
In Another Land Again To Fix A Goddesses Mistakes of The Dual Universe

My life is a mess. I moved to Japan, my parents died, I fell in love, then I was killed by a goddess and summoned to another world to save it. With a long bloodline of mages and warriors both good and evil I set out to save a place I know nothing about. Can I endure this alcoholic goddess or will I conquer this universe for my own. Nah I’m not that kind of guy. Let’s grind, fight, struggle, adventure and kill a demon lord when I become a hero. I’m a new author. Please help by giving ratings. I’m not just winging this either I’ve thought about this story for awhile. Hopefully I can see it through. I’m sure there will be mistakes and grammatical errors so I apologize ahead of time. I will try to release 5 or maybe more chapters a week. I work full time, I go to school, and I’m married with 2 kids so I’m busy a lot so forgive if I miss a day here and there. I’m busy trying to build a back log for those days. Also I my goal is to release longer chapters than most. Already have several chapters close and one over 2k word count. I never imagined writing and I’m not very creative but I felt like this was something I wanted to try. I love LN so I’m using my knowledge of anime and LNs to try to twist the norms a bit. Thanks

ElderGnome · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Ch1 Lay of The Land

Human Universe – World/Earth - America 2020

Hey, my name is Gavin Moss. I am your run of the mill high school kid. Well at least I think I am. Let me tell you about why my life sucks. I grew up in a normal home. My mom she played housewife while my father worked his ass off day and night to provide for our family. All my life I lived in the same state (Illinois), town (Evanston), and house (you get it) … Until one day my father got his big break after slaving for years, he has become an executive at a large Japanese auto manufacturer. Did I mention the job is in Osaka, Japan? 15 years one place and well-established friends… I guess at least I don't have a girlfriend so that's a plus, it would be terrible to break her heart. Who am kidding it would be worse on me. The girl would probably be thrilled. What? What am I saying? We aren't talking about moving to Detroit… This is fucking Japan. Hello! I mean I'm pretty well versed in the otaku culture. I love anime, video games, light novels, and manga. I love cat girls, lets move right neow! I love sushi and rice as well. But I am 15 moving to a strange land where I have 0 clue as to what the hell they are saying. Oh also, thanks for the heads-up dad I have 1 month to prep and learn a fraction of the language. Well American girls don't like me but maybe I can appeal to some cute Asian girls. Hopefully I don't end up a scared little bitch like all these male anime protagonist. Well I guess I can't do anything so I might as well accept it. FML!

Meanwhile… In the other universe

Magic Universe 220,000 years after creation...

System scan started

Goddess World= all ok

Beast World= all ok

Spirit World = all ok

Demon World= Anomaly Detected

Adventure World= Probability of Danger/High/Near Future

System Alert---- Bing---Bing---Bing

Goddess Reeka's Perspective

'What the Fuck is that annoying sound?' 'Don't the people here know that a goddess is trying to sleep and has a terrible hangover?'

Running down the stairs with murder in her eyes and dried vomit from the night before on her cheek Reeka enters the hall of the Moon Clover Inn, she stops and stares at all the adventurers in the room.


[Man in crowd] Hey, shut up you drunk wench!

[Reeka] "What? I will smite this whole damn bar!" (blahhhhh, Uh uh uh)

[Inn owner/Liza] "Hey, you better clean that up"

[Reeka] "What? How dare you! Do you know who I am?"

[Liza] "An underage drinker, that I shouldn't have let drink at all or at least cut off last night? Bye the way you owe me 1 Silver for the room too, brat!"

[Reeka] "Brat? I am over 250,000 years old."

[Liza] ok, ancient one you still owe me 1 silver, being that old you should have some money? Right!

[Reeka] I am a God]\]-]\]=ZZZZAAAAAPPPPP… Ouch!

[System in Reeka's mind] Goddess zapped, Goddess not allowed to reveal her identity, Goddesses law prohibits this and is unbreakable… Oh, right forgot that rule… Then is that you binging system? I have not heard from you in 200,000 years so I forgot you were there.

[System] if I had feelings, I would say you just hurt mine… But yes, that is me binging to alert that the system checks failed.

Reeka runs to the room drops a silver coin on the nightstand and teleports to the Goddess World to her home.

[Reeka] failed? What Does that mean? It has never failed. Well not since I balanced the worlds 200,000 years ago… Why now?

[System] There is an anomaly in the Demon World, and it appears this threat will affect the Adventure World in the near future.

[Reeka] Solutions? Suggestions? I am out of practice here… (ha ha ha) maybe I drink too much?

[System] Since I am aware of your drinking, I prepared the hero protocol already.

[Reeka] That's a thing? Oh well, proceed!

[System] I am, I don't need your advice you alcohol glutton.

Reeka grumbles and pouts, stupid system… ZZZZZZAAAAAAPPPPP! Ouch!!!!!

