
Hans Is Being Watched; Being Prevented From Sleeping!!!

Hans played music for the next couple of hours, occasionally singing for some pieces of the best hits he knew such as Havana (by Camila Cabello), Superhero (by The Script), and I'm No Superman (by Lazlo Bane and the theme song for Scrubs).

Ino went home around the middle of the session, saying something about how she had to help her mother prepare dinner. She bid them farewell, leaving the two of them alone to the sound of music filling the courtyard.

At the end of the next song, Hinata slipped the beats off of Hans neck and slid them over her own head. This gave her a strange appearance that made Hans laugh a little as he pulled out his Mp3 player.

"Okay Hinata, I'm going to play a song on that so don't freak out and break it." Hans explained as he scrolled through his song lists. He eventually chose 'Slow Hands' (By Niall Horan) and turned down the volume a bit before pressing play.

The song began to play and Hinata, visibly gripped the sides of the beats in a death lock, making Hans worried that she might break it. She was obviously surprised at first but after a few seconds she relaxed her fingers and removed her hands from the headphones.

She closed her eyes and leaned back a bit after a few seconds, almost as if she were starting to enjoy the song. Throughout the whole 3 minutes of the song, she didnt utter so much as a single word. It was only when the song had ended that she opened her eyes and slid the headphones off her head.

"What song was that?" Hinata asked in a rather quiet voice as she handed the beats back to Hans. "I really liked it....although I much rather if you sang it to me next time."

"It's called Slow Hands," Hans replied as he slid the headphones around his neck. He shut his laptop and slipped it into his bag. "It was sung by a guy named Niall Horan, its pretty popular in my world. I'm not sure if I could sing as well as him to be honest."

"Wait, your putting away the music already?" Hinata asked, a look of disappointment flashing across her face. "I was hoping to listen to a bit more, but if you have to leave then I understand."

Hans merely smiled, reaching over and flicking her forehead. "Which song did you like the best out of all the ones you listened to?"

Hinata rubbed her forehead with a look of confusion on her face. "The song from earlier that you called 'Weak'.....it was catchy and I liked it."

"Oh well, then next time me and you hang out, Ill sing you the entire song," Hans said as he zipped up his backpack and rose from the floor. "That sound like a plan princess?"

Hinata nodded her head, a smile on her face as she rose up from the floor as well, dusting off the seat of her pants. "I'd really like that....please come back and visit me anytime Hans Jackson."

Hans took a small bow before turning around and walkong out the door. He needed to leave now as it was getting pretty late. Though he wasn't feeling any presences nearby, it was only because he didn't have his headphones on.

He wasn't stupid enough to believe that the ninjas of this village would accept him in a mere day. They would no doubt have highly skilled stealth ninjas (probably Anbu Black Ops) hiding nearby in case he either tried to flee the village or attack others. It was only logical to keep an eye on a threat on the inside.

In Hans opinion, a threat on the inside was far worse than a threat from the outside, as the inside was far more vulnerable to attack. So it would be better for him to leave the Hyuga clan for the time being or risk them come looking for him.

Slipping the headphones over his ears, Hans pressed a button on his Mp3 player and the song "Thunder" (by Imagine Dragons) began playing. Opening the door, he stepped outside into the cool fresh air, letting the light of the setting sun wash over him.

Closing the door behind him, he used his senses to try and detect where the ninjas were hiding. Though it would be close to impossible to detect for a regular ninja, Hans had the power of music on his side.

After a bit of searching, he managed to find three total ninjas watching him. All of them were in perfect blend to the surroundings. The shop vendor across the street, the old lady making her way out of her home, and a small black cat dozing out in the setting sun.

Despite knowing who the people were however, Hans decided to ignore them as he bent his knees and leaped up onto the nearest roof. He didn't have the patience to deal with ninjas in disguise, figuring he'd onlyndo something if they became too annoying.

Hans ran across the rooftops, heading in the direction of the apartment Naruto lived in. He had had a long day, a bombardment of surprises that was becoming too much for even him to handle. He wanted a nap, something to take his mind off things for just a little while.

Of course, this tiny wish of his was immediately put down the moment a kunai flew past him. With his music, he had already knew that it was coming but chose to continue forward anyways. Now however, after leaping onto another roof, he slid to a stop.

"Ugh, this is such a drag, I cant believe I was the one chosen to do this." A voice said as a figure leaped up onto the roof in front of him. "I'll have to stop you right there, Im not allowed to let you go ant further."

Standing in front of Hans was a 13 year old kid in a ninja uniform, his black hair tied up in a ponytail, and his face containing a mixture of laziness and boredom. He was looking at the laziest yet one of the smartest Chunin in the Hidden Leaf Village, Shikamaru Nara.

"Wait, I'm confused." Hans said, tilting his head slightly to the left. "Why exactly are you stopping me?"

"My dad told me to do it," Shikamaru explained, his tone a bit slurred and sluggish, az if he just wasnt putting in the effort to form words. "I'm really not interested in this but I have no choice."

"Your dad?" Hans asked, tapping his chin. "That's interesting, and how do you plan on stopping me?"

The next move he had already seen coming but instead of moving, he stayed right where he was and allowed himself to be caught. The Shadow Possession jutsu, a jutsu that allows the user to manipulate their shadow and control others via using their opponents shadows.

"Thats how I'm going to capture you," Shikamaru said, his hands folded into a handsign. "Shadow possession complete."

"Oh, thats pretty neat actually," Hans said witha small smile. The song that had been playing ended and shifted to yet another song, 'My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark' (by Fall Out Boy). "However, in the face of music, your shadow possession means nothing."

Hans closed his eyes and focused all of his increased strength into his legs. In order to break free from the possession, he would require immense abnormal level of strength. After he was done, he lifted his foot and stomped on the ground, creating a hole in the roof he was on and causing him to fall through.

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