
In DC, I Am A Certain Bald Man

After transmigrating to the world of DC, Milton is almost killed on his few minutes. Determined not to be a weak Canon fodder, he trained in the Saitama regime and to his surprise, he actually becomes bald and definitely very powerful!!

Lutheris_right · Filmes
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3 Chs

Most Dangerous Member

The Justice League was not what he was expecting. The first meeting was how they were going to react to threats now that they had a new member, him. To make it easier for him, they decided to give him a partner, Black Canary. Batman argued that she was disciplined and took her job seriously which would help him due to his cold outward look. Milton did not disagree with it and knowing Black Canary, she was one of the best hand to hand combatants in the League. After that, a few Leaguers like Green Lantern and Flash wanted to know where he would be ranked powerwise. Everyone was gathered in the huge training ground while Milton was facing Aquaman and Green Lantern together.

"I don't need to tell the three of you that this will be a spar, no going for the kill," Batman said, looking at Arthur, Aquaman, and slightly at Green Lantern. "Begin!"

Green Lantern's ring glowed green and he made chains constructs that tried to bind Milton who just slapped them away, breaking them on contact. Aquaman took this chance to come closer for close range battle and when he was in range, he pounced at him, his trident about to hit Milton's chest who just got hold of it, stopping Aquaman mid air.

Milton then started bashing Aquaman to the ground by swinging the trident while the Atlantean refused to let go of his weapon like a true warrior. Green Lantern saw his partner been manhandled so he made a machine gun construct and fired it at Milton who did not bother to block the oncoming bullets, just continued slamming Aquaman to the ground.

When he saw his construct was not fazing him, Green Lantern made a Mecha construct with him as a pilot then launched himself at Milton who used Aquaman as a bat, sending both of them flying out of the grounds and th construct no more.

"My morning routine is harsher than that," Milton said then looked at Shazam. "How about you? Wanna have a go?"

"I have no problem with that," Shazam said them flew to the grounds.

The two of them eyed each other before Shazam charged. He threw back his right fist and punched out. It connected on Milton's chest, making him slide a few metres backwards. Apollyon (A/N: I will name him by his hero when he is doing hero work.) looked at Shazam before his figure blurred, appearing above him and punched his head. The whole Watchtower shook when that punch landed while Shazam was sent through floor after floor till he stopped at the tenth floor. He was very much unconscious after that punch and was bleeding from his nose.

"Sorry, I was too excited after that punch," Apollyon apologized when he looked at the rest of Leaguers who were eyeing him warily.

"Martian, take Shazam to the medical bay. The rest of us can leave whenever we feel," Batman told them.

Apollyon decided to leave before anyone else tried to confront him, asking him how strong he was. He made it to the boom tube first and after punching in his coordinates, he disappeared from the Watch Tower.

"He's strong!" Superman said while he, Batman, Wonder woman and Martian Manhunter looked at the video where Apollyon punched Shazam through the Watchtower's floors.

"Even after that show he barely showed any kind of reaction. We need to know just how strong he is," Batman said with a scowl.

"You are already planning on how to stop him if he ever goes dark?" Wonder Woman asked him.

"Yes. With the amount of evil selves we have fought, I will not be stupid enough to think that all Apollyon out there are good guys," Batman answered, not bothering to hide his suspicion.

"I tried to read his mind but it is like I was trying to break a mountain with a sponge. I also tried to lift him with my telekinesis, he was just too heavy," Martian Manhunter added.

"His weight must be incredible if his muscles can gather that much force to render Shazam unconscious with one punch yet when he walk I can barely hear his footsteps," Superman said. Naan was looking at Apollyon's picture with his scowl deepening even further.

"Apollyon might be the strongest member of the Justice League yet. He has yet to show his limit to his strength, his speed and his willpower is amazing. To hold back enough to do normal chores without breaking the building he is living in is a testament to this let alone kill the villians he has fought. If he ever got a Green Lantern ring I am sure he will be much stronger than Half Jordan. He stated that he trained to become this strong then his training must have dampened his emotions due to losing his fear! If put against the whole Justice League, I afraid we would lose," Batman stated before looking at his friends who were agreeing with that synopsis.

"Until we know how much he can take, Apollyon will be the most dangerous member of the Justice League," Superman said, making the other nod.