
First meeting

I took a flight to india next morning .

in the 4 hour journey , I kept thinking about what i found on internet last night .

an article said that fearless lion ( him) fought many battles in span of 7 years and is more experienced than an 50 year old officer ..

it even said about him being captured in enemy camp for 10 months and returning back alive .

i am really proud of him even if i Don't know his name

i really wondered why didn't he even express his name

I barely slept on the flight due to the stinky and gross old man beside me who was eating his snot as if it was the tastiest thing .. ( do they taste that good .. eww gross)


even if i didn't stay in india for long and don't have good memories here .. still i love it

I took a train from delhi to the borders of Kashmir and i must say it is really beautiful and cold better than any places i have visited

i am really excited .

i get down at the station and start looking for a military officer who was supposed to pick me up here

i spot someone with a huge board saying

" WELCOME ECHO BETA " ( beta = child in hindi)

with a cute smiley below i am sure many people helped to make this work and i am taking the board back with me before leaving

I wave my hand toward him .. as i make my way there

he looks at me quiet shocked

" miss echo ? " he asks me with a frown on his forehead

" yes officer " i smile back and greet him

he shifts my luggage and bags on the car and tells me to sit behind him as he drives .. I being me sit on the passenger seat beside me

He starts speaking with me in hindi but i inform him i don't know hindi

he looks at me and asks

" you look quite indian "

I say i am indian and tell him i was born here but my parents Abandoned me in us where i stayed at a foster home

"oh " he says ..

I start asking questions and he starts speaking quite excitedly

we are about to reach the camp but i suddenly here a lot of noise

and say "officer , stop the car please "

he obeys but looks at me questioning why till he also notices the noise

he removes his gun out of his shoes and gets out of the car

He tries to tell me to stay in the car but i run towards the noise before he completes the sentence . he chases me while protecting me ..

as we walk side by side Ranjith (the officer ) is really cautious while moving forward ..

i start feeling a weird sensation on my neck and knowing what it means i pretend to not notice and prepare my move

when someone was about to put there hand on Ranjith's shoulder i turned around kicking him on his face as he blocks and next kicking him directly on his family jewels ( u know where i mean *nuts* )

he looks quite shocked even ranjith was staring at me with eyes big as ping pong balls . I am a black belt in martial arts , ( don't expect me to be a pitiful orphan , i am really strong both mentally and physically )

I was about to hit him again but ranjith stops me and helps the man ..

Then i notice the uniform of indian army . Sh*t i messed up bad didn't I ?

I look at him this is when i notice HE. IS .SO .HOT

i just want to eat him

black eyes , black clean trimmed hair a lightly trimmed beard . perfect tanned body .. i can see those delicious abs under his shirt oh gosh

I though i was about to get scolded really badly

the first thing he said to me after recovering from pain is the thing i never expected to hear

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please like my chapters * cute *

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