
~Meeting him~

In the lightness up in the sky there lived an angel once who couldn't fly and as gorgeous as she can be, she flowed away dramatically. Ava was an angel who was meant too fly but couldn't she just couldn't, Her mom and dad where strict too her about flying. There was a traditional law in the family with meant she had too fly in order too be considered as a part of the family. One day she went upstairs and saw a note with said "We will leave due too permanent reasons, your a disgrace Ava you can't and will NEVER fly." Ava cried and cried for what seemed hours she then decided too go out for a walk in the forest since her mom and dad never gave her permission because of Danger. She was sobbing and crying on her way there she saw a handsome tall man holding an axe, She got close too him and he said "Hello my angel why are you here?!" Ava said "My parents left me because I can't fly, I'm a disgrace." Ava showed him the note and he introduced himself. "I'm Damon and you my angel?" Ava said, "I'm Ava nice too meet you Damon" "Yeah Yeah whatever your too pretty too be an angel how about you live with me my gorgeous little angel." "No way are you serious?!" "Yes" Damon said, And they both made their way over too Damon's house.