
Chapter 2

"What's wrong with grandma?" The child's innocent voice cut through the air, her brown eyes wide with concern as she fiddled with the straps of her bag.

Her gaze followed the elderly woman, her grandmother, as she paced around the room in obvious panic.

"Where is she?" Her grandmother's voice was barely a whisper, her wrinkled lips forming the words with a tremor of distress evident in her features.

The worry etched into her expression painted a stark contrast to the typically serene demeanor the child was accustomed to seeing.

"Grandma, where's Mama?" The child's voice barely rose above a whisper as she blinked in confusion.

Her mother was always at work, that much she knew, but she was never the type to not come home, especially on a special day like today. It was the reason the little girl felt compelled to ask.

"I have no idea myself, Celestia," her grandmother replied, her forced smile failing to conceal the worry etched into her features. With gentle hands, she positioned herself behind Celestia, placing her palms on the child's shoulders as she guided her towards the door.

As they stepped outside, Celestia's long, jet-black locks were ruffled by the breeze, her eyes catching the fleeting expression of concern her grandmother sent in her direction. Despite the uncertainty looming over them, there was a sense of reassurance in her grandmother's touch, a silent promise that she would protect Celestia no matter what.

"Do not worry about your mother. Just enjoy your first day at school," Celestia's grandmother reassured her with a gentle smile, her voice laced with warmth and encouragement.

Celestia nodded eagerly, her excitement palpable as she bounced on her toes, amusing the elderly lady who chuckled softly at her enthusiasm. With a final pat on Celestia's shoulder, her grandmother shut the door of the car, her heart heavy with unspoken worries.

Turning to the chauffeur, she instructed him to take Celestia to school, receiving a respectful nod from the driver in response.

As the car pulled away, her grandmother watched with a mixture of pride and apprehension, silently praying for her granddaughter's safety and happiness.

"Please let everything go well," she whispered to herself, her words carrying a weight of uncertainty as she turned to shuffle back into the well-built mansion.

But as she did, something caught the corner of her eye, causing her to sharply turn her head back and observe the figure staggering towards her, their attire covered in dirt.

"Rosella?" Her breath caught in her throat as she uttered her daughter's name in astonishment, a flood of questions swirling in her mind.

However, before she could voice them, Rosella walked past her as if she hadn't noticed her presence, leaving her mother to ponder the mysterious circumstances surrounding her daughter's unexpected return.


As the elegant car came to a halt, Celestia's eyes brightened with excitement as she recognized the familiar facade of the school building she would be attending. With practiced ease, the older man who served as her chauffeur made it easy for Celestia to exit the car, opening the door and gesturing towards the school with a warm smile plastered on his face.

Eagerly, Celestia hopped out of the vehicle and turned to beam in the direction of the driver, her gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thank you," she said with a respectful nod, her voice filled with appreciation for his assistance.

The chauffeur chuckled softly at her gesture of thanks, a twinkle of amusement dancing in his eyes.

"You are most welcome, Miss Celestia," he replied graciously, his tone warm and reassuring as he watched her make her way towards the school entrance.

As the chauffeur bid goodbye to the dark-haired girl and drove off, Celestia's attention shifted to the lively group of children chasing each other in the vast playground. Excitement bubbled within her as she longed to join them, eager to both play and make a new friend. With determination in her step, she sprinted towards the group, her heart brimming with anticipation.

However, her excitement was short-lived as a cry of surprise escaped her lips, followed by a sharp jolt of pain as her backside collided with the unforgiving pavement. Tears welled up in her eyes as she cradled her throbbing back, the sudden fall catching her off guard.

Amidst the chaos of the playground, Celestia's ears pricked up at the sound of an unfamiliar deep voice. Turning her head slightly, she caught sight of a figure standing nearby, their presence imposing and unfamiliar.

The man's appearance could be described as plain, with a round face and matching brown eyes and hair.

"A weapon contractor?" the voice queried, its tone tinged with curiosity and intrigue.

When Celestia had sprinted towards the group of children, the man had unwittingly stepped into her path, causing her to collide with his leg and tumble to the ground. The sudden impact drew his attention to the fallen girl, and in that moment, he knew he had found the correct child—the one the other foolish human had offered.

Confusion clouded Celestia's mind as she struggled to make sense of the unexpected question, her pain momentarily forgotten in the face of this mysterious encounter.

