


"Yes Gulf, any problem?" I answered when Gulf called me but he seems hesitant about what he wants to say but I patiently waited but something keeps playing in my mind, did Gulf cry because of he thought I like Tar..naah I don't think so, he doesn't and can't see me that way..chill Mew, stop overthinking.

"Mew the baby..uhm the baby wants t-to.." I then cut Gulf off because he seemed afraid.

"Relax Gulf, you can say or ask anything okay..what is it about the baby" I asked

"They baby wants to feel the father" he said at one go

"Gulf is that what you were scared of saying" I asked while chuckling, so he was just scared because my baby wanted to feel me.

"I thought you would be annoyed that was why I was hesitant" he said while pouting cutely

"How can I be annoyed about that Gulfie" I said then raised his polo up and started touching his stomach and kissing the little baby bump