
In apocalypse, I have billions of hoarded goods

The apocalypse has come, with natural disasters one after another. Before being reborn into the apocalypse, Gu Lin discovers that his girlfriend, who caused his death in his previous life, has also been reborn and wants to take his spatial jade pendant. Gu Lin seizes control of the space ahead of her and smiles faintly, "Give it to her. Not only will she help me stockpile goods, but it will also be a chance for revenge! Let her face a space filled with supplies that she can't open." This life, Gu Lin will build a own safe house with billions supplies .Not only wants to have a good life but also protect his sister, whom he failed to protect in his previous life. After various natural disasters, while others struggle to find food, Gu Lin looks at his sister hesitantly and asks, "Shall we have grilled fish or pizza today?"

Yil_z · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs


However, figuring out who went to such great lengths to hide this item in the cement floor was beyond Gu Lin's knowledge.

With the apocalypse looming, human living conditions would only get worse from now on.

Forget about the internet; even the power grid would soon collapse.

Once the power and internet were down, it would be impossible to contact even close friends, let alone find someone specific.

The only thing Gu Lin was certain of was that this item in the house wasn't accidentally left behind.

As for who placed it there and why, that was none of his concern anymore. He had it now, and it was his.

Satisfied, Gu Lin touched the birthmark-like object on the inside of his right wrist.

He glanced around at the room full of "collectibles" once more before turning to leave.

While digging out the item and opening the safe, he had inevitably gotten covered in dust.

Going back to use the bathroom at home wasn't a wise choice, so he decided to use the bathroom in his space.

Remembering the chill that nearly froze his right arm earlier, Gu Lin decisively opted for a bath. The warm water washed away his fatigue, and he relaxed completely in the hot tub.

With a wave of his hand, a small low table appeared at the edge of the bathtub, perfectly within his reach.

Once the table was stable, a chocolate pudding cake materialized on it.

These items weren't meant for long-term storage, especially in the current cold conditions, so Gu Lin hadn't brought them out into the open.

These were all things Bai Weiwei had hoarded. She certainly knew how to enjoy herself; she had stocked up on enough desserts to fill a room.

Smiling in satisfaction, Gu Lin indulged in the cake while soaking.

After a moment, he sealed the transparent container and, using his consciousness, placed it in the freezer.

Thanks to the water and electricity in his bamboo house, Gu Lin enjoyed the freedom of taking baths and using all his appliances without restraint.

He had long since transformed it into a comfortable home, equipped with all necessary electrical devices.

Leaning back in the bathtub, Gu Lin closed his eyes and mentally checked the garbage transformation box and the synthesis platform in his space.

How could he create a space device for Gu Xue? Although he wasn't planning to reveal everything to her just yet, Gu Xue was his only relative, and he instinctively trusted her.

He feared that if the truth were accidentally exposed one day, it would be awkward not to have a space device for Gu Xue.

But all he had left was an ancient coin space. Its initial area was too small; although it contained a wooden house, it was dilapidated, resembling an ancient servant's quarters.

Upgrading this thing to accommodate people and support farming would require an immense amount of valuable items.

Gu Lin didn't have many collectibles and was honestly quite reluctant to use them.

This was why he had been hesitating.

Finding an initial space with good potential was much better than building one from scratch.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Gu Lin grabbed his toiletries and began washing up.

He decided to take things one step at a time.

Before long, a clean and neatly dressed Gu Lin emerged in his own room.

Gu Lin opened the door and walked to the planting room, taking a look at the vegetables.

Gu Xue, being quite adept and meticulous, had managed the planting room's vegetables well.

However, due to the rapid drop in temperature around noon, the small bok choy near the window had inevitably turned yellow and wilted a bit.

Glancing at the snow outside, Gu Lin walked to the bathroom, which was filled with planting supplies, and took out a small bottle.

When he returned to the bok choy, the once empty bottle was now filled with spring water from his space.

Carefully, Gu Lin poured some of the spring water into the planting box of the bok choy.

After tending to the bok choy, Gu Lin also watered the other planting boxes, focusing on those near the window.

Each planting box received a bit of the spring water, not a lot, but enough to increase the survival chances of the vegetables.

These were the fruits of Gu Xue's hard work, and Gu Lin couldn't bear to let them freeze to death.

Once he finished caring for the vegetables, Gu Lin returned to his room.

He slid the door open, revealing an empty space on one side of the wall.

After checking the air conditioner in the living room and glancing into Gu Xue's wide-open room, he smiled and went back to his room.

As Gu Lin lay back on his bed, his phone suddenly vibrated. He then remembered that the phone still had a signal.

Having lived in the apocalypse for so long, if it weren't for the entertaining downloads on his phone, Gu Lin would have thrown it away when the strange phenomenon occurred at noon. In the later stages, a phone would be less useful than a big brick.