Puzzled by the man's choice of words, Celestia merely sniffed, her confusion evident on her young face.

But her confusion quickly turned to awe as she watched his appearance begin to morph before her eyes. His features shifted, his brown eyes turning a deep red, as dark as blood, and his skin taking on a lightly tanned hue.

Caught off guard by the sudden transformation, Celestia could only stare in wonder as the odd creature raised his finger, muttering a few words under his breath.

"Get up."

Celestia's shock only intensified as her body seemed to move on its own accord, stiffly straightening up as if controlled by some unseen force.

With a sense of dread creeping over her, she approached a nearby child who turned his gaze onto her with curiosity shining in his eyes. But as she took a single step forward, her hand shot out involuntarily, shoving him back with unexpected force.

A gasp of surprise resonated through the air as the boy landed on his back, his elbow scraping against the unforgiving ground.

Tears welled up in his eyes as pain shot through his body, and he let out a pained cry that echoed across the playground. The attention of the other children was drawn to the scene, their curiosity turning into concern as they rushed over to form a circle around Celestia and the injured boy.

Caught in the midst of the commotion, Celestia stood frozen, her heart heavy with guilt and confusion.

She couldn't understand how she had acted so impulsively, and the sight of the injured boy brought a pang of remorse to her young heart.

As the other children gathered around, their eyes filled with questions and worry, Celestia could only watch helplessly, unsure of how to make amends for the chaos she had unwittingly caused.

As the chaos unfolded around her, all the muscles in Celestia's body seemed to loosen, and she gradually became aware of the fact that she in control again. A sense of bewilderment washed over her as she struggled to comprehend what had just transpired.

"She pushed me!"

But her daze was shattered by the accusing cry of the injured boy, his voice piercing through the confusion and drawing her attention.

Suddenly, Celestia found herself thrust into the spotlight, the accusing gazes of her peers fixated on her.

"It wasn't me! That old man made me do it!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with fear and desperation as she pointed an accusing finger towards the man who stood nearby.

As Celestia desperately tried to explain herself, she failed to notice a boy and a girl advancing towards her until it was too late. With a sudden shove, she was sent sprawling to the ground, the stony surface meeting her with unforgiving force.

"You better not do that again, you meanie!" the little schoolboy pointed at her, his voice filled with accusation and anger.

Celestia's heart sank as she realized that she was now the target of their scorn and hostility.

As the injured boy was helped up and the others left her behind to take him to the school nurse, a sense of dread washed over Celestia. She watched helplessly as they walked away, leaving her alone in the deserted playground.

Alone and abandoned, Celestia felt tears welling up in her eyes as she struggled to come to terms with what had just happened. Fear and confusion clouded her mind as she realized that she was now isolated, left to face the consequences of her actions alone.

"That was quite fun to watch," the man from earlier remarked with a bright smile, though his red eyes betrayed a sense of darkness lurking beneath the surface.

Glowering at the creature in its neatly dressed disguise, Celestia's lips parted to protest, but she was once again controlled by the single movement of his finger. Helplessly, her feet carried her towards an abandoned side of the building, the male following closely behind. Despite the gravity of the situation, he seemed entirely at ease, a fact that only served to deepen Celestia's unease.

"You old man!" Celestia spat out insults, her voice laced with defiance as she struggled to regain control of her body.

He scowled at her outburst, sharply poking her forehead. Tears welled up in her eyes as she whimpered in pain, but the palpable irritation emanating from him silenced her protests, causing her to nervously nibble on her lip to prevent herself from speaking out once more.

"Listen here, brat. I'm not old...I'm not even human," he remarked, the last part mumbled more to himself than to her.

Confusion clouded Celestia's mind as she heard his words, blinking in puzzlement as she struggled to make sense of what she had just heard.

The revelation left her reeling, her mind racing with unanswered questions and uncertainty about the true nature of the enigmatic figure before her.

The black-haired male snapped out of his daze, refocusing on his task at hand. Celestia's eyes widened in alarm as she watched his pupils contract, becoming thin slits, while his four canine teeth sharpened into menacing points. A sense of dread washed over her as she trembled with fear under his intense gaze, his smirk only serving to heighten her unease.

"Here's the deal. If you don't want something like that happening again, then you'll give me your life," he declared, his voice dripping with a chilling mix of authority and menace.