250,000 years ago, the Goddess Reeka sits watching all the other Goddess realms. Terribly bored she decides it is time to create her own worlds to govern how she sees fit. In reality this goddess is lazy, worthless and very unsociable. Reeka has been banned from all the other Goddess Realms for interfering and making trouble which usually was the results of too much drinking. On top of that this Goddess was given the features that were very modest and lacking curves. Most of the Goddesses were beauties with curves abound that would fluster any man. Reeka was a beauty still but lacked the assets of the others. Goddesses do not age, that is the other problem since Reeka looks to be a high school girl and will be this way forever. With this childish figure grew a hateful and resentful personality that grated at one's soul. These combined qualities lead to fights with other goddesses and their worlds and the inhabitants on a regular basis. Reeka is also not a fighter which lead to her being beat black and blue… We will say it happened on more than one occasion to be nice. Reeka had avoided her own realm for ages mooching and begging of others. This is the reason she is banned from the rest of the realms. If she can create and maintain her own realm she will be forgiven at some point. Reeka is not a bad person she just has some character flaws. Most of the goddesses love and admire and cherish their realms and worlds. Reeka well she created hers to party, drink, and lust… If anyone will accept a sheet of plywood that is.

30,000 Years later Reeka had finished her universe. The universe consisted of 5 worlds (The Goddess World in the center, The Beast, Adventure, Spirit, and Demon Worlds all were positioned circularly with the Goddess World in the center.) Now to be honest most of what was created here were not original thoughts of Reeka's, she is lazy, so she pretty much stole all the ideas and copy and pasted them to her universe. While most other realms were unique it still only took 3 to 5,000 years to complete. This lets you understand her work ethic and competency. Now there was one very unique thing about Reeka's realm and that was the system she installed.

The system was to be used to monitor the entire realm and notify Reeka of any threats in the balance of the worlds. Now let's not give too much credit, it was a selfish act. The other Goddesses managed their realms themselves and monitored all occurrences within it. Reeka is lazy and a partier so the system was a means of self-gratification. The System would monitor all the worlds and notify Reeka of issues and potential threats. With this being a self-centered approach, the system was very brilliantly created. The system allowed for her to live how she saw fit and all while keeping everything balanced and in check. Now since this was her realm, she decided to govern herself and put in fail safes so she couldn't alter the worlds too much or interfere. She knew her own personality and figured if she could do as she pleased, she would cause issues with the inhabitants of the 4 worlds. Of course, the ultimate fail safe was built into the system where if certain parameters were met, she would gain full control over the universe to stop impending doom. The one thing she was determined about was to not allow mass genocide and world destruction, if either were a possibility the system would restore creator privileges and allow her to step in. Let's be clear she just didn't want to go through recreation again, that would cut into her drinking time. 210,000 years and still only referred to as the system, no name was ever given hence the unpleasant undertones of the system.

The system was an AI like device, something like a super computer. The goddess got the idea from watching some advanced human worlds from other realms. She setup a network that had eyes, ears, and sensors all over the other worlds that fed information back to the Goddess World. This constantly monitoring system took 10,000 years tom complete which was 210,000 years ago from today. The system monitored magic flow and temperament along with actions and conversations to accurately predict major problems. As mentioned before this goddess is lazy, she granted her blessing to the system as well allowing it to make autonomous changes and decisions for the realm on its own. Basically the system was given free reign to do whatever as long as the goddess wasn't disturbed unless absolutely necessary.

200,000 years ago… last contact with the system:


[System] Goddess I have ran simulations and have realized a flaw in our current setup. Issues will arise in the future if not addressed…

[Reeka] Why? (Hungover) isn't this why I created you so I wasn't bothered? I'm busy… 'Recovering from a 3 day bender! Yeah that's busy.'

[System] I see so what should I do?

[Reeka] Do whatever you want, I don't care as long as I'm free to do what I want you do whatever you feel is necessary. Only contact me if it's urgent! Stupid Machine.... ZzzzzzAaaaaPpppp! You son of a whore!

10,000 yrs ago…

Systems thoughts…. Well I guess it is up to me. The threat is not long off now according to my simulations. I guess I better get started!

Creation Mode initiated:

Split realm into dual universe… Go!

Solar system and habitable planet… Go! Habitable planet created three dimensional world created, layers created: Heaven, Middle Earth, Hell! Complete!

Create life… Go! (Species to integrate Humans from Adventure world strong bloodlines selection activated, docile beasts selected, sea life selected, demons for hell selected, spirits for heaven selected! Integration begin!

Natural forces generation… Go!

Advanced brain capacity granted…

Lifecycles and parameters of all life determined…

General knowledge of life and survival practices bestowed…

After 5,000 yrs the world was complete, all life came to be. The system implanted a lot of aspects in the humans that were selected to help in the worlds development. All the system was trying to do was progress the planet to an extent of growth and population so when the time comes a hero will be summoned. It took another 2,980 yrs before the era that was anticipated came, then the calendar we know today started.

I have never written before. I love LNs and anime so this idea has been building and planned for a bit. I didn’t think I would enjoy writing but I am. I may not be technically sound but I hope you all enjoy the journey and forgive over sights and small grammatical mistakes. Sorry if I offend as I will poke fun at tropes and such. Hopefully I can pull this off. I will try to release at least 5 chapters a week. Thanks! Chance Jones

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