
Incentive to Succeed

An old, senile and lonely medical doctor dies in the ward of his own hospital. Unsatisfied with his "meager" accomplishments, he accepts Death's offer for a new start at life however random his chances are in a world where he is a scorned bastard of a resident Duke. "I will hold on to my memories. Memories of failure, I have no doubt will be a marvelous incentive to succeed in my new life. No matter what. I will succeed, one way or another." ***Chapters will be posted twice a week, every three days. I've made a discord server btw. You can pop in and out offering your critique or praises here;https://discord.gg/YbxrtrU ***** Need a freelance writer? https://www.fiverr.com/s2/88989fb0f2?utm_source=com.google.android.apps.docs_Mobile

Tim_Saian · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Time With Mathilda

I had put on proper 'nobleman clothes' consisting of a simple black tunic embroidered with precious stones at the sleeve and at the neck as well as black linen trousers and black boots. And to fend off the bothersome cold snowy weather; an overcoat with fur linings.

Looking myself in the mirror I realize my affection for the colour had not wavered; despite my skin colour changing with reincarnation. I also realized I looked very much like the Duke, my hair was a brown, almost black colour. My baby fat had not disappeared entirely but the square jaw was evident. My eyes were the ones that gave me away.

Instead of the typical Adelard cold blue, they shone an emerald green. I heave a sigh and shut the door behind me as I leave. Mathilda would surely be in the dining hall waiting.

As I enter the large rectangular room with many rows of long tables and chairs, I find my target, Mathilda. She sat by the fireplace, quietly munching on pieces of pork and bread soaked in the bowl of stew beside her.

Her clothing was a rugged but clearly sturdy piece of brown leather with fur lining at the collar and sleeves. Her greatsword lay beside her, leaning on the wall beside the fireplace.

The closer I approach the more evident it is, she devoured her food without the slightest of etiquette. She seemed very un-ladylike.

But I quickly find a reason. Rations within the military were not particularly as glorious as what I personally enjoyed here. Eat when food presents itself I suppose.

Pulling a chair opposite to her I take a seat and break off a piece of the large loaf of barley bread and began chewing. I had yet to have breakfast. I informed another random servant to inform the kitchen that I had moved from my quarters and to bring my meals to the dining hall. I wonder now if that might have been a courtier as my food had yet to arrive.

We sat in relative silence together. Only the chirping of birds and the hurried shuffles of some servants permeated through.

My food never arrived. I could only lament in silence.

Once she had finished. She wiped her mouth and gulped down a cup of what I presume was water.

Looking refreshed she grinned at me and spoke for the first time. "I'll be helping you choose the men for the feasts attendance, no?" Her voice sounded hoarse yet still distinctively feminine. I could certainly imagine her having a softer and more attractive voice in the past or at least before she became a commander.

I gave her an absent-minded nod. Looking at her reminded me of my up and coming formal military training. This was not particularly necessary for nobles far from the line of succession-like myself-but more of a formality. I could skip it as well but I would not want to risk losing a point of favour from father. It was also a useful skill to learn as well.

The problem lay in the management of time. My memories were still flooding in and I was certain they were not to let up any time soon. I needed to keep recording them lest I forget. I would need to make some sacrifices to my free time it seemed.

"…At your age, I'm certain those urges have become a persistent part of your life now. You wouldn't want to be caught with an older tomboy woman like me!"

At Mathilda's exaggerated exclamation my attention is brought back to her. She held herself in a stereotypical 'woe is me' fashion normally seen at the theatres.

I could only stare at her incredulously, thinking on how this woman brought herself to perform a soliloquy on my budding sexual urges.

Suddenly, she smirked and grabbed a chunk of her auburn hair, fondling them gentling whilst placing her hands on her hips and pushing out her chest, purposely advertising what was left of her womanly charms.

And in what I presumed was her most seductive voice she whispered, "Or would you?"

Laughable as her attempts were, I was no longer an infirm old man and the blasted teenage body recognized the fact.

I quickly cleared my throat, lowered my head and made to walk briskly past her, "Let's get going already."

She let out a giggle and grinned widely. She was in a good mood today. Not her usual firm and commanding attitude. A bit more aloof instead. Perhaps it was because of the food. Food made me happy too.

I glanced toward her, strapping the long great sword to her body with a jolly smile plastered on her face. Or perhaps it was just a while since she saw Edward.

Either way, I thought, we were currently moving without direction. Soon I stopped at the guarded entrance of the main house of House Aville.

The large palace-like structure was not a home Father had personally bought or solely owned. It was a state house or rather, property owned by the governing titles of the Kingdom. In simpler terms it was the house designated for the Duke or Duchess of Aville, whomever it may be at any point in time.

There were similar title owned properties scattered around the Kingdom. Mostly in Duchies. These title houses and Estates were secluded and separated from the less than attractive occupations of the peasantry and at times at the centre of development in the region.

But this was not to say Father did not have any of his own personal Estates and Farmlands-They were still managed maintained and of good use, especially as rents and places of work for commoners.

Standing in the rather large and open courtyard, Mathilda finally caught up. I look to her, she still had a half-grin adorned on her face. Shaking off my annoyance, I ask, "And where are we to meet the soldiers?"

She gave me a funny look and exclaimed, "Why, the barracks of course! I mentioned this earlier, were you not paying attention?"

Right, the barracks.

The regiment that came back with Orson was full of expert fighters and noble warriors such as knights and their men. Men loyal to the Duke.

Father, of course, when drafting and assigning the formations to be taken, was particularly bias toward the regiment he placed Orson in. No foreign men or mercenaries were assigned to it.

He even went as far as to assign Mathilda, the marshal and de facto leader of the entire military to the regiment. And because of this, the regiment got to bunk out in the barracks in Aville.

But it is here the problem arises.

"The barracks...huh?" I let out in an odd realization of my new predicament. "The barracks are quite a while away though." I look up to her, my face expressing my displeasure, "I need to be present for dinner tonight, Mathilda."

The army barracks were quite a distance away from the even more obscure and secluded House of Aville. There were several army outposts in strategic areas of the county to discourage dissent and rebellion-and the barracks acted as a headquarters the men out posted there reported to.

These barracks were more than often, placed on the edges of the populated areas of a county and acted as a rallying point for military operations, drills and organizations.

Matilda's demeanour soured and I could tell by the disgusted and ashamed look I was receiving that she thought of me as just another one of the young and overly privileged aristocrats.

"Oh, don't give me that look" I waved my hand dismissively as I rolled my eyes, "You know very well it's my Father's orders"

She let her disgusted fade away, sighing in exasperation, "Uh, I think we could still make it if we travelled by carriage." She held her chin up in thought and continued

"The road is good, one of the only maintained ones. So we should be able to travel to and fro quickly enough for you to make it to your dinner."

She began walking off "Either way, this cannot wait. I need to spend what little free time I have with-" She looked like she bit her tongue "Uh, I mean. I need to train for the rest of the war and sharpen my weapons and upgrade my armour"

Ignoring her terrible attempt at coming up with a feasible excuse, I thought on it. It would most certainly more trouble than it was worth to try postponing this. I could not have Father and Mathilda nagging me about my duties, whilst my attempts at strengthening my position were underway.

"Fine" I let out a truly exasperated sigh, "Let us get going then, I'll take the risk"

Mathilda regained her smile "Perfect!"