

"What's going on, aren't they supposed to be panicking and suffering a serious loss of morale?" thought Indra with confusion.

Suddenly he looked toward the oncoming cavalry and saw a figure at the very front of the army. His sixth sense indicated a much stronger sense of danger than against Söran.

But communication was impossible, this was a battlefield and not a little picnic. Here there were only warriors who were fighting at the cost of their lives, for honor, for their family, for their kingdom, for their dream...

The reasons were countless, but they shared a common thread. Each of them required harvesting the lives of others as a farmer harvests his eggs from the henhouse.

So Indra, with his experience on the battlefield, began to navigate the battlefield, head after head flying off.

He was like an elusive reaper on the battlefield.

The effects were remarkable, as the battle tilted more and more in their favor.

But the cavalry would soon sack their ranks by attacking them from behind.

"Lancers, come to the rear and brace yourselves for the impending impact," Indra shouted with his powerful voice echoing across the battlefield.

"Archers get your asses over there and get ready to fire!"

From above, it was possible to see countless soldiers retreating as their comrades protected them from the pursuing barbarians.

The situation shifted once again in the direction of the barbarians, for the lancers numbered more than 500 soldiers, while the archers were also close to the same number.

It was only because of Indra's presence that a delicate balance was achieved.

Ten seconds later, Indra noticed that all the archers were in position.

"1st row cock, cuff, aim, fire!" shouted Indra.

"2nd row cock, cuff, aim, fire!"

"3rd row cock, bandage, aim, fire!"

Indra's voice towered over the entire battlefield. As Indra's fighting and leadership skills were revealed, the barbarians grew increasingly afraid.

"Can this guy really survive over 100 barbarians surrounding him? Not to mention surviving, he completely crushes them, and at the same time he can easily lead his troops who are a hundred meters away from him!" this kind of thought spread through the barbarian army, and their minds took a real blow.

All came to one conclusion: "He is a monster.

But as they looked at the man standing at the very front of the cavalry who easily deflected the arrows that targeted him, they regained a little confidence.

"We have that kind of monster too," they thought.

The archers under Indra's command were all elites, so seeing that they could do nothing to the man standing in front, they simply targeted other cavalrymen.

However, this was heavy cavalry, so all the horses and soldiers were completely covered in iron, leaving almost no gaps.

Only a few arrows out of several hundred could reach the eyes of some unlucky ones, while others "just" managed to wound a dozen riders by shooting into the gaps of the armor.

About ten seconds later, all the horsemen collided with the lancers, while the archers retreated slightly.

But the result was catastrophic, almost all of the lancers were annihilated despite being soldiers, as the difference in numbers and equipment was far too great.

"All archers, take your swords and start the close combat with the barbs under Sören, I'll take care of the cavalry" roared Indra.

"Your majesty, let us accompany you!" replied in a powerful voice a dozen soldiers at the other end of the battlefield who soon arrived at his side.

They were all talented geniuses who decided to follow Indra to become stronger by his side. Under Indra's regular teachings, they became strong enough to compare to the 12-year-old Indra of the past!

Indra nodded without saying a word and moved towards the enemy cavalry which had suffered some losses and slowed down at the cost of the lives of more than 400 elite spearmen.

Thus 10 exceptional soldiers and Indra jumped on various horses and cleared the original riders.

The battle went on, every minute the soldiers under Indra's command continued to diminish while the barbarians seemed infinite.

"Faris duck!" shouted Indra, but unfortunately, Faris who was already in trouble with several opponents on horseback that confronted him and he could not react in time.

"FARISSSSSSSSSS!" While Indra shouted with all his might, an imposing man armed with a halberd decapitated him before his eyes.

This was the first victim among his 10 exceptional soldiers.

Each of them could easily kill more than a hundred men, and if they rested from time to time, their damage to an army could become truly frightening, but unfortunately, one of these men had just perished that day.

And yet it would not be the last, Indra was held back by several hundred horsemen, more than a third of the enemy heavy cavalry.

Indra kept shouting to his soldiers to be careful and come back to him, but none of them was willing to abandon Indra, because if they did then even Indra would die for sure surrounded by several thousand horsemen.

Little by little, each of them died under different formations and strategies employed by the enemy.

Soon, Indra found himself alone against more than 1800 elite horsemen.

Indeed, these 10 exceptional soldiers had not only succeeded in holding back the enemy, but they had also managed to take with them more than 600 enemy horsemen!

The other half died at the hands of Indra himself.

"Raviel, Lilian, Zaraf, Helia... All are dead..." Indra murmured.

Tear after tear streamed down Indra's hateful face.

He could only watch helplessly as each of his most precious subordinates died.

He knew that this was normal in a war, he should even have expected it! But they were all brothers in arms by his side, they were the most worthy to stand by him when he conquered the world.

The number of adventures he had had with them were far too countless for him to feel insensitive to their deaths.

But Indra continued to swing his sword faster and faster, he was almost going crazy as he went into a state of insanity while maintaining some concentration. He had no choice because the armor worn by those damn barbarians was almost flawless, and it was almost impossible to break it with bare hands.

He even had to change swords regularly because after piercing dozens and dozens of soldiers, an ordinary sword would lose its sharpness.

After about ten minutes, Indra was already exhausted.

Moreover, the soldiers who were holding back the barbarian infantry were also all dead.

There was not a single soldier left under his command.

Indra stood firm on the ground, armed with two swords and surrounded by countless mounted soldiers and foot soldiers.

Normally he preferred to play regularly with a shield held in his left hand, and a sword wielded in his right.

But he had long since abandoned this way of fighting, because it was simply too inefficient to kill large numbers of enemies.

His spine was still as straight as when he was facing Söran. But at that moment he was no longer the suave and charismatic Indra.

His face was covered with blood and mud. His hair had turned crimson, far from the beautiful, neat blond hair he used to have.

At that moment he was like one of the famous asuras, no soldier came near him anymore. Under his hand more than a thousand barbarians lost their lives, although each of them thought that he had finally reached the end and was no longer able to lift his sword.

And each time his hand swung again to take a life, proving otherwise.

It was at this moment that an impressive figure arrived.

The man was on horseback and armed with a halberd.

Without taking a breath, Indra charged directly at him, guessing that this man was responsible for the death of all his men.

Unfortunately, when Indra's sword came down, for the first time during the battle, someone blocked his sword, which caused him to be stunned.

Taking advantage of his surprise, the imposing man pushed Indra back and pierced his halberd into the young asura's right knee, breaking it immediately.

Normally this would never have been possible because Indra would have avoided it easily, but his agility had weakened enormously over time.

When he withdrew his halberd, a stream of blood immediately came out of his knee.

But still Indra stood.

He breathed heavily while keeping his head firmly up, he wanted to see the face of his killer.

"Indra, you have a talent and charisma that would be envied by even the greatest kings in history, but today you will fall under my hand," announced the imposing man.

Indra wanted to retort, but he himself knew that it was impossible to get out of this encirclement, after all he was only a mortal, his endurance was not unlimited.

He could only swallow his frustration.

"Can I at least know who killed me?" asked Indra sadly.

The man hesitated for a moment, but removed his helmet anyway.

When his face was finally visible, Indra was shocked as the tears flowed once again.
