
In The World Of Teen Wolf

The story is about a normal person who finds himself in the world of one of his favorite series. (this is my first story in english not my native language)

Dary_Dary · TV
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs


After taking care of my wound I looked around and realized that only Stiles was with me in the locker room.

"Where's Scott?" I asked after putting away the medical kit.

"He went to his house and he said he needed some time alone to think" Stiles said.

"Well then, it's up to you to explain what happened" I say while holding him to make sure he doesn't run away like Scott.

"Alright I'll explain it to you, but not here at the school as someone might hear, by the way how is your arm" he asked I can see that he is a little worried.

I would also be worried if I didn't know that only an alpha could turn someone into a werewolf.

"Don't worry I'm fine since you don't want to talk here. We talk on the way to my house." I say as I head towards the locker room exit.

"I'll take you home?" Stiles asks following behind me.

"Of course the least you can do and give me a ride home, or you have something against it" I say looking at him.

"No I just thought you'd go with Allison" Stiles responds a little nervous I believe he's a little scared of me.

"No, her father came to get her" agent is already arriving in the parking lot.

I notice that Stiles is looking at me like he wants to ask me a question.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I just wanted to know why you helped me in the locker room?" he asked me in a doubtful voice.

Honestly, I don't even know why I faced Scott to help him. I believe that just acting on instinct when I realized I had already knocked Scott to the ground.

"I really don't know how to just act without thinking" I say a little awkwardly since I've been doing this a lot lately.

"Anyway thanks for the help" Stiles responds opening the jeep door.

After getting into the jeep, the agent leaves the parking lot and after a while I asked "yes, are you going or not, explain the whole situation to me"

I asked even if I already know what's going on, it would be useful to know if everything is going as in the story of the series or if there's something different not to mention that maybe this will help me remember something I've forgotten.

"Well it all started when I was listening to the police radio and I ended up hearing that runners were finding half a body in the woods after hearing this I went to Scott's house so that...." he continues telling how Scott was changed into a werewolf luckily for me nothing changed in the story, but I really didn't get any information that I didn't already have."and that's how it all happens."stiles finally finished explaining to me.

Jon "So to sum up the story you guys went into a forest in the middle of the night to look for half a body? And Scott was bitten by a werewolf and that, or I got it wrong."

Stiles"In a very summarized way yes!"

Jon "you know that was one of the dumbest ideas I've ever heard."

Stiles"I assume it wasn't one of the best decisions I've ever made"he says visibly embarrassed.

Jon "I have a question if Scott knows he transforms when he gets angry or does his heart race because he wants to keep playing lacrosse?"

Stiles" You probably won't understand for Scott lacrosse and the only opportunity for him to have a normal school life I don't know if you noticed, but neither me nor Scott are popular, in fact most people don't even know who we are and for Scott is doing really bad at school he believes that if he was on the lacrosse team things could change I know it might sound like a stupid thing, but this is really important to Scott."

I really don't have anything to say since in the series literally after Scott became a starter on the lacrosse team his school life changed completely.

After a while the agent finally arrived in front of my house.

Jon"Thanks for the ride Stiles anything message me or call me of course as long as it doesn't involve me having to fight a werewolf again." I said joking

Stiles "You can leave boss" he said being sarcastic.

Jon"Whatever we see each other at school tomorrow"

I finally entered my house the first thing I do and honestly showering today was for sure the most stressful day of my life.

Today was the first time I realized how different this world is from my past life I was already forgetting that there are supernatural creatures walking around I was really trying not to think about it as it scared me a lot and today was just a reminder that there are monsters walking out there that can kill me easily.

If I have to face a werewolf like today I'm sure I wouldn't make it out alive in the locker room I was just lucky and as Scott still doesn't have control he would attack like a wild animal if he could reason he would have killed me very easily.

It's just now dawned on me that I could have died today, and it terrifies me before I can continue having a panic attack my cell phone rings.

I see it's Allison calling me.

Jon"Hi Allison what's up?" I asked really I'm curious normally if we talk to her, she sends me a message, and we talk in the garden I think this is one of the perks of being neighbors.

Allison "Hi Jon I just called agent to talk about what happened in the cafeteria don't you remember which agent agreed to talk?"

I had actually completely forgotten about it.

Jon"Of course I remember, but I thought we were going to talk in person not over the phone"I spoke with a little discomfort.

Allison "I would really like to have this conversation in person, but my dad has decided the family is going out to dinner, so I won't be able to come see you"

Jon "look at what you said in the cafeteria I'm willing to try to have a clear relationship only if you want to." I talk nervously

Allison "That's great, of course I'm willing, in fact I was wondering if after the game we couldn't leave just the two of us.

Jon"I'd love to…"suddenly I hear a female voice.

Unknown"Allison it's time for us to go to the restaurant."

Allison "I'm leaving mom sorry Jon, but I have to go bye."

Jon"Bye see you tomorrow." I speak before ending the call.

It really helps me stay calm, but maybe being in this world isn't so bad.

I decide to sit on the couch to watch TV to see if I can distract myself.

After watching TV for a few hours I decide to go to sleep and as I'm going to lie down in bed I start to feel excruciating pain coming from the wound on my forearm without thinking I took off the bandage and I see several black veins on my arm.

Before I could understand what is happening my vision starts to darken, and I suddenly pass out.

(morning of the next day)

I stand up groggily when I'm finally fully awake I remember what happened before I passed out I quickly look at my arm to make sure it wasn't a dream and to my shock the claw marks are gone.

I'm not an idiot I know no normal human would heal from that wound and I still had those black veins I saw before I passed out.

Even if I don't want to believe there's only one explanation for some reason I turned into some kind of creature, but that doesn't make sense I'm sure alphas are the only werewolves that can turn someone.

And who scratched me was Scott a werewolf beta I go to the bathroom to splash some water on my face to try to calm me down, but it's not working especially when I remember that I'm a neighbor of a family of hunters and to make matters worse I'm dating the daughter their.

As I'm thinking my heart starts to speed up, and I have a feeling like something is going off.

As dangerous as this can be I decide to just let it go instead of trying to stop while I do, so I close my eyes and try to focus on that feeling.

After a few seconds I start to feel my face change as my teeth turn to fangs and my fingernails to claws.

When I open my eyes the first thing I notice in the mirror are golden eyes after seeing my appearance in the mirror the only thing I can say is.

Jon "shit"

(The transformed MC's appearance will be in the comments since I'm bad at explaining appearances)

to make some things clear the MC was not transformed by Scott but the scratch he received made the MC awaken his lineage to his situation and very similar to Lydia who when she was bitten by Peter instead of transforming into a werewolf or die she became a Banshee just like her grandmother in the case of the MC any of her ancestors was a Löwenmensch if you have any questions leave them in the comments

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