

I woke up hearing voices of beeping machine and I heard miss luolan is awake

Luolan, who's Luolan?


I managed to mumble out in a gentle voice after drinking the water then I looked down at my hair which was now blonde I was really scared

Mirror! Mirror!

I was given a mirror but I heard mummering from the nurses saying this brat would forever remain a brat but I couldn't care less

I looked into the mirror and threw it away in Shock this is the face of Lu luolan she isn't know much by people on the surface of the earth but people underneath

She was a goddess in the underworld of hacking

Where am I!

Where am I!


My baby girl is awake I looked at her face and boom Lu luolan memories flooded my head and I got to know that she was Lu luolan childhood best friend

Lu luolan is an orphan and built her own empire right from scratch when she was barely 15 and now she's 19

Such a young talented lady who's blood got wasted

I saw how she died but where's the fun in saying it now

Those that thought they killed her would get the greatest shock of their lives