
In Tokyo Ghoul As The Older Brother of Uta

Autor: Creator0
Anime & Comics
Contínuo · 14.5K Modos de exibição
  • 1 Chs
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What is In Tokyo Ghoul As The Older Brother of Uta

Leia o romance In Tokyo Ghoul As The Older Brother of Uta escrito pelo autor Creator0 publicado no WebNovel. ...


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Sylvan Pines is a small place. Everyone's lives are intertwined. One disappearance takes a piece out of everybody's heart, and Bluejay believes it's his fault for losing Taro. Two years later, Bluejay- the middle child of a family with one absent father and 3 brothers from separate relationships, is a boy not so easily coerced. He doesn't know if its the constant absence of their father or the backstabbing remarks of his "friends" that fuels his drive to find Taro, but he knows he must. If only he wasn't now deathly afraid of the woods where he was last with him. Bluejay's older brother, Gerdie, is all that he has, but as Blue's mind drifts farther and farther away from reality, Gerdie becomes afraid he might lose him altogether. Taro isn't the only child that the forest of Sylvan Pines has taken. And there must be a reason why their father can't be near Blue without remembering the reason he works abroad. Over time Blue realizes something is wrong with him, but he wonders if wrong is the right word. Once the few things that hold Blue's interests are gone, he resorts to watching people. No one in particular. Just whoever he can with his failing vision and hearing. Then he gets sick. Deathly ill to the point where no one knows what's wrong. Gerdie tries to help him before he's too far to reach. He puts things that he remembers together and the story begins to fall into place. Either it's his innocent little brother, or something inside of him.

inkyjacynthe · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

2017, Dunia Tertidur

"Aku menikahimu tidak karena aku mengenal saudarimu, tidak karena aku mengasihanimu, tidak pula karena aku takut nama baikku akan hancur jika aku memilih untuk tidak bertanggung jawab. Aku tidak menikahimu karena terpaksa. Aku mencintaimu. Sejak pertama bertemu." "Apakah layak disebut cinta jika sikapmu seringkali acuh terhadapku, Renas? Apakah layak disebut cinta jika kau; yang seharusnya berada tepat disampingku di hari-hari kelam ku, justru malah menyalahkanku seolah-olah aku menginginkan kecelakaan itu? Aku tidak bisa terus menerus dibebani oleh sikapmu yang seringkali berubah-ubah, penolakan yang terus menerus keluargamu berikan terhadapku, juga wanita dari masa lalu mu yang belum bisa melepaskanmu. Aku ingin diterima, dicintai, hidup tenang denganmu tanpa tatapan sinis dan bayang-bayang masa lalu mu." "Lupakan keluarga! Kita sudah melalui sejauh ini tanpa mereka. Tidak peduli kau tidak dianggap. Aku mencintaimu. Dan persetan dengan wanita gila itu! Kau lah yang aku cintai, dan kita akan bangun kembali pernikahan ini. Awal yang baru; kau dan aku." "Aku mencintaimu tetapi beban ini terlalu berat." "Apakah itu alasanmu mengkhianatiku? Kau tidak ingat pengorbanan yang telah aku lakukan selama ini? Kau lah yang berkhianat disaat aku berdarah memperjuangkan pernikahan ini!" "Richard memahami ku. Aku mendapatkan pelukan hangat dari keluarganya, aku merasa diterima. Aku selalu menyayanginya sebagai sahabat, namun sekarang kami bukanlah anak-anak yang sungkan untuk mengungkapkan cinta. Aku juga mencintai Richard, sama besar seperti aku mencintaimu." "Kau tidak bisa menyimpan dua pria di satu ranjang yang sama. Tidak akan ada cukup ruang. Pada akhirnya, kau tetap harus memilih. Dan tentunya, setiap pilihan diikuti oleh konsekuensi nya. Satu hal yang harus kau ingat, Sara: kau lah yang menghancurkan pernikahan ini. Kau lah yang meninggalkanku."

Nina Kirana · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

Halen hardt

Helen has stolen my heart with this epic story of 2 broken souls. I opened this ARC with the intention of it lasting a couple of evenings of after work reading. Wow was I wrong, I started and finished this book in 4 hours. I didn't even stop for a break, I couldn't. I was drawn in from the very first chapter. I can not wait for more of the Steel Brothers. I was blown away with the story that is Talon and Jade. They both have walls built, they both have been hurt and humiliated, one much more than the other, but they have protected their hearts to not fall in love. But will their emotions get the best of them? Jade has just been left at the alter and decided to move in with her best friend on the Steel ranch, when she gets to the airport Marj (Jade's best friend) was not able to pick her up so she sent her brother Talon. The one Steel brother she hasn't meet. And the chemistry she felt was instant, but she was determined to not let him get to her. Talon has served in the military and seen things he wish he hadn't. He also suffers from what appears to be a childhood trauma. He has been severely hurt and doesn't know how to show any emotion other than he is a master in the bedroom (His words, not mine.) He is the perfect Alpha Male; tall, dark, and extremely sexy. But his emotional walls are taller than the wall in China. He knows he has feelings for Jade, or at least he thinks he does. Will the 2 ever really be able to open up to one another? Oh I wish I knew.

Ammara_Rana_5759 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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