
Creating New Skills and Unexpected Meeting

(MC Pov)

After seeing my new status, I was very satisfied with the result of my evolution. From the looks of it, I could confidently say that I was one of the most powerful beings in this multiverse. So, let's create some more overpowered abilities and embark on my journey. However, before that, I needed some clothes because I was currently butt naked. I asked Alice to create clothes identical to Anos', and after getting dressed, I once again asked Alice to create some overpowered skills.

"Hey, Alice, can you recreate the 'Instant Death' ability?" I inquired.

Alice responded, "[Creating ability 'Instant Death'...completed.]" Alice continued, "[Instant Death: Partial Killing: can kill any part of the target. Immortality negation: can negate any type of immortality. Resistance/Immunity Negation: capable of completely bypassing immunity and resistance towards instant death abilities. Abstract Erasure: can kill any abstract entity. Absolute killing: whatever is killed by this ability will never come back to life; it will be erased from all of existence.]"

"Can you also create a space-time ability along with an ability related to reality warping?" I asked Alice once again.

Alice complied, "[Creating abilities 'Space-Time Manipulation' and 'Reality Manipulation'...successful.]" She added, "[Space-Time Manipulation: A skill that can manipulate the space-time continuum. The Space-time continuum is what supports realities and timelines, generally a fundamental aspect for universes to continue existing. Sub-skills include Time Stop, Time Forward, Time Reverse, Time Erasure, Space Erasure, Teleportation, Black-hole creation, etc.]" "The user of space-time manipulation will have the power to control and manipulate both space and time as separate concepts or together."

"[Reality Warping: can control and manipulate the very essence of reality to the sub-atomic level.]"

After creating these abilities, I decided to learn more about the period of this world. I asked Alice to scan the entire world, and after some time, she provided a report.

Alice conveyed, "It's currently the year 2009, which means that in one year, Tony Stark will become Iron Man, and it appears that Charles Xavier has already founded an academy for young gifted individuals."

"So, I'm in a mix of X-Men and the Avengers," I thought to myself. While pondering my future plans, I suddenly felt someone observing me. When I turned in the direction of the stare, I couldn't see anyone, but I knew someone was still watching me. I decided to confront the person.

"You know that hiding in another dimension will not hide you from me, right?" I asked my observer. There was no reply, so I took action to bring my observer in front of me.

"Space cut," I said, slicing through the fabric of space in front of me. I saw a shocked, bald woman on the other side, but she quickly composed herself.

"So, you are the one who was stalking me," I said casually.

"Yes, but I could perceive it as watching, not stalking. Mind telling me how you were able to create a pathway to the mirror world?" the Ancient One inquired.

"I did not create a pathway; I simply cut through space to enter your mirror world," I explained, causing her to be shocked again.

"Could you tell me why you were watching me?" I asked the Ancient One as she tried to use the Mind Stone to see my future, with no success.

"It's no use trying to use that Time Stone on me because it will not work," I said.

"How did you know about the Time Stone and that it won't work on you?" the Ancient One asked.

"I can practically feel time energy flowing through that stone, and as for your second question, I am not confined within the boundaries of time and space," I said with a shrug.

After that, we engaged in a conversation, and she revealed that she felt a strong energy shockwave emitted from here, prompting her to investigate. While talking, I asked if she could teach me some mystic arts. She inquired about my reasons.

"Well, I am interested in mystic arts," I replied.

"In one condition, I will teach you mystic arts," the Ancient One said.

"What's the condition?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"You have to protect Earth," the Ancient One stated.

"Okay, as long as I am here, I will protect Earth," I agreed with a shrug.

"Alright, then let's go to Kamar-Taj," the Ancient One said and opened a portal to Kamar-Taj. We stepped through the portal.

To be continued...


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