
in naruto world with naruto system

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What is in naruto world with naruto system

Leia o romance in naruto world with naruto system escrito pelo autor Abdullah_Jadoon publicado no WebNovel. ...


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A new reality

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The human in me

She knew there was more to life than this. There had to be right? She was only 25. Not old enough to be complacent..stagnant. Also, not young enough to be naive, and gullible. “How could I let this happen?” Shaking her head with dismay. “Ah, the demon I knew verses the one I didn’t that’s how! Literally.” She thought out loud. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! She knew this would happen. She twisted the strains of her dark raven hair around her index finger for what seemed like the millionth time. She did this when contemplating her life decisions, which was more often than she cared to admit. She glanced up from her unnaturally thick long eyelashes to have her glacier blue eyes land on someone. A man tall, dark, mysterious and not to forget handsome which by the way would put the embodiment of his physical physique to shame. Tattoos, and oh my those what seemed like the Gods sculpted him and every muscle, every little detail, out of some imaginary playbook of how to make every woman on planet Earth fall in love with him. “Shoot! He’s looking at me..was I staring too long?! Crap! Crap! Crap! He’s walking this way.” His strides confident and sure. Like no one stood between him and the very thing he wanted, and what he wanted was the girl with raven hair, full lips, defined cheekbones, glacier blue eyes, and a body so average the Gods definitely did not sculpt her out of a play book. More like the Gods slapped her together on a conveyor belt with all the other mannequins for mass production. Sure she could pull of a two piece bathing suit, sure her breasts and butt were a tad above average, sure she had some piercings and tattoos to separate her from the rest, but beyond that she was a 5”3 in height, 120 pounds,a one giant piece of average. That girl is me. Yes, I literally fell in love with a demon, and yes he broke my heart. Big shocker you’re thinking to yourself right? Yeah, I know..believe me I know. Now this Heaven sent of a man, literally the opposite of my ex is walking my way. Did I forget to mention I’m human? Oh, such a tiny detail in the grand scheme of things. I literally had no knowledge of this ‘supernatural’ stuff before this point. Literally didn’t know angels and demons walked the earth, like for real. How is it both have caught my eye, and I caught both in return? “Kayden, hi!” The man came to stop, and lowered himself to my height just inches from my face. Almost out of passion, pure unadulterated primal passion, and instinct. He slid his narrow fingers around the back of my neck, resting his other hand gently on my cheek, and kissed me like he had never lost before. Like that kiss depended on the very salvation of him and the world that he knew. He kissed me like a cheesy rom com chasing after the woman he loved in the rain to stop her from taking that plane somewhere else across the world other than right there in his arms. The breathe taking kind, the kind that makes your forget all sorrow, all time, and everyone and thing around you. As he pulled his lips away slowly, like it was a thing he never wanted to do he looked at you tenderly waiting for me to say something. “Why me?” I asked exasperated. Seconds felt like hours. “Kayden?” “You are simply someone I can’t live without Relan.” His reply matter of fact. “ So now what?” I look at him for the answer, and one I already know. “ So now, you have to do one of two things love. You either choose to live and forget, or well the other option.” He said with sadness in his eyes. “Yeah I know, I know, die and remain with you no one loses their wings, I gain a pair, and your parasite of a brother douche nugget of a demonic ex boyfriend get sent back to the fiery pits of the underworld..no pressure or anything.” I say sarcastically like it’s no big deal. Though it is very much a BIG deal. He gives you a knowing look. I may hate my ex, and lord knows he hurt me, pun intended, but do I really want to send him back to the underworld? I thought to myself. Well..Maybe?

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  • Antecedentes do mundo


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