
In this Troubled World with My New Family

My name is June Marcus. I am your average high schooler, but I have a secret. I am not from this world. I was a worker who became exhausted after too much overtime. After finding myself in this world that resembled my own I made a huge discovery. I am the first male child to be born in over 10 years! What's more is my family dotes on me too much. All the neighbors and classmates have a look like a hungry wolf. But my older sister said she will protect me. Watch how I survive in this troubled world with my new family.

UsaJay · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Getting used to this place.

Two days have passed since I accepted this place as reality. I've learned a few things during my observations, number one is , my mother's name is April Marcus. Number two is my sister's name is May Marcus. Last but not least I am June Marcus. What's the deal with our names? Did the people in our family get lazy and use the months because they couldn't come up with anything fitting? Anyways I've decided to do my best in this place. Who knows I might actually enjoy it here.

As I'm thinking to myself I see a shirt pink haired lioness creep over to my crib. She eyes me as if she's on the hunt. I don't know why, but I've got a bad feeling about her. My sister is constantly staring at me with hunger in her eyes.

Is she a cannibal? Is she gonna roast me then fill me with sauce and eat me?! This is way to scary!

I can feel my eyes watering as I turn away from the hungry animal. I begin shaking as I feel her stare on my back. Why? Why must it be this way?! Did God punish me for not being a good person in my previous life? Is this retribution for some stupidity I had? If so I'm sorry please make it stop!!

"May," I can her April calling, " come here I need your help with laundry!" May sighs as she runs out of the room, not before kissing my cheek and giving me a smile that sent chills down my baby spine. As I watch her leave wondering if it will always be like this.

I'm not proud of it being a man like I am, but that girl, no, that lioness scares the crap outta me every time I see her.

I hear footsteps coming in the room. A tall man with a bright smile on his face appears holding a stuffed rabbit. His eyes are a deep soothing blue color, his hair reminds me of snow on a winter day. Who is this man?!

Why is he coming closer to me with that creepy grin on his face? You enjoy seeing me being tortured like this don't you? It makes you want to laugh don't it? Don't it you evil looking Santa Claus?! The man slowly comes to a stop beside my crib. He lays the stuffed rabbit beside me and smiles gently.

"June," the man says softly," I'm sorry I haven't been here lately. Daddy's been working a lot at the company and has finally got some time off. I hope you aren't mad at me too much."

He softly pats my belly and sighs. I can't believe it. This man, this evil looking Santa Claus is actually my father. That can't be. I thought men were rare. I thought that there wasn't one born in a long time. But this man is clearly here. He is real and he is my father. Well now that I think about it, it makes sense he's my father how else could I have been born? It's not like I was born due to gene alteration therapy or something. The though of that alone might scare me.

But I think I'm getting used to this place. I'm not wholely used to it yet, but I'm beginning to understand even if just a little bit.