
More family I guess?

[1st P.O.V.]

~Foosha Village~

Staring at the kid gouging down all of the food Makino made, I started to have second thoughts about bringing him here.

I knew she took care of the bar herself, getting supplies from the Kingdom and other small villages around, even taking care of me in the process.

And I was willing to pay her back, but I needed this engagement. Getting some plot armour was a higher priority.

If I wanted to live a lazy life then I had to have two things, overwhelming power and backing to come with it.

Yawning as I've never thought this much in my life other than the times I had to remember banger Doujinshis.

'I hope Zen truly erases my history, I might have to stalk him from this world if he doesn't.'

Looking at Makino who lightly smiled at the charismatic and cheerful Luffy, I stood off the bar stool.

"I'll get some food, I'll be back in a bit." Waving at them I left the bar, walking to Mt. Columbo to get myself some meat.

After meeting Luffy, who was doing exactly as I predicted, looking for his irresponsible grandfather Garp.

According to him he just upped and left him in the forest outskirts leaving him with a few words, "To be a Marine you have to be strong!" Then throwing him into the forest.

And I completely believed him, that was the old man's personality, but what he truly felt would only be shown to those closest to him.

After that he stayed at the bar, taking the storeroom as a resting place, eating out half of the food which pissed Makino a bit.

She tolerated him for years so she got accustomed to his radical and unnatural; behaviour for a child, roughly two as he was only three right now.

Shouting regularly of wanting to be a pirate, someone who pillages, rapes, murders and commits other atrocities on the sea.

Staying in my Hybrid form I let my tail free, continuing to walk through the greenery, coming into contact with a tiger, just bigger in size.

"I'm sorry but you'll have to rest, I have no clue if it's in peace but good luck?" I had no clue if this was alright, but I kinda lost my morals due to the time spent in the 'Other World.'

I had a sliver of the belief that it was real but it didn't matter too much, the only clue I had about it was the two silhouettes and the Cherry Blossom trees that were scattered throughout the mountain-like terrain.


Blurring from one spot to the other, I appeared above the tiger, kneeing it in its spinal cord.

Immobilizing it, for the time being, landing next to it, I looked at its eyes that were pupilless and white in colour.

"Should I kill you or not, I truly wonder?" Unlike the first time I came here to test my strength, I only came for food.

Even if I wanted something to eat, I would rather take one of those huge chickens that were the size of me deeper, into the mountain than an above-average size tiger.

Sighing I crouched down, placing my thumb on its temple, in one swift movement piercing its head with it.


Its backbone was broken in two, meaning it truly had no use for living and the wilderness wouldn't treat something like that nicely.

Standing up I made my way up the mountain finding some chickens that were larger than usual.

They towered over me with a height of 6 feet, stomping around and screaming that unforgivable noise it made every morning.

I wanted to slaughter them all but I needed to leave enough for repopulation and the instalment of eggs they supply for the village and surrounding encampments.

Turning around they opened their wings in a threatening manner as they were all sitting on a nest of eggs, providing heat for their birth.

Most of the creatures here use that tactic as in the grand scheme of things, they're extremely weak.

Almost anyone from the grandline could defeat them, obviously not normal civilians, or newcomers from the blue seas.

Walking toward them without a care in the world I pointed a finger at one, re-creating or somewhat replicating a move from the original world's martial arts.

'Shingan!' Disappearing in their perception, I appeared in front of one of the larger ones, as my finger pierced its chest.


Looking into its eyes that were losing their colour I retracted my finger that went directly through its heart.

Most likely due to the type of physique and the story of its past I was able to recreate or master some of the Six Powers easily.

In one day at that, but this world didn't have that many martial arts or attacks related to the topic.


As its body dropped the others around got up in a haste leaving behind their chicks, who would most likely not be born due to their irresponsible parents.

Surprisingly there was one brave one, who was staring at me defiantly. Did I care, no, why should I?

I'm not one of those xianxia main characters who spout nonsense about not knowing how high Mt. Tai is.

'Who in their right mind in this modern-day kept the height of a mountain relevant in their thought process.'

Ignoring the lone brave chicken, crouching down, I began picking up the eggs, placing them in a pouch I got from Makino after bringing Luffy back.

Looking at the juicy meat that I just captured I slung the dead chicken fantasizing about how a curry chicken in this world would taste.

Glancing around I made eye contact with the boldest of chickens I've ever met in my life.

Pointing at it I raised my brow for extra effect, as visible sweat slowly rolled down the mother hen's face.

Disappearing, it only closed its eyes, but snuggled even deeper into her nest, or makeshift one as it looked like a trap instead, lacking materials I guess.

The chickens were hiding still, spectating, not even helping their fellow brethren who were about to get killed.

Feeling no pain it opened its eyes only to meet two crossed shaped eyes that freaked her out.

"You're pretty brave." My finger was inches away from her ribcage, but she still didn't budge.

Nodding to myself I opened my palm as her expression changed visible, patting it on the head.

Unlike the other chicken, this one had common sense or at least some intellectual thoughts.

Which was god damn hard to find out in the wilderness, all they think about is survival or becoming strong to rule over a territory.

