
In Marvel With A Symbiote

I died and was reborn in a world I really do not know much about. Luckily I got two things, a minor gamer ability and a Symbiote that can't control me. Here's hoping I don't mess it all up! MC will be an SI. Rated M for language and implied illicit actions. I will try to keep the snu snu out of story, but hopefully romance will be involved. [Story will be updated when I feel like it. I'm a night shift worker and a pop pop of 4]

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Always Something

Oh how I do love stories. Well, most stories at least. But what A.O shared was quite an interesting tale. The 'Queen' of the Inhumans, some near two to three hundred years ago, was worried about her civilization being found. So she sought out any person or persons that could hide their city.

Turns out that A.O was watching said Queen because she could sense her power and kept tabs on her and her people. (Sure you did A.O, I bet you're secretly a perv. All strong people are. Looking at you Jairaya! RIP)

So when everyone went in search, she waited out and offered her assistance to the first person who found her. When her and the Queen met, she had to prove her power.

Now the fact that A.O was chuckling as she recalled that scene fondly just told me that I don't wanna know how she 'proved' herself. But she did. So that queen begged her for her help, and in return would assist her in any time of her need. But A.O asked instead that they remain in solitude and enjoy their lives in peace. She would never imprison them there, so any who left would not be accosted. They could easily leave and return, it just kept them from being found.

Me: "So it's a muggle repellent. Got it."

A.O: "A. . what?"

Abby: "Just something from Richard's old world. Unless you read his mind, it is hard to keep track. . . and even then I have a hard time."

Me: "Hey! Words hurt!"

I most certainly did not pout.

Me: "So. . . Now these 'Inhumans' are being hunted down. Or in a more polite wording, being searched for. Well that's interesting."

Abby: "Indeed. Unfortunately, I can spare no time for them unless A.O would need our assistance. She is already an incredible boon to us. A perfect teacher for the kids and an excellent student for me."

Aww, A.O definently did blush this time!

Me: "Well that sums up my end. S.H.I.E.L.D is doing their search. I'm doing my search. Always good to be productive!"

Abby: "So you can avoid Jean and Rogue, right?"

Okay, I might have sputtered a little at that. Only because it is slightly true. I'm not really ready to combat those fronts.

Abby: *sigh* "It's fine hon. I have helped you with that. As your wife, I should warn you that Jean might attack you when she sees you again. Rogue may try and hug you."

What the sweet bejeebus has been happening while I was away?!

Abby: "You will be missed, my love. Just know I will remember you fondly."

Oh come off it woman!

I might have had a flabbergasted face, or something of that sort, because she couldn't stop laughing. My wife, my dear love, was laughing at my plight she caused. Oh how I love to hate her.

A.O was enjoying her tea.

I might have left a little hastily but I was suddenly in the mood for a New York hot dog too, so it wasn't a big deal. Nope, none at all.




Five delicious hotdogs later, I decided to take a look around the city. I know I should be off in other continents but I wanted to see what's been happening lately. So what's the best thing to do? Buy a newspaper!

And yep, I am most definitely flabbergasted now. Turns out 'Venom' is still causing chaos in the city. Dang it Abby! I wanted to do that!

Sigh, at least she has been keeping up on that for me. Turns out the little Osborn has made it his mission to elevate his father's corporation and even made advancements in. . . hunting down dangerous menaces to our society.

Shit. I made a boo boo. He wasn't supposed to be like this; but now he is.

At least he is an advocate for Spider-Man, though he also yells that lil Pete should unmask himself and show that he is not a monster like Venom. Crip, crip, crip, cripity, crip.

Well, at least I know that Abby has a plan to deal with him. Well. . . more like a feeling that she does.

Well let's turn away from the front page news and head over to the weather. Yeah, what's the weather going to be? Oh nice, another decent rainy day later on. Which is New York talk for expect it to downpour on y'all! Damn bi-polar weather is just as bad as Illinois.

And lookie here! Abby is head line news in the technology section of the New York Times! While not exciting news to some, she is an upcoming scientist that has proven her mettle and is expected to be partnering with Stark Industries for the foreseeable future. Which is exciting news to me! My wife is getting recognition! She's making the best of her life here.

