
In Marvel with Sharingan

just a experiment in translating.

Genesis_writer · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Chapter 31

Rhodey could tell that Tony's steel armor was powerful, but this young man with a mask and strange clothes seemed to think that he was more powerful than Tony.

"Roddy, don't ask, I'll tell you when I have a chance!"

Tony said after seeing Roddy's appearance, and then said to Genesis:

"Since that's the case, then I'll go, you come right away, I think Obadi should have something, otherwise he won't break the cauldron and directly do it to me, what do you think of what I told you last time?" Do you want Obadi's shares? But if I really want to, I still need to use some connections! "

"Of course I want, Obadi don't leave a mouth alive, as soon as he dies, you will eat his shares and transfer them to me, but you don't need to use your connections, I will find someone myself, their words, should be able to do it!"

Genesis said lightly.

"Okay, then that's it, I'll go first!"

Tony said, and when he took the first step under Roddy's horrified gaze, the hole that Tony had hit when testing the steel armor flew out directly from the ceiling.

"Grass, it's really cool, little brother, why did you come over?"

Roddy saw Tony go, but Genesis hadn't moved yet, so he asked curiously, after all, he heard that Genesis was also going just now!

"I'll leave when Tony arrives!"

Genesis said lightly, and after a while, Genesis felt that Tony was not moving at high speed, so in Roddy's shocked gaze, he used the reverse psychic technique to turn into a white smoke and disappeared into the basement.

"Grass, what's the situation, it actually disappeared like this? Forget it, ask Tony later! "

Roddy was stunned in place for a long time before leaving Tony's basement.

When Evergreen followed Tony to arrive, he found that Tony had already fought with Obadi, while Pepper was watching helplessly.

Pepper saw the sudden appearance of Genesis, looked at the evergreen mask and costume of the eyes, suddenly startled, and kept retreating to get away from Genesis.

"Miss Pepper, don't be afraid, I'm Genesis, you've seen it!"

Genesis walked up to Pepper and soothed softly.

"Evergreen? Yes, yes, those eyes of yours, you are indeed Mr. Evergreen Wesley, oh my God, how did you suddenly appear here just now? And your outfit… "

Pepper was shocked when he heard Genesis speak, and then suddenly recalled that the last time he went to see Genesis, he saw Genesis's eyes, and these eyes Pepper was very impressed, so he remembered it at once.

"Genesis, send Pepper away first, don't make a move, if I can't beat you, you will go on, Obadai this bastard, I will make him pay."

Tony said after seeing Evergreen arrive.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was stomped on the ground by Obadai's steel suit and yelled at Tony:

"I've been helping you Tony for 30 years."

As he spoke, Obadi lifted Tony up and smashed him to the ground and then stepped on it again.

"I built this company from scratch, and no one wants to stand in my way, especially you!"

Obadi stomped on Tony's steel suit and roared.

"Send Pepper away, leave it to me here!"

Tony, who was once again lifted up and thrown out by Obadai, stabilized his figure by spraying energy with both hands and feet, and flew in the air and said to Genesis.

"Good, improved. I've improved things a little bit myself, I'll show you later. Let me kill the woman you don't cherish first, and see if you will regret losing it! "

After saying that, Obadai rushed towards Pepper and punched him.

But with Genesis next to him, how could he get his wish, I saw Genesis flash instantly, appeared in front of Pepper, the scarlet Sharingan instantly turned into a kaleidoscope Sharingan, and the black energy in front of him instantly appeared to form a black skeleton and directly collided with Obadai.


With a loud bang, Obadi's armor flew out directly upside down and loaded it on the car behind, smashing a car directly into scrap.

"Impossible, what are you?"

The ** who stood up roared in disbelief, who is this mysterious person with a mask in front of him? What is that black skeleton? Obadi was shocked beyond belief.

Ignoring Obadiah's roar, Evergreen dispersed Susano, and then a spatial vortex appeared in his right eye, sucking both himself and Pepper in.

Not far away, on the building of Stark's Industrial Weapons Research Department, there was another burst of spatial fluctuations, and Pepper and Genesis appeared here at the same time, watching the battle below.

"Wow, Genesis you are really powerful, what kind of magician are you?"

Pepper saw Genesis lightly block the attack of the steel suit the size of Obadi, and also got himself upstairs in an instant, and asked in shock.

"Thank you for the compliment, let's watch here, if Tony is in danger, I will strike." Evergreen was very good at Pepper's senses, so he said with a smile.

Of course, with the mask, Pepper couldn't see the evergreen smile.

"Well, then I'm relieved."

Hearing that Evergreen would make a move, Pepper turned his head to look at the battle below, although Pepper didn't know if Evergreen was Obadai's opponent, but there was finally someone who could help Tony.

The two men below fought fiercely, and Tony fell completely downwind, so he lured Obadai to fly high with him. Then knocked Obadi down after his steel suit froze. But he didn't have much energy himself.

After stumbling to the roof where Evergreen and Pepper were standing, Tony, who had just landed, opened his mask and began to take off his armor.

"I run out of energy, I have to take off my armor, otherwise I won't know how to go back later." Pepper, you're okay. "

"It's okay, I'm fine, what about Obadi?"

Pepper said after seeing that Tony was okay and sighed in relief.

"Obadiah should have solved it, right? I'm not sure, but it's better to get me back to charging first! "

Tony only knew that Obadi had fallen from a height and wasn't sure if anything was wrong with Obadi.

"Hey Tony, that's a good trick."

Just as Tony was about to go back to recharge, Obadi flew up from the side. Two large steel hands gripped Tony, who had only removed one palm part.

"Genesis, hurry up, there is no energy on my side!"

Tony was shocked and hurriedly called Genesis to make a move.


When Genesis heard this, he did not hesitate, first closed his eyes, and then suddenly opened his left eye, his pupils instantly dilated, and at the focus of Genesis's pupils, that is, on Obadai's steel suit, a black flame immediately came out.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Genesis_writercreators' thoughts