"I guess I'll let you survive another day, see you tomorrow." Picking up the dead chicken and the nest it laid eggs in I walked back to Foosha Village.

The other chickens around started going back to their nests only for a loud gaggle to be heard, probably the leader shouting at them for being weak-willed.

'I'll have to cook this, the food here is dog water, soo much so I wouldn't even have Luffy eat it if I was his father.'

I cringed just thinking about the food I ate this morning, it was almost the same as raw meat, but due to the horrifyingly disgusting peaches, I ate before it wasn't bad at all.

Most likely due to the price of ingredients and spices, probably being monopolized by the nobles or the World Government as that is the main ingredient in any food dish.

If you don't have spices you can't cook after all, without them you might as well eat dirt on the side of the road.

Waving at the villagers who were going inside their homes since the sun was beginning to set, I eventually made it to Partys Bar.


The bells on the door signified my return as Luffy who was still on the stool was knocked out cold, drooling on the counter.

Makino was even giggling at his predicament, as all eyes were on me, then bulged out of their heads.

One of them pointed at me with shaky hands, as the chicken barely could fit due to its sheer mass and size.

"W..where did you get that chick...chicken from Sun-san?" He asked with a hint of hesitation since in between these two days since I've woken up, hunting was the main chore I did.

I can't commit mass genocide as that would bring a lot of attention to me, but just being known in this Village would give me a better reputation to work with.

"Mt. Colubo, I go deep into the forestry and hunt whatever I find, theirs was a tiger at first about half my size but it couldn't compare in size with this guy."

Their eyes twitched in quick succession, but I didn't care even if I might seem somewhat senile...I probably am but whatever.

Walking up to the counter, I slammed down the chicken onto the table, as Luffy sprang up looking around with his arms up ready to punch someone.

'I guess Garp knew what he was doing, he seems to have better senses than that of myself when I first came here. I do wonder what the D clan has that others don't?'

Putting that thought to the back of my mind I wave over to Makino who was smiling at me with a strained face.

"Yes, Aniki?" I rested the nest softly onto the table, as it more or less looked like a bowl of sticks kept together by a weird substance.

"I stole some eggs, also why is your forehead so big? I can't remember the last time I've seen one as big as that."

Speaking with little to no emotion, I spoke the facts, even Luffy's own was somewhat proportional to his body, but hers was just massive.

Since I was little I told people what was on my mind, without holding at all until I was scolded for it when I went overseas.

Which had no effect on me whatsoever, because I still told people the absolute truth I felt about them, not caring about their feelings.

I gave up on Zen due to his forgetfulness, anything of importance he would just forget, and reminding him is as if wanting to get trolled or embarrassed in front of your high school crush.

"I'll cut up the chicken in a bit, so it can fit in the freezer until tomorrow or do you want me to make something tonight."

Most times I keep it to ten sentences per day, I just didn't like people in general if I was to be completely blunt.

So talking less makes them lean away from you, even if you're branded as a weirdo hoes will never come before the small circle of friends I call bros.

Though some of those people who did call me weirdos weren't hoes, they were just class pets who 'Tried' to do everything correctly only for Zen to show footage of R18 videos on the internet, destroying their reputation.

She looked at me somewhat shocked, the former never cooked is what I'm guessing, if that's her reaction then she cooked everything until 'I' got sick.

Squinting her eyes I just blankly looked at her, until she sighed and took up the eggs transferring them into a carton while pouting, most likely offended by my statement.

I have to say this world's technology is fucked, they have freezers yet no light bulbs. How? Why would you be so diverse and weird from other anime Oda?

The sad part is the fan base for the show was massive because it was weird and diverse. But since I'm living here it's going to be weird and chaotic dealing with a bunch of guys who could delete countries at will.

Looking to my left, the little squirt was salivating at the sight of what he was pictured as a big piece of meat.

As his hand connects with its feather I slap it as he might just swallow the entire thing hole, he has the toon force after all, even if it's minor right now it's still dangerous.

"When it's cooked you'll get some for dinner, also it has a bed in the storage room you can stay there for the time being until your gramps return."

Getting up I walked around the counter to go to the back door only to get engulfed by a hug, "O nīchan arigatō!"

I froze, there was no way in hell he just spoke Japanese, I knew what it meant as well, 'Thank you, Big Brother.'

Raising a brow I turned around as he still clung onto my shirt, slobbering snot onto my jersey that I just got today.

Prying him off I steeled myself to make this last statement for the day be my last, as I didn't want to talk again.

"You want to be a pirate yet you're crying like a little child. I'm sure there are others out there wanting to be a pirate as well. Some may even be stronger than you, not maybe they are."

Patting his head again, I could see a flame lit in his eyes, it could also be the 'Will of the D.' as well.

"To be the Pirate King you have to be brave, don't run from danger but know when you've reached your limit. And surpassing it by a long shot. If you truly want to be the Pirate King, you cant want gold or women. You'll have to put freedom as the very second priority, why second? Your Nakama is always first."

Patting him again I left him with some insightful words unknowingly, igniting a flame in the surrounding people as well

Though even if he knew he couldn't care less, his mouth was feeling tired after all that 'Talk no Jutsu'.......

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