And I'm here for the ride, I guess. Heh. Well, I make things interesting for her, and she does for me too.

Sports section! Eh, I don't care. That may be blasphemous to others, but I am not really a sports guy. I only enjoy watching a few times. . .every some odd years.

I hear a few sirens and the tell tale of web slinging. Looking up, I see Pete swinging away with his symbiotic partner. Not a suit, it's a partner! So what am I to do but follow!

I'm sneaky sneaky. I jump, I hop, I blend into the shadows, I dash like mad when I get distracted, but I'm still sneaky! Yeah.

Pete seems to be in quite the pickle. Honestly, I'm glad he hasn't let his new strength go to his head and is more focused saving the civilians. But when you have the Sinister Six coordinating together, it does put him in a 'sticky situation'. Heh heh, that made me chuckle.

Seems like the line-up is different from what I remember though. You have Doctor Octopus, Vulture, Electro, Mysterio, Sandman and. . .Who is that last guy again? Some kind of hunter I think.

Spider-Man: "You know Kraven, I thought you would have been happy being back normal. But you just had to return to being a mindless cucked Hunter."

Woah nelly. What's going on?

Kraven: "You stole my woman's heart Spider-Man! Now I will take yours before I claim my woman back!"

Oh no Pete. . .don't tell me you are two-timing M.J!

Spider-Man: "Last I checked, I only had one girlfriend. And she isn't quite fond of sharing. Did you think of maybe taking some counselling to help you both? Maybe some. . pills to help with any extra issue?"

Oh boy. Kraven is frothing at the mouth.

I'm still impressed he is doing all the smack talking while dodging Sandman's sand throw. Evading Mysterio's psychic attack, Electro's thunder wave, and even slipping threw the Doc's bind.

I'm honestly amazed at how he can do that. I don't think he actually needs help now that I'm watching more closely. He was actually making himself seem vulnerable so they would focus on him while the civilians ran away. Damn, that kid really is a genius.

I would be taking notes, but I'm eating my last two hotdogs. I don't like popcorn so this is the next best thing.

Oh nice job, Pete. Though damaging a fire hydrant doesn't really cause it to spout water out like they do in the cart. . . he just yanked out the water pipe. Never mind. He's got the water now. And down goes Sandman with a water gun to the face!

Electro gets string shot and find himself being flung from one villain to another. Heh, Peter is using him like a wrecking ball. Ah, good times.

Though I discovered by Electro's scream, that he, is actually a she. When the hell did Electro become a woman?! I'm not adverse to the idea of a female villain, that's just stupid talk. I'm just confused as to when did Electro become a woman?! This is so important that I've said it twice, alright!

Oh wait, here come some vans? I see it says Oscorp on the side and everything clicked.

Random Oscorp Merc: "Move move move! Assist any people left in the area! Spider-Man is keeping all perpetrators distracted!"

Oh sweet, they are actively helping. This is, by far, better than when JJ slanders him in his Bugle papers.

Another Random Merc: "Sir! Sir! Sir, you need to evacuate! Now!"

Poor girl tried to actually pull my arm and lead me away. Too bad for her that I am enjoying the fight scene. And enjoying my hotdog. Hopefully he wins before I finish eating. . .

Oh, he did. Ha.

Oh well, I stuff the last of my food down and start walking. I might have missed the last of the fight, but at least I got to enjoy the start.

Hmm? Why is this girl still holding onto me?

Me: "Something wrong?"

Female Merc: "It's you. . oh my god it's you."

Wait a tic, who is this lady?

And with a flip of her visor. Aw shitake mushrooms.

Gwen: "You're the guy who saved me!"

And that's what I get when I tote around in the house dad form I prefer! So what do I do in this scenario? I flick her hand off and run to the nearest alleyway so I can disappear!

Gwen: "Wait!"

Nope. Not happening. Quick jump away and I'm free!

My apologies for the insanely long wait, but I'm back baby! Yeah! And by that, I mean I am working six days a week, so I will try to update when I can.

But I did start another story to get me in the groove of writing again. I'm having fun with ideas on both stories. While the MC here is reluctant to get the ladies, my other MC is aiming to get the ladies! In due time of course.

As always, much love, hope you enjoyed the story and be well! /bow

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