Without hesitation, Celestia nodded her agreement. She couldn't bear the thought of facing a situation like the one that had just occurred again. She didn't want this strange man, or whatever he was, to turn her into a bully, and above all, she didn't want to be isolated and alone, ostracized by the other children.

In that moment, her fear outweighed any sense of resistance she might have felt, and she made a desperate decision to comply with his demands in hopes of avoiding further torment and isolation.

"Good. You are now to become my weapon," the black-haired man declared, his voice carrying a sinister edge as he grabbed one of Celestia's fingers. With a sharp nail, he broke through the layer of her skin, causing her to wince in pain as blood trickled from the wound and landed on his hand.

Using his own finger, he spread the blood across his palm, forming a cross with the crimson liquid. Then, biting his own finger to draw blood, he repeated the gesture on Celestia's hand. A loud hiss filled Celestia's ears as the burning sensation of the crimson liquid seared her skin, but her mind was clouded with pain, making it difficult for her to fully register the sensation.

Clutching her chest where her heart pounded furiously, Celestia let out a childish scream of agony, the sound echoing throughout the area. Her closed eyelids shot open as she writhed in pain, her cries of torment filling the air. But as quickly as they had come, the cries died down, leaving Celestia gasping for breath as she raised her head to meet the man's gaze.

The black-haired man grinned maliciously as he observed her new expression, his own red eyes gleaming with satisfaction. Celestia's brown orbs had transformed into a fiery red, matching his own, a testament to the bond they now shared.

Straightening up, the man pointed forward, his voice cold and commanding as he issued his order, cementing Celestia's fate as his unwilling weapon.

"Go," Zerro commanded, his voice cold and devoid of compassion.

Lifelessly, Celestia placed a hand on her chest, her expression blank as she responded in a monotone voice,

"Yes, Zerro."

As she took a step forward, her movements robotic and devoid of her usual energy, Celestia's mind grew hazy and her vision blurred. The strength that had held onto her legs began to wane, and she stumbled forward, her cheek making contact with the dusty ground.

It took a moment for Zerro to comprehend the gravity of the situation. Frustration etched onto his features as he grumbled,

"This is going to take a lot longer than I thought," his eyebrows furrowed in aggravation as he realized the extent of the task ahead of him.

Zerro crouched down once more, his movements calculated and cruel, as he jabbed a finger into Celestia's pressure point with no regard for her well-being. Gasping for air, Celestia jolted awake, her body convulsing with violent coughs as she struggled to regain her breath.

But there was no respite for her.

Before she could even gather her bearings, her body moved against her own will for the third time, a sense of dread washing over her as she felt the familiar pull of Zerro's control. The urge to cry overwhelmed her, but she choked back her tears, her breath catching in her throat as his next words pierced through the haze of her fear.

"I better get you to class. You wouldn't want to be late on your first day," Zerro mockingly scolded her, his voice dripping with malice as he let out a sinister laugh.

Panic flashed across Celestia's face as she obediently made her way to the entrance of the primary school, her steps heavy with the weight of her despair. "Y-You said you wouldn't do it again!" she exclaimed in protest, her voice trembling with fear and desperation.

"I did? I can't seem to remember that," Zerro replied casually, a wicked glint surfacing in his eyes as he watched the tears stream down Celestia's chubby cheeks, her anguish and helplessness palpable in the air around them.


The doors to the massively expensive mansion swung open, and Celestia stepped through without uttering a single word. Her grandmother emerged from a nearby room, a warm smile on her face at the sight of the young child, but it faltered as she noticed the empty, lifeless gleam in Celestia's eyes.

Rosella, Celestia's mother, paused by her mother's side as she observed her daughter's miserable demeanor. She watched as Celestia drifted up the stairs, her movements devoid of the usual energy and excitement of a young child.

The figure standing behind Celestia revealed itself only to Rosella, and her posture relaxed slightly as she recognized Zerro. She sent a quick nod towards him before turning her attention back to her daughter.

But there was something different in Rosella's gaze, something that spoke of a profound sense of detachment.

Despite the turmoil raging within her, not a single piece of guilt sewed itself upon her heart.

As long as she was safe, she didn't care that she had sacrificed her own child to whatever fate awaited her at the hands of Zerro.

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