When he opened his phone, he found that, even at this point, Gu Xue's former nanny had messaged him:

[Qianxin: Boss, did you already know the apocalypse was coming?]

[Qianxin: I can still be useful to you. Can you come and get me?]

Following this were several photos: her ID card, university diploma, degree certificate, and acceptance letter to a graduate program.

This nanny had actually attended a medical university.

Gu Lin frowned slightly. Was this person hoping to gain entry into his home and live with him as a doctor?

[Qianxin: Boss, I know you prepared a lot in advance. I don't eat much, and if you take me along, I can treat any discomfort you might have.]

[Qianxin: Besides, I can also satisfy any other requirements you might have.]

[Qianxin: As long as you can provide me with shelter and let me live with you, my address is North Shopping Mall in the New District.]

Reading these messages, Gu Lin pursed his lips slightly.

Since she was at a shopping mall, she must have gone out to scavenge for supplies after hearing the announcement. It looked like this place... was somewhere Gu Lin had to visit.

Gu Lin knew that Li Qianxin didn't have good intentions.

It was easy to guess that since she was in a department store, she wouldn't be lacking in clothing or other necessities; she could easily last for ten days to two weeks.

The only reason she would still reach out to Gu Lin was if she was in danger.

Given that the national notice subtly hinted at grabbing supplies, a place like a department store wouldn't be thought of by just one person. Everyone would think of occupying department stores and large supermarkets.

Cautious people might follow the national advice, making a few trips to gather supplies to sustain their families for ten days to two weeks while waiting for further instructions.

The bolder ones would move in with their families, finding a place to sleep among the store's beds and mattresses.

With the cold weather, the winter clothing sections in these stores would be appealing.

Thus, after the notice, many people would flock to these large supermarkets.

Even those with stockpiles at home might try their luck for more supplies—after all, who would complain about having too much food?

Unlike Gu Lin, who only visited the building next door, most people would head to larger stores.

Li Qianxin likely encountered trouble at the department store, prompting her to contact Gu Lin despite no prior response.

Seeing Li Qianxin's increasingly urgent messages, Gu Lin squinted and finally replied:

[Gu: How are you so sure I knew anything in advance and made preparations?]

[Gu: It's not good to make wild guesses.]

It was already midnight, yet Gu Lin felt no sleepiness.

He got up, found a set of clothes from his wardrobe, and was about to change when his little assistant's voice suddenly sounded:

Assistant: Master, the garbage transformation box has finished processing.

Gu Lin paused, glanced at Li Qianxin's unreplied message, and with a flash, entered his space.

This time, the garbage transformation box produced two tight-fitting suits—one black and one gray, covering from neck to feet, with an invisible zipper in the middle.

Gu Lin stretched it and found it very elastic.

"What's the purpose of these clothes?"

Assistant: Master, these are thermal suits, designed to maintain body temperature around 37 degrees Celsius.

Gu Lin was delighted.

This would make it much easier to go out without fearing the cold. Remembering his room door left ajar, he grabbed a thermal suit and exited the space.

He quickly donned the thermal suit, which fit snugly, seemingly adjusting to his size automatically, with almost no sensation of wearing it.

He then put on a white down jacket, matching pants, and snow boots.

Just then, more messages from Li Qianxin appeared:

[Qianxin: You downloaded so much because you knew Earth was about to lose its signal, didn't you?]

[Qianxin: And you spent money freely, with no signs of Gu Xue's living essentials at the hotel.]

[Qianxin: Gu Xue mentioned her home is in this city, implying you sold your house and are renovating a new one.]

[Qianxin: Downloading almost everything from the internet and renovating a new home, then disappearing for a month and a half—what else could you have been doing but stockpiling?]

[Qianxin: So, your home must be fortified and stocked with enough supplies for you and Gu Xue to live comfortably for a long time.]

Gu Lin's eyes turned cold, but he remained silent, instead writing a note to leave on the dining table.

This way, if Gu Xue woke up and he hadn't returned, she wouldn't worry.

At that moment, more messages came from Li Qianxin:

[Qianxin: Boss, you wouldn't want your stockpile and shelter to become public knowledge, would you?]

[Qianxin: I'm in the furniture section on the second floor of the mall. Come get me.]

Along with these messages came a location pin.

With a mocking smile, Gu Lin zipped up his down jacket, locked his door securely, and suddenly a large mountaineering bag appeared in his hand.

He descended the stairs at a leisurely pace, avoiding the elevator to prevent any chance of being trapped if power failed.

He texted Li Qianxin back as he walked:

[Gu: Do you know medical science?]

She replied quickly:

[Qianxin: Yes, I minored in medical studies in college.]

Whether she actually knew was something only Li Qianxin herself could tell.

Gu Lin doubted it, considering how busy and intensive medical courses were, leaving little time for additional studies.

He suspected she was only saying this to gain entry and live off his supplies.

Without confronting her lie directly, he replied:

[Gu: Okay, I'm coming to